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Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry. Outline Types of Radiation Nuclear Equations Radiation Measurements Half-Life Applications Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Chapter 18. Image left by uranic rays. Radioactive Decay. a. g. b. Types of Radiation and Their Penetrating Abilities .

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Nuclear Chemistry

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  1. Nuclear Chemistry Outline Types of Radiation Nuclear Equations Radiation Measurements Half-Life Applications Nuclear Fission and Fusion Chapter 18

  2. Image left by uranic rays Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  3. Radioactive Decay

  4. a g b Types of Radiation and Their Penetrating Abilities 0.01 mm 1 mm 100 mm Pieces of Lead

  5. Types of radioactive decay • alpha particle emission • beta emission • positron emission • electron capture • gamma emission

  6. Types of radioactive decay • alpha particle emission

  7. Example – Radioactive Decay • Write the nuclear reaction when Pu-239 (plutonium-239) loses an alpha particle (He nucleus).

  8. Types of radioactive decay • beta emission

  9. b particle emission

  10. Types of radioactive decay • positron emission

  11. Types of radioactive decay • electron capture (EC) • gamma emission

  12. Stability

  13. +++ +++ Detecting Radioactivity Film Badge Electroscope Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  14. Detecting Radioactivity Geiger-Müller Counter (Geiger Counter) Tro's Introductory Chemistry, Chapter 17

  15. Radiation Detection – Geiger Counter

  16. Radioactive Decay Series

  17. Radioactive Decay Curve

  18. Example – Half-Life • If a radioactive isotope has a half-life of 20 minutes, what percent of the sample will remain after 1 hour?

  19. Example – Half-Life • Hydrogen-3 is used as a chemical tracer. If 2400 µg of hydrogen-3 decays to 600 µg after 24.8 years, what is the half-life of this radionuclide?

  20. Example – Half-Life • If an iridium-192 sample has an initial activity of 560 dpm (disintegrations per minute), how much time is required for the activity to drop to 35 dpm, if the half-life of Ir-192 is 74 days?

  21. Energy of Nuclear Reactions 6.01512 u + 1.00782 u ≠ 3.01603 u + 4.00260 u 7.02294 u ≠ 7.01863 u violate

  22. What is fusion?

  23. Tokamak Fusion Reactor Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  24. Cyclotron Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  25. Linear Accelerator Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  26. What is fission?

  27. How does a chain reaction occur?

  28. Fat Man and Little Boy

  29. Sources of Radiation

  30. Physiological Effect of a Single Dose of Radiation

  31. Applications – Carbon Dating • nitrogen in the atmosphere is bombarded by neutrons to form 14C • This carbon is integrated into CO2 which then enters the food chain

  32. Applications – Carbon Dating

  33. Radiocarbon Dating of Artifacts

  34. Calibration Curves for Radiocarbon Dating

  35. Bone Scan with 99mTc Medical Applications of Radioisotopes Brain images with 123I-labeled compound Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

  36. Chemistry In Action: Food Irradiation

  37. http://www.sce.com/NR/rdonlyres/A050B788-F86C-448A-9A66-8FABD9F302B4/0/NuclearEnergy_process.jpghttp://www.sce.com/NR/rdonlyres/A050B788-F86C-448A-9A66-8FABD9F302B4/0/NuclearEnergy_process.jpg

  38. Applications – Chemical Analysis • Radioactive tracer – used to follow fate of a chemical using radio labeling • Isotopic dilution – used to determine quantity of a substance when you can’t measure it conveniently • Neutron Activation Analysis – used to determine concentration of trace elements

  39. Applications • Medicine • Diagnostic tracers • PET – Positron Emission Tomography • Patient fed radio-labeled glucose and it goes to where there is lots of metabolic activity. This often indicates a region of tumor activity. • Chemotherapy • Power pacemakers

  40. More Applications • Agriculture • Irradiate food • Pesticide • Energy • Fission • Fusion

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