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The Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc. (MCAF)

The Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc. (MCAF). Welcomes you. to the Fredericton. Immigrant Women’s Fair. Hosted by MCAF’s ‘Health and Well-Being of Immigrant Women in Fredericton’ Project. Thank you to our many Community Partners:.

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The Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc. (MCAF)

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  1. The Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc. (MCAF) Welcomes you to the Fredericton Immigrant Women’s Fair Hosted by MCAF’s ‘Health and Well-Being of Immigrant Women in Fredericton’ Project Thank you to our many Community Partners:

  2. Le Ministère du Développement Social est l’un des plus grands ministères du gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il compte environ 1 600 employés et dispose d’un budget de plus de 787 millions de dollars. Chaque jour, nous offrons plus de 110 000 services et jouons un rôle dans la vie de presque tous les citoyens. • Nous venons en aide : • aux enfants et aux adultes victimes de négligence et de mauvais traitements; • aux personnes âgées ou handicapées nécessitant des soins de longue durée ou des services en foyers de soins; • aux familles et aux particuliers qui ont besoin d’assistance sociale ou d’un logement abordable; • aux enfants qui ont besoin d’aide pour commencer l’école; • aux familles qui ont besoin de services de garderie abordables. Sans frais: 1-866-444-8838 lun au ven: 8h30 à 16h30  D’urgence Numero: 1-800-442-9799 Adresse: 460, Two Nations CrossingFredericton,  N-B E3A 0X9 Site Internet: http://www.gnb.ca/0017/index-f.asp

  3. The Department of Social Development is one of the largest departments in the New Brunswick government. We have approximately 1,600 employees and a budget of more than $787 million. Every day we provide more than 110,000 services, touching the lives of nearly every citizen. • WE HELP: • abused and neglected children and adults, • seniors and persons with disabilities who require long-term care and nursing home services, • families and individuals in need of social assistance and affordable housing, • children in need of help to be ready for school, • families in need of affordable day care. Toll Free: 1-866-444-8838  Mon - Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm After-Hours Emergency : 1-800-442-9799 Address: 460 Two Nations CrossingFredericton,  NB E3A 0X9 Internet Web Site: http://www.gnb.ca/0017/index-e.asp

  4. Sexual Health Services Provided by Public Health Nurses & Community Physicians to Teens & Young Adults (to the age of 24) All services are free & confidential Contact: 453-5200

  5. Sexual Health Services Sexually Transmitted Infection Information: 1-877-784-1010 453-5200 • Healthy Decision Making • Relationship Skills • Counseling • Clinical services Community Initiatives • Resources • Group Education • Partnerships addressing healthy sexuality

  6. Early Childhood Initiatives (ECI) Goals and objectives • In the ECI (Early Childhood Initiatives) Program, the overall goal is to improve developmental outcomes for priority preschool children up to five (0-5) years of age. • The two (2) major Public Health objectives are • Increase healthy pregnancy outcomes • Enhance factors and conditions known to foster healthy growth and development

  7. Initiatives pour la petite enfance (IPE) But et objectifs • Le but général du Programme des IPE est d'améliorer l'évolution du développement des enfants prioritaires d'âge préscolaire, de la naissance à 5 ans. • Les deux grands objectifs de la Santé publique sont les suivants : • Accroître le nombre de grossesses dont l'issue est favorable. • Améliorer les facteurs et les conditions dont on sait qu'ils favorisent une croissance et un développement sains.

