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How Ed Won The War

How Ed Won The War. “Old Radar Men Never Die – Their Echoes Fade Away According to the Inverse Fourth Power Law”. My Pre-War Period. In November, 1940 , I was 19 years old Licensed ham since 1938 WWII had been going since 1939. Applied to RCAF as WAG but long wait list

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How Ed Won The War

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  1. How Ed Won The War “Old Radar Men Never Die – Their Echoes Fade Away According to the Inverse Fourth Power Law”

  2. My Pre-War Period • In November, 1940 , I was 19 years old • Licensed ham since 1938 • WWII had been going since 1939. • Applied to RCAF as WAG but long wait list • “Invitation” to apply as Wireless Electrical Mechanic. Accepted. • First uniform photo (R)

  3. #1 Manning Depot (Toronto) • About 300 former hams, radio servicemen, and others with radio training • All received LAC (Leading Aircraftsman) rank • Month of marching drill here on the CNE grounds • Full pack (water-bottle, mess kit etc) • Then ordered overseas.

  4. My 1stNorth Atlantic Cruise • Departed Pier 21 Halifax on 5 January, 1941 on troopship Leopoldville • 10 days to Liverpool – zig-zagging alone without convoy • Wore great-coats at all times in case of attack • Arrived 15 January S S Leopoldville (Belgian) - later sunk by U-Boat on Christmas Eve, 1944

  5. Marker shows Yatesbury. Note port of arrival - Liverpool, my first posting - Plymouth and my port of departure for India – Glasgow an ocean port on the Clyde River.

  6. RAF School - Yatesbury • 17 January, 1941 began training to become a “Radio Direction Finding Mechanic” • Our three-month course was the first Canadian radar class to graduate. • All later classes were in Canada - six months long, at Canadian universities and colleges, followed by a radar course at RAF Station Clinton. • Graduates of these courses served on all fronts in WWII, including with the Americans in the Pacific. Some even served with the Royal Navy and Marines

  7. The following “Air Ministry Experimental Station” types were selected from the 50 developed during WWII. (Many later types were microwave) • AMES Type 1 Chain Home - 1 Mw; PW 5-54µS; PRF 12.5, 25, 50; Freq 22.7 - 29.7 MHz. Earlier systems had 200Kw and 800Kw outputs. Some systems were designed for 42.5 - 50.5 MHz operation. • AMES Type 2 Chain Home Low - 150 Kw; PW 3µS; PRF Variable ~400; Freq 200 MHz. When on 200' tower or on 200' cliffs, range on target at 500' 110 miles. TX/RX antenna is a 5-bay, 4-stack of end-fed horizontal dipoles with 300Ω feedline and spark-gap T/R switching. BW ~ 20° • AMES Type 3 CH/CHL Types 1 & 2 in close proximity operating as one unit • AMES Type 4 Chain Overseas Low. A version with Type 2 specs. For use overseas. Also known as Intermediate CO • AMES Type 5 Mk.1 Chain Overseas Low. Few in the UK. Type 2 specs. Prior to AMES 530 – used gantry. Manually aimed by wheel or pedals. • AMES Type 5 Mk.2A COL - From AMES 531. Used gantry, power rotated. • AMES Type 5 Mk.2B COL - As AMES Type 5 Mk.2A, but using towers. • AMES Type 15 COL GCI - as AMES Type 5 Mk. 1 but truck-mounted.

  8. Chain Home – 22-29 MHz “Curtain” Arrays of horizontal dipoles on three 360 ft steel towers. Receiving Arrays on four 240 ft wooden towers CH Curtain Array performance shown above. Receiving stacked dipole array

  9. Chain Home Low – 200 MHz • TX/RX array has 5-bay 4-stack of end-fed dipoles positioned 1/8 λ from the wire-netting reflector screen • Produces 20º beam width • Rotation was manual using a steering wheel or pedals and chain to position the array for best image of targets • Later types had motorized continuous rotation with slip rings or link coupling instead of direct feedline connection • See height of man for size comparison

  10. The Bed-Spring Array • Clear closeup photos of the CHL/COL antennas could not be found for this presentation • Those TX/RX arrays were 5-bay 4-stack (20 end-fed half-wave elements) • The “Bed-Spring” array shown (Top) is a 4-bay 4-stack (16 elements) but the feeding and stacking are similar. • Physical layout (Bottom) is also similar to CHL/COL arrays, but with separate TX and RX arrays.

