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PA training and raising awareness Place, date

Sustainable Timber Action in Europe. Training for Public Authorities. Introduction & Module 1: Timber and PA. PA training and raising awareness Place, date. Agenda. 10.00: Welcome and introduction 10.20: Module 1 – Timber and the public sector

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PA training and raising awareness Place, date

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  1. Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Training for Public Authorities Introduction & Module 1: Timber and PA PA training and raising awareness Place, date

  2. Agenda • 10.00: Welcome and introduction • 10.20: Module 1 – Timber and the public sector • 10.40: Module 2 – Introduction to sustainable forestry • 11.15: Coffee break • 11.30: Module 2 – Introduction to sustainable forestry (continued) • 12.30: Lunch • 13.30: Module 3 – Introduction to sustainable public procurement • 14.30: Module 4 - Procuring sustainable timber • 15.30: Coffee break • 15.45: Module 4 – Procuring sustainable timber (continued)

  3. Introductory round • Name and position in your organisation • What experiences do you have with sustainable timber, procurement, public forests etc.? • Your expectations from the training?

  4. THE STA Project Sustainable Timber Action in Europe

  5. The STA-EU project • The project is an initiative resulting from the collaboration between three main partners involved in sustainable and fair timber procurement: • ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability • Fundación COPADE - Comercio Para el Desarrollo(SPA) • FSC Italy • It draws from the experience of two awareness raising campaigns: • Procura+ • Madera Justa

  6. The main goal • To raise awareness among EU public authorities on the link between sustainable public procurement (SPP) and development problems of people living in and depending on forests. • How? • Promotion of sustainable forest management (SFM) and Fair Trade certified forest products in public procurement policies and practices.

  7. 8 partners – 7 countries ICLEI – COORDINATOR (Germany & Belgium) City of Rakvere (Estonia) Alba Local Energy Agencies (ALEA - Romania) Fundación COPADE City of Madrid City of Miskolc (Hungary) Association of Local Authorities in Italy (ANCI) FSC Italia

  8. Ways to engage! • Updated information to help European public authorities procure sustainable timber products. (See at: www.sustainable-timber-action.org) • Guidance and good practice examples on sustainable timber procurement • Training on sustainable timber procurement and supply – for European public authorities and SMEs • Direct assistance to public authorities interested in purchasing/tendering for sustainable timber (piloting) Be a frontrunner! Wanted: at least 15 PAs in tendering for sustainable timber products.

  9. Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Training for Public Authorities Sustainable Public Procurement STA – EU Trainings: Raising awareness for Public Authorities (Place & Date)

  10. Power of public procurement • Public authorities in EU spend approx. €2 trillion per year – equivalent to 19% of EU GDP • Huge range of spend areas – from paper to huge infrastructure projects • 5 – 15% market share for most goods and services – in certain areas much higher • Huge potential to drive the development of sustainable solutions

  11. What is sustainable public procurement (SPP)? • A process whereby public authorities take into consideration in their procurement activities the environmental, social and economic impacts of products, services or works throughout their life cycle • Life cycle: • Extraction/harvesting of raw materials • Processing of materials & assembly of product • Transportation of materials and product • Consumption of product during use (energy, water etc.) • Disposal of final product

  12. What can SPP achieve? • Major reductions in CO2 emissions – Passive construction, highly-efficient lighting, IT equipment • Development of new environmental technologies & new ways of carrying out services • Improvements in air & water quality, reduce waste generation – low emission vehicles, bio-based products • Save money – meet your needs more efficiently. Consider the real costs over the life cycle • Socialbenefits – Creating skills, training and employment opportunities, encouraging fair and equal opportunities for all, supporting SMEs and social enterprises

  13. Does it work? A small selection... • City of Vienna: saved €44.4 million and over 100,000 tones of CO2 emissions between 2004 and 2007 through its EcoBuy (Ökokauf) programme • City of Barcelona: in 2010 spent €43 million on green products and €92 million on “greened” services (e.g. lighting, fountain maintenance) • City of Rome: 69% of the 144,000 meals served by the city each day contain organic food • Town of Venelles, France (Pop. 8,100): A majority of cleaning products purchased are eco-labelled and fully biodegradable

