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Long Shutdown 1

Long Shutdown 1. Oleg Maev. 04 . 02 .1 3. 1. Rooms for activity. HV MWPC HV-training Replacement of broken chambers Electronics ECS Shielding behind M5 Replacement of all control PCs and move from PVSS to WinCC-OA. Revision of all spare chambers.

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Long Shutdown 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Long Shutdown 1 Oleg Maev 04.02.13 1

  2. Rooms for activity. HV MWPC HV-training Replacement of broken chambers Electronics ECS Shielding behind M5 Replacement of all control PCs and move from PVSS to WinCC-OA. Revision of all spare chambers. LV on FEBs (optimization, fuses, improvement of PP – ?) Space alignment - ? Air (?) and water cooling Conditioning of the Gas check monitor, monitor on Aging (?) TWIKI, manuals, instructions Production/repairing of spares Oleg Maev 04.02.13 2

  3. HV • PNPI-HV • PNPI-HV channel doubling – Oleg, Nikolay - 2013 • testing and calibration new modules in the LAB • installation modules in the PIT • Installation of additional LV-cables for PNPI-HV control • run the system with new USB-interface – Mikhail - 2013 • check/test /recalibration of old modules in the PIT - 2014 • PVSS rewrite – Giovanni – 2013/14 • CAEN-HV a) check/test(?)/recalibration(?) - ? - 2014 • GEM-HV • check/test(?) – 2014 • improving connectors for GEM-HV modules (?) • PVSS-project is quite different from the rest of HV-projects, loss of settings (I0) after power-cycle There is an advise from Clara to make HV PVSS-projects “lighter”! Oleg Maev 04.02.13 3

  4. MWPS HV-training. Conditioning with negative(-2.3 kV)/positive(+2.85kV) polarity all chambers (106CMBs, 420 Gaps) tripped at the end (last three months) of RUN I - Oleg – 2014 Same for the whole region M4R4 (192 CMBs, 768 Gaps) to prevent trips due to Malter effect on many chambers at higher Lumi - Oleg – 2014 Nominal gas mixture is needed ~4-5 months before the end of LS1! Oleg Maev 04.02.13 4

  5. Replacement of broken chambers 1. GEMs – Alessandro - 2013 M1A15A1_R - faulty capacitor on HV filter M1C16A2 _L - GEM1 in hard short - to be replaced M1C18A2_L - faulty capacitor on HV filter 2. MWPCs (M5R4 CMBs can not be replaced – no spares) – Oleg, Nikolay - 2013 3. Two sparking chambers in M1: M1A_R4_25B and M1C_R3_21A - will try to train with negative polarity. If no success with training - replace them. Oleg Maev 04.02.13 5

  6. Electronics. • Only two known HW-problems – Oleg, Nikolay, Sandro- 2013/14 - 18A3 C-side of M3: FEBs 04-09; - 18A3 C-side of M4: ~50% occupancy on ODE chs 130,131 • ~ 100 FEBs have noisy/broken chs – to be fixed/replaced – Oleg, Nikolay– 2013/14 • lack of spares – revision of already replaced FEBs is needed! - MANPOWER! • CARIOCA replacement (?) • Improve the grounds on all CMBs in R1/2 M2/3 – Oleg, Nikolay– 2013/14 • one of test stands for electronics from b.156 should be moved in the PIT • Improve grounds in HV-filters on chambers in some regions – to be studied first! • Installation of ferrite cable filters on Control/Signal lines – Oleg, Nikolay– 2013/14 Oleg Maev 04.02.13 6

  7. Electronics. 6. Check control lines (SB-crates/SB-boards/ELMBs) in Q4M4/5 and Q3M2/3,M4/5 • experts are needed to help/investigate HW-problems there! – Valerio - ? • Ethernet-USB converter is under design – ONLINE (Beat) • Looking forward on Ethernet-CANBUS converter – Mikhail, Nikolay • Study of broken SB-boards/ELMBs and ODE-boards/SYNCs – Valerio, Maurizio- ? • Monitoring of fans in CAEN-HV (?) – Alessandro, Nikolay • Optimization of LV on FEBs – Oleg, Nikolay, Davide, Emiliano – 2013/14 • simplified threshold scan procedure is needed • an improvement on LV-distributers would be useful – to be studied first! Oleg Maev 04.02.13 7

  8. ECS 1. Fix the bug which does not allow saving the chamber recipe from online tools on CMBs M2R_right and M3R1_right. (50% of channels in these regions still have width=7 (28ns) as well) 2. Separate ODEs + TELL1s from Control line in PVSS-hierarchy 3. Exclude an option of reloading recipes on FEBs and on ODEs without special reason (hide it from routine reset command) - to be discussed 4. Make recipe DEFAULT equal to nominal PHYSICS everywhere to be safe from sudden loss of the configuration on FEBs and ODEs. • Implement a simplified procedure of threshold scan (already developed by Davide - ?) 6. Developing of online monitor for timing and space alignment with data (?). Develop a user-friendly tool on correlation between threshold-gain-timing corrections. Oleg Maev 04.02.13 8

  9. ECS • Replace all Control PCs – Online – 2013 • Moving from PVSS to WinCC-OA – Online – 2013 - test of the MUON ECS and careful check of all PVSS-projects - MUON-2013/14 Oleg Maev 04.02.13 9

  10. The rest (briefly) • Improve shielding behind M5– Burkhard – 2013/14 • Improve space alignment tools for an opening/closing stations procedure (?) • Fix cooling water joints – Infrastructure - just keep an eye on it • Think a bit on improvement of air cooling in central regions (?) • Revision of all spare chambers at CERN – Oleg, Nikolay -2013/14 - test of electronics and conditioning with HV. • Conditioning of Gas check monitors for MWPCs and GEMs. Would be nice to have them as an online tool • Production/repairing of spares: • - recovering at least one production site for production of spare chambers • - electronics! Oleg Maev 04.02.13 10

  11. TWIKI 1. Great work has been done by Rolf in last year! But, … we are missing still a lot of important pages. 2. So, we need to arrange some instructions on TWIKI. Input from experts on some HW/SW procedures is needed! Just some of most important: • tools, jigs for repair/test of electronics – Nikolay • ODE-recipe – Giacomo, Sandro • update on HV – Oleg • main parameters of all HW should be written down on TWIKI – all experts • … 3. Todo list for LS1: https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/MUON/WorkListForLS1 • - any inputs are welcome! Oleg Maev 04.02.13 11

  12. Conclusion. MUON is coming to the end of RUN I in very good shape but with some instabilities and with serious lack of spares. Program for LS1 is quite overloaded but most of tasks are flexible in the planning. So, I don’t worry if we will waste time due to interference with another activities in LHCb Oleg Maev 04.02.13 12

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