  11. The CHL/COL TX Finals Air-cooled amplifier “valve” VT98. A pair in CHL/CHL use ran with 25,000 V on the plate.

  12. Dotted Line shows CH Main coverage at 15,000 ft in September 1939. • Grey Area shows CH Low coverage at 500 ft in September, 1940 • Solid Line shows CH Main coverage at 15,000 ft in September 1943

  13. Chain Home Low Plymouth • Our Rame Head CHL was “paired” with the Hawkestore CH on the other side of Plymouth • I was posted here in April, 1941- my first RDF site • Heavy German bombing of the nearby port when I arrived • Could see the German bomber markings as they flew over the RDF • Noisy army-manned anti-aircraft battery next to us that shook tools off the walls of our hut • I also volunteered as an RDF Operator

  14. The RDF Operator Displays • ‘A Scan’ displays plotted “slant distance” to target (Above R) • Operator also noted angular position of the antenna array • Motorized continuous scanning allowed full use of the now familiar ‘Plan Position Indicator’ display, for GCI (Ground-Controlled Intercept) operation (Below R)

  15. Target Detection and Plotting • Operators sat in front of CRT displays (L) in a darkened room • Sighting reports were forwarded to a central Filter Room (R) and then forwarded to the Group Operations Room for plotting and fighter dispatch (Below) • After 11 months at Rame Head, I was posted to join a Far-East convoy.

  16. My 1stSouth Atlantic Cruise • Left Glasgow 16 Feb 1942 • 5,000 army and air force personnel aboard our ship • Convoy (largest to date) had 2 aircraft carriers, 10 troop ships, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 2 destroyers and 4 merchant ships • Stopped at Freetown, West Africa (no shore leave) • Had to eat hard-tack and bully beef after food ran out • At Durban, South Africa invited for a home-cooked meal and good food. P & O Liner SS Stratheden – 23,500 tons. Survived war and sailed Britain to/from Australia during 50’s & 60’s, before being scrapped in 1969

  17. Bombay, Bangalore, Madras • Bombay (now Mumbai) streets filled with unfamiliar sights & sounds • Many natives had red teeth from chewing betel nuts and spat what looked like blood. (We were afraid it was tuberculosis) • Train to Bangalore (now Bengaluru) and then Madras (now Chennai). • Met a train leaving Madras with occupants and hangers-on glad to see us ‘Identity Pass Air Forces in India’ stayed on me at all times

  18. Madra Street Scenes WWII

  19. Jockey’s Quarters • At Madras housed in Jockey’s Quarters at now-inactive Gindy Race Track until the completion of road to our site • Our beds called charpoys - wooden sides and legs, no springs or mattress. Weave of rope criss-crossed side-to-side and end-to-end covered by thin mat called a dorais • This would be the type of bed I had on all future RDF sites • First morning we awoke with blood on our legs. • These charpoys were infested with bed-bugs • In addition to beating the beds in sunlight and mounting oil-filled cans on each leg, I also sewed my sheets to form a bag. This kept the bugs out of my bed.

  20. Fun at the Jockey’s Quarters • Here we wrote letters home. • We also practised rapid drop-and-shoot with the British Army unit, using the .303 (Top) • Introduced to shooting the Thompson submachine gun (middle), Sten submachine gun (bottom) and the Lewis gun (shown later). • Finally, road finished • We proceeded to our site on a high hill at Pallavaram SW of Madras (now Chennai)

  21. 542 AMES COL - Pallavaram • Adjacent to our site were some British civilian homes • We had concrete buildings with no windows, doors or screens to keep out bugs • Our site included the Technical Commanding Officer (Jim Elliott from Brandon), Adjutant, Cooks, Service Police, RDF operators, vehicle drivers, and four RDF Mechanics 542 AMES Pallavaram 1942E. Morgan Back Row (R)

  22. 542 AMES COL (cont’d) • Uncrated and installed RDF gear • Built 20 ft gantry for the 1.5 ton antenna and rotating system out of 18” square teakwood timbers. • 1” holes bored with hand auger. Took turns. Still took days in the hot sun. • Received my RAF Corporal stripes. • Had pleasant time here. Even played badminton. • After 14 months in Madras area was posted to 544 AMES at Diamond Harbour, near Calcutta (now Kolkata), far to the northeast.