  14. Good Practise from your country

  15. What is happening at the European level? • Revision of EU Procurement Directives • EU GPP Communication • EU GPP support: GPP criteria, Buying Green Handbook, Helpdesk and news-alerts • EU GPP obligations: Clean Vehicles Directive, Energy Star Regulation, and EPBD Directive

  16. Revision of EU Procurement Directives • Directives 2004/17/EC & 2004/18/EC which regulate how public and semi-public bodies must carry out procurement, are currently under revision • EC published proposals in December 2011. Main aims: • to improve the efficiency of current procedures • to allow for greater strategic use of public procurement to further environmental, social and industrial/innovation policies • Now put forward for adoption by the Parliament and Council

  17. EU GPP obligations Clean vehicles Directive (2009/33/EC): • Obligation to take energy efficiency, and emissions (noise, CO2, NOx, NMHC, particulates) into account • Either set minimum levels in specifications or assess in award stage (or both) • Provides method for calculating life-cycle cost – for monetising the impacts for inclusion in a cost assessment

  18. EU GPP obligations Energy Star Regulation (106/2008): • All central government authorities must purchase IT equipment with the minimum Energy Star standard Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU): • Minimum energy performance standards for buildings and components for new build and major renovations to be set nationally (by 2013) • By 2018 all new public buildings to be “nearly zero energy”

  19. What help is available? • European Commission: Buying Green! Handbook, second edition 2011: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/buying_handbook_en.htm • European GPP criteria for 19 product and service groups http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/eu_gpp_criteria_en.htm • Procura+ Manual – A guide to cost effective sustainable public procurement:http://www.procuraplus.org/en/about-procura/procura-manual/

  20. ICLEI’s help • The Procura+ Campaign: an initiative designed to help support public authorities across Europe in implementing sustainable procurement – and help promote their achievements. http://www.procuraplus.org • Training: ICLEI carries out sustainable procurement training activities across Europe, including an extensive training programme for the German Environment Agency

  21. Module 1 Timber and the Public Sector

  22. Module 1 Timber and the public sector • The importance of the public sector in the timber sector • Which timber products do you buy? PA training and raising awareness Place, date

  23. Why public authorities & forests products? • Market opportunity: In the EU there are about 200 000 PAs which purchase 19% of the timber and paper sold in Europe • Drivers for good practices: PAs can give a good example to the private sector and consumers • PAs can mobilize greater support for actions against unsustainable forest management: • Sustainably managing their owned forests • Raising awareness in the community

  24. The importance of the public sector in the timber sector • In Denmark, the total market for wood, wood products, furniture and paper was estimated at USD 4.5 Bn. In 2004 of which 9% is consumed by the public sector (FAO, 2006) • In France, the public sector market for wood used in construction is in the range of EUR 3-5 bill. Tropical timber used in many construction and civil works uses (CIRAD, 2004). • In Belgium, the market share of public procurement in forest based products is estimated at 18% (van Orshoven, pers. comm.). (FAO, 2006) • Here it is possible to add features on the specific country where the training is held

  25. Public procurement of tropical timber Tropical Timber consumption of EU countries • 5-10% of all primary tropical timber in the world (excluding secondary processed timber) is imported by EU countries • The average of government purchasing of tropical timber is in the range of 5-20% :France 25%Germany 5%Belgium 10%UK 15%. Source: IDH 2012

  26. Nationale Statistiken Anteil der verschiedenen Waldbesitzarten am Abschlussergebnis des Holzeinschlags in Deutschland in den Jahren 1998 bis 2011 Anteil von Staatswald am Abschlussergebnis des. Anteil am Holzeinschlag Hinweis: Weitere Angaben zu dieser Statistik, sowie Erläuterungen zu Fußnoten, sind im Backup des Dossiers auf Seite8 zu finden. Quelle: BMELV, BMELV - Holzmarktbericht 2011, Seite 4

  27. Why do we need Sustainable Public Procurement of wood products? Answer in module 2

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