  8. The Council was created to:  advise governments; increase awareness of the population on issues, programs and services; recommend legislation, policies and practices to the Government of New Brunswick; facilitate networking among women's groups; and gather, research and disseminate information. We work at promoting: equality of opportunity, freedom from discrimination, equal treatment, equal benefit, equal status, equality of results - as well as respect of differences – between women and men in all sectors of New Brunswick society. NB Advisory Council on the Status of Women

  9. Le Conseil remplit sa mission : en conseillant les gouvernements; en sensibilisant la population aux dossiers, aux programmes et aux services. en recommandant des lois, des politiques et des pratiques au gouvernement du Nouveau Brunswick; en favorisant la constitution de réseaux entre les organismes féminins; et en assurant la collecte, l’étude et la diffusion de l’information. Nous travaillons à promouvoir: l'égalité des chances, le droit de ne pas subir de discrimination, le droit à un traitement égal, un bénéfice égal, un statut égal et l'égalité des résultats - ainsi que le respect des différences - des femmes et des hommes dans tous les secteurs de la socitété néo-brunswickoise. Conseil consultatif sur la condition de la femme au N.-B.

  10. Helping New Brunswickers Know the Law Public Legal Education and Information Service of N.B. PLEIS-NB is a non-profit, charitable organization. We educate the public on their legal rights and responsibilities, but do not give legal advice. P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Tel (506) 453-5369 Fax (506) 462-5193 e-mail pleisnb@web.ca www.legal-info-legale.nb.ca

  11. PLEIS-NB Our bilingual services and programs include: • Publish wide variety of pamphlets and educational materials (eg. criminal law, family law, consumer law, family violence, wills, etc) • Operate toll-free family law information line - 1-888-236-2444 (includes registration for the free course “For the Sake of the Children” (parenting after separation) • Websites – www.legal-info-legale.nb.ca and www.youthjustice.ca). Adminster other websites such as www.toolkitnb.ca (Family Violence: It’s Your Business); www.thehealingjourney.ca (Family Violence Prevention in Aboriginal Communities); www.silentwitness.ca (NB Silent Witness) • Youth Justice Program • Speaker’s Bureau and Video Lending Library • Special projects – in collaboration with other community groups and/or government (family violence train-the-trainer, healing journey, rights and responsibilities of young parents, charitable organizations, etc.) • Organize and/or present at workshops, information sessions, conferences

  12. Community Health Clinic275 Brunswick Street

  13. Services Offered at the Community Health Clinic • Women’s Health • pap smears, pregnancy testing, prenatal care, birth control counseling, STI screening • Family care for persons • without family doctors • who are new to Fredericton • who are homeless, or • who just have difficulty accessing services • Addiction Services • Methadone Maintenance Program

  14. 65 Brunswick St, (506) 458-1803 www.cmhafo.ca PROGRAMS: • Education • Advocacy • Self Help • Consultation and Referrals • Vocational Programs • Client Programs Education: • Stress Awareness Program • Suicide Awareness Program • ‘Kids Have Stress Too’ Program • Two- Day Suicide Intervention Training • ‘I’m Thumbody’ Self- Esteem Program • Suicide Bereavement Information to University Classes • Presentations/ Displays/Information - Depression, Mental Illness • Connections Booklet and NB Division Quarterly Newsletter • Major Conferences and Workshops

  15. 65 Brunswick St, Fredericton, NB E3B 1G5 (506) 458-1803 www.cmhafo.ca SELF-HELP GROUPS: • Friends & Family of the Mentally Ill (Meets 2nd and 4th Monday each month 7:30-9pm) • Depression Support Group – for people with Mood Disorders (Thursday evenings-twice a month) • Suicide Bereavement Group – Those who’ve lostsomeone to suicide (6 Week Evening Program once or twice a year) • Strengthening Families Together – an educational program for friends, relatives and caregivers of someone with a serious mental illness • CMHA provides support to the local chapter of the Schizophrenia Society, Friends & Fellowship, and Clubhouse of Opportunities

  16. Department of Public Safety Victim Services 453-2768 • Counselling • Compensation • Court Preparation and Support • Help in completing a Victim Impact Statement • Follow-up services after the Court process Services Available for Victims of Crime: Are you a victim of crime? Call 453-2768