  23. Transport to Madras (now Chennai) railway station • Long train ride to Calcutta (now Kolkata) • Transport to the Diamond Harbour site

  24. 544 AMES – Diamond Harbour • Site on Houghly River just south of Calcutta • Housing was bamboo hut with thatched roof • 20 ft gantry antenna similar to AMES 542 but on top of 187 ft teak wood tower • Open wooden ladders zig-zagged up the tower (no security shields) • RDF gear and generators same as AMES 542 • Lister 4-cylinder diesel generators ran 12 hours with changeover to refuel

  25. Diamond Harbour - More • Well-qualified RAF Flight Sergeant Clarke kept us all alert - • The headset jack incident • Order to clean the antenna element insulators Above steel tower is similar to our teak tower.

  26. Diamond Harbour - More • The daring of youth • Racing up the tower ladders • Balancing on the rotating antenna array at 200 ft • Further practice with the Lewis Machine Gun (below) to protect the RDF Operators, in case of enemy attack • Now receiving RCAF Sergeant pay but no stripes (to avoid conflicts with the RAF) • Ordered to report for two-week Defence Training Course

  27. Defence Training Course • Two-week course in mosquito-infested jungle camp at Alipore, near Calcutta • 100 RAF LAC’s or below, and me - the only Canadian • Issued coveralls, canvas running shoes, pith helmet and a .303 rifle with a larger bayonet than Army issue • Had to carry rifle and bayonet at all times - often overhead • No running water - just one hand pump for washing and bathing • Endurance hikes, barbed wire, trip wires, shaky bridges, jungle patrols and bayonet practice - fun and games in the jungle

  28. Alipore (cont’d) • Brylcreme very useful • Jump the mud pool airman! • The blank bullet incident • Hide and Seek with the instructor • My parade fiasco • Passed the course and got it entered in my paybook. 65 years on, Alipore is now surrounded by the city of Kolkata

  29. Back to Diamond Harbour • RDF operators in concrete building, no windows • Door closed door to well-lit RDF Mechanics’ room • One day shift, RDF operators reported 50+ echoes to the Filter Room in Calcutta, who assumed they were friendly • Japanese planes soon overhead on way to bomb Calcutta • Anti-personnel bombs. Little damage • Hurricanes scrambled. Most shot down on takeoff by Zeros flying top cover for their bombers • For weeks Hurricane pilots seen around Calcutta with legs and arms in casts. One was killed • Bengal Famine that year. Very distressing. • Dying people on the street • Trucks picking up bodies for cremation

  30. Calcutta Street Scenes WWII

  31. Never Volunteer • Chain Overseas Low barge • Air-drop into China • Combined Operations Training Course

  32. Anti-Malaria Measures • Ordered to 885 AMES at Dimapur in northeast India • Dimapur in a malaria area near “the front” • Issued special green uniform and bush hat with snaps on the side for the brim • Received another “medical” and malaria prevention instruction by young RAF doctor who declared me fit • Cautioned me about future trouble with my tonsils (?) • Failure to contract malaria so far, in spite of numerous mosquito bites, convinced me I was immune • After my first tablet of Mepacrine or Pemikiran (I forget which), was walking down street in Calcutta and felt dizzy. Had to sit with my head between my knees • At future “pill parades”, instead of taking the pill when ordered by the senior NCO, I flipped it over my head

  33. Map shows Dimapur , Kolkata (Calcutta), and Monywa my next site, and nearby Mandalay

  34. 885 AMES Mobile GCI - Dimapur • After 13 months at Diamond Harbour, and ferry, train, transit camp, train and overnight stop at Pandu, arrived at 885 AMES at Dimapur 20 August, 1944 • Site comprised several temporary huts and large mess hall • RDF Mechanics (all RCAF Corporals) had a small hut labeled “Canada House” • We all took turns sharing duties and helping each other • Showers were from the mobile water bowser - comfortable • 885 AMES used similar RDF gear to my previous sites • Transmitter, Receiver/Ops Room, Lister diesels, and Antenna Assembly individually mounted on four vehicles • Antenna rotation was manual (by waist-height pedals) • Left/right/stop bell signals from Operator • Was not asked to share cramped operator position but did take few shifts at antenna aiming by hand pedals

