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The Secrets of Club Success

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The Secrets of Club Success

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    1. The Secrets of Club Success

    2. What Elements Make A Club Successful Atmosphere Friendly Non-threatening Positive Programming Organized Varied Fun People Committed Active

    3. Atmosphere Friendly Guests and members are greeted as they arrive. Guests are introduced. A member sits with the guest to answer any questions they may have. Non-threatening Guests are made to feel at ease. Positive Members are supportive of one another. Evaluations focus on good points, as well as points to improve on.

    4. Programming Organized Planned well in advance. Members are contacted in advance to ensure participation. Varied The basic program is given a new twist occaisionally. Special event meetings (i.e. debates) Special recognition meetings (i.e. awards night, CTM night, etc.) Educational module presentations (i.e. Effective Evaluations, Parliamentary Procedure, Listening, etc. Fun Learning potential increases if the activity is fun. Laugh a little.

    5. People People are the purpose for the club’s existence. A positive environment leads to positive growth for members. Commitment to the learning process is essential. Active members mean more things get done and everyone benefits from the participation of the group.

    6. Conclusion Atmosphere sets the tone. Programming gets the job done. People benefit from the experience. Atmosphere + Programming + People = A Successful Club

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