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Wonderful Grace of Jesus

Wonderful Grace of Jesus. Words and Music by Haldor Lillenas Words and Music public domain. 163. Wonderful grace of Jesus Greater than all my sin How shall my tongue describe it Where shall its praise begin.

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Wonderful Grace of Jesus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wonderful Grace of Jesus Words and Music by Haldor Lillenas Words and Music public domain 163

  2. Wonderful grace of JesusGreater than all my sinHow shall my tongue describe itWhere shall its praise begin

  3. Taking away my burdenSetting my spirit freeFor the wonderful graceof Jesus reaches me

  4. Wonderful the matchlessgrace of JesusDeeper than the mighty rolling sea

  5. Higher than the mountainSparkling like a fountain All-sufficient grace for even me

  6. Broader than the scopeof my transgressionsGreater far than all my sin and shame

  7. O magnify the precious name of JesusPraise His name

  8. Wonderful grace of JesusReaching to all the lostBy it I have been pardonedSaved to the uttermost

  9. Chains have been torn asunderGiving me libertyFor the wonderful graceof Jesus reaches me

  10. Wonderful the matchlessgrace of JesusDeeper than the mighty rolling sea

  11. Higher than the mountainSparkling like a fountain All-sufficient grace for even me

  12. Broader than the scopeof my transgressionsGreater far than all my sin and shame

  13. O magnify the precious name of JesusPraise His name

  14. Wonderful grace of JesusReaching the most defiledBy its transforming powerMaking him God’s dear child

  15. Purchasing peace and heavenFor all eternityAnd the wonderful graceof Jesus reaches me

  16. Wonderful the matchlessgrace of JesusDeeper than the mighty rolling sea

  17. Higher than the mountainSparkling like a fountain All-sufficient grace for even me

  18. Broader than the scopeof my transgressionsGreater far than all my sin and shame

  19. O magnify the precious name of JesusPraise His name

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