  35. 885 AMES (cont’d) • To start the Lister diesel generators they had to be hand-cranked after first decompressing the valves • Numerous failed starting attempts ( not fun in the heat) • Devised a starting trick by tying a rope between the compression lever and stick of wood held at an angle • When cranking speed was sufficient I just tromped on the wood to engage the compression lever. It worked • My badminton prowess on the pristine court at 542 AMES was not up to this crude court defined by bamboo strips, so I was the loser to the other players here • 27 September – 23rd birthday. No celebration. No town • 25 November – cable from US sister that Dad had died • Advised her to sell our Ottawa house • Heard Canada was repatriating all with 3 years overseas • Sent cable to RCAF Bombay HQ that I now had over 4 yrs

  36. 885 AMES (cont’d) • One day, band of large monkeys invaded “Canada House” • Tore down mosquito netting, squeezed toothpaste and shaving cream tubes. Made a real mess • Wrung the necks of the ducks being kept by the cooks for future meals. RAF meals were adequate – not extravagant • Early in January 1945, we got orders to break camp and move 885 AMES to “the front” at Monywa, Burma • My task was to prepare the antenna vehicle • Dissembled the antenna system • Before crating them for the trip, marked all parts for easy re-assembly. • After my 5 months here we left for Imphal, our first stop • I wondered if meals at the front would still be adequate

  37. Marker shows Imphal 15 ½ hour drive south from Dimapur. Much farther ahead to Monywa (and only 25 miles east of that, Japanese-held Mandalay)

  38. Monywa, Burma – The Front • 17 hour road trip from Dimapur to Imphal • Imphal recaptured from Japanese previous day • Ruins of buildings still smoking • To beat the heat, slept outside (Could have had throat slit by Japanese patrol) • 7 February, 1945 - Arrived Monywa, Burma • Just 25 miles to Japanese-held Mandalay, Burma • After only a week here, received my orders for repatriation • Before departure I was begged to lay out all the antenna gear that had been marked for easy re-assembly • Had to leave the Japanese copy of a Bren gun I had found • Hitched a ride on RAF Dakota (DC-3) to Calcutta, after being refused by Americans and RCAF (not on manifest) • Trains to Bombay to board the troop-ship homeward

  39. Homeward Bound – 1st Leg • After 34 months in India, boarded Capetown Castle on 28 February, 1945 for the passage to Liverpool via Suez Canal • Shore break at Port Said, Egypt for two days • Went to a movie (English but sub-titles in various languages) • Bought Turkish candy and Egyptian coins S S Capetown Castle – 27,000 tons – built 1938

  40. Glorious night at Long Bar in Manchester • Departed for several weeks at the RCAF Repatriation Centre at Bournemouth • Two-week side trip to London, before departure homeward from Southampton. • “A” still marks Yatesbury, Wiltshire

  41. Homeward Bound – 2nd Leg • 2 May, 1945 departed for Halifax from Southampton • 8 May, 1945 (mid-Atlantic) got message war was over • Anti-sub procedures continued • I was issued a beige pea jacket with wooden buttons by a ship’s officer to be in charge all armament so got to tour the ship including the dummy funnels • 23 May, 1945 - Halifax Pier 21 (R)

  42. #2 Release Centre - Lachine • Issued all new kit – RCAF uniforms with Sergeant stripes, shoulder patches and sparks badges • Could enjoy the Sergeants’ Mess at last! • “Useful Employment” checking and recording serial numbers on hundreds of .303 rifles • Proper boot lacing, Wing Commander’s Parade • Oh to be back with the RAF without spit and polish! • Finally posted to Rockcliffe for more medicals and discharge

  43. RCAF Station Rockcliffe • Many medical tests to endure before release • Finally - Honorable Discharge 6 August 1945 • Age 24 years • 4 years and 268 days of service • Now back in my birth-city free - but no family here, no home or job. • What will the future hold?

  44. Thank You

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