  17. Department of Public Safety Victim Services 453-2768 Counselling • Trauma Counselling - shortly after the crime; assists ability to give evidence in court. • Short Term Counselling - to help with the emotional effects, so you can move forward. Compensation • If you have suffered personal injuries or losses as a direct result of a crime, you may be eligible for benefits under the Compensation for Victims of Crime Program. Court Preparation and Support • What happens in court? The roles and responsibilities of various people involved in the court process? What is expected of you when you testify? Help in Completing a Victim Impact Statement • A Victim Impact Statement is a written description that you prepare for the court, which explains in your own words the effects the crime had on you. Follow-up Services after the Court process • Information on sentencing outcomes and what it means to you as a victim. Options for getting information on offenders sentenced to incarceration, etc.

  18. 150 Cliffe Street (506) 450-9440 Treatment Modalities: • Clinical Nutrition: Diagnostic evaluation of nutritional status; the use of therapeutic diets and nutritional supplementation. • Botanical (Herbal) Medicine: The use of plants for their powerful yet gentle healing properties. • Homeopathic Medicine: Minute amounts of natural substances are used to stimulate the body's self-healing abilities. • Physical Medicine: Hands-on techniques (such as hydrotherapy, ultrasound, naturopathic bodywork and manipulation) are used for the spine, joints and soft tissues. • Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine: Based on balancing the flow of Chi (energy) through meridian pathways, Oriental Medicine includes the use of acupuncture and Oriental herbs. • Lifestyle Counseling: Physical, emotional, nutritional and environmental factors affect health. NDs help patients to make effective lifestyle choices in accordance with the principles of prevention and treating the patient on all levels.

  19. 150 Cliffe Street (506) 450-9440 Advanced Diagnostic Testing • Liver Detoxification Tests: Simple urine tests are available that can provide invaluable information about the presence of toxic chemicals, the degree of ongoing toxicity, and liver disease; and they effectively monitor progress towards elimination of toxicity. • Male and Female Salivary Hormone Tests: Measure the availability of active hormones in your body… providing you with information of hormonal function, not just the total levels of hormones present in your body at a given time. • Gastrointestinal Tract Tests: A Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) can provide information on a patient's ability to digest, metabolize, and absorb nutrients as well as report on all bacterial flora, all yeasts, and all intestinal parasites. • Heavy Metal Hair Analysis: Toxic (heavy) metals may be found in our deodorant, canned foods, baked goods, drinking water and other commonly consumed products. They may build up in the body and may be linked Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, kidney damage, osteoporosis, heart disease and autism.

  20. Chimo Helpline Remember that help is just a phone call away… 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year: 450-HELP (450-4357) If you are outside the Fredericton area, you can call toll-free: 1-800-667-5005

  21. Addictions Thoughts of suicide Emotional stress General information Loneliness Divorce/Separation Domestic Violence Mental Health Accommodations Government Services Senior Resources Relationship Issues Employment Grief Abuse Chimo helps with any issue 450-HELP

  22. Transition Housea shelter for abused women and their children Abuse means mistreating another person. Some forms of abuse are: Physical, Emotional, Sexual. • Why don’t women speak out about abuse? • She may hope things will change for the better • She may feel pressure from her family and friends to accept the situation, perhaps for the children’s sake. • She may feel too ashamed to tell anyone. Or she may even think others won’t believe her. • Why are women abused by those who love them? • The abuser is insecure and wants to control her • The abuser grew up in an abusive family and thinks • violence is normal. • The abuser believes that what happens in the home is • nobody’s business and certainly not a crime. • Continues if nobody stops or punishes the abuser.

  23. Transition House • Does your partner: • hurt you physically? • force you to have sex? • insult you and give you orders or make fun or you? • control the money, the car and every decision? • always threaten to leave you or punish the children to get even with you? • Any woman escaping abuse (with or without children) may stay up to 30 daysat Transition House, with no cost for food, shelter or other essentials • Safe and confidential • Open 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week • Female staff • Access to training and information • Referrals for counselling

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