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Activities 3.7 and 3.8

Assessment Practice. Activities 3.7 and 3.8. 1. Read the sentence. Everyone else at the party wanted garbage pizza but Tim because he detested vegetables . What verb would BEST replace the word destested while still expressing a vivid action?. A. disgusting B. hated C. gross D. loves.

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Activities 3.7 and 3.8

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  1. Assessment Practice Activities 3.7 and 3.8

  2. 1. Read the sentence.Everyone else at the party wanted garbage pizza but Tim because he detestedvegetables. What verb would BEST replace the word destested while still expressing a vivid action? • A. disgusting • B. hated • C. gross • D. loves

  3. B. hated • The only two verbs in the choices are hated and loves. Hated is the answer that makes sense because but is a transition of contrast. We need a verb that shows Tim feels differently about garbage pizza than the other people.

  4. 2. Read the sentence.When Kiki got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she got all melodramaticand began sobbing and demanding a doctor. Which words in the sentence BEST help you determine the meaning of melodramatic? • A. When Kiki • B. pinky finger • C. sobbing and demanding • D. doctor

  5. C. Sobbing and demanding • The idea that the cut was small yet Kiki cried and demanded a doctor helps us understand that being melodramatic is the same as overreacting.

  6. 3. Read the sentence.“John, you know you’re supposed to take out the garbage every Tuesday night,” declared Dad.What can the reader infer from the father’s diction in this statement? • A. He is explaining new expectation to John. • B. He wants to argue with John. • C. He is telling John to think of others. • D. This is not the first time John has been told to do this chore.

  7. D. This is not the first time John has been told to do this chore. • When the father says “you know” it is a clue that John and his dad have had this conversation before. You can tell from the father’s word choice that this is NOT a new idea.

  8. 4. Read the sentence.Lula would have attempted the walk home, had it not been for the immenselytall mountain that stood between her and her destination. Which adverb could BEST replace the word immensely? • A. large • B. beautifully • C. difficult • D. enormously

  9. D. enormously • Beautifully and enormously are the only adverbs provided in the choices. It doesn’t make sense that Lula would not walk home if she saw the mountain as a beautiful place. It does make sense that she would avoid it if it was huge. Although large and enormous are synonyms, large will not work in the sentence because it is not an adverb.

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