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VISION DATA TUTORIAL. THIS IS NOT A MANUAL. Carrier Menu. CA, Carrier Menu Number 1 (Master File Maintenance). Enter C for Change to see a carrier route or A to add a route. Carrier Record.

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  2. Carrier Menu

  3. CA, Carrier Menu Number 1 (Master File Maintenance)

  4. Enter C for Change to see a carrier route or A to add a route.

  5. Carrier Record

  6. Select #30 Rates, Select F8 (This will list all of your carrier rates. Use up/down keys to scroll to correct rate and select your F8 key to select rate.

  7. At item prompt, select F7 to show Function List. Use up/down keys to select Function then select F7 to show function screen.

  8. Sample of Financial screen of carrier record. Use this screen to add or change savings/bond, permanent credits/charges. F1 key to Save.

  9. Select F7 to show Function List, scroll keys to OTHER to see contract information screen. Add or change insurance expiration, contract expiration, drivers license expiration, drivers license number and SS#. Save F1 key.

  10. Use F7 key to show functions, Select drop location to see this screen. Go to #1 or #2 to put in drop locations for Daily and Sunday. Save with F1 key.

  11. Use F7 key and scroll to E-Mail to select this screen to add carrier email. F1 to Save.

  12. Use F7 key for list and scroll to history and select F7 then choose 1,2,3,or 4 to see the history.

  13. Sample screen of Cash History.

  14. Carrier Menu Shortcuts F7 Key Function List Shortcuts (type in the shortened code at the item prompt instead of using the F7 key) FIN Financial OTH Other H History NOT Notes DRP Drop EML E-Mail F11 (Return to a previous route), F12 (Forward to a previous route) F4 (Copies all information from previous saved route). Use F4 when turning routes over to save time when entering new contractor information. F1 will save any information entered on both the carrier and subscriber menu’s.

  15. CA #2 (Daily Cash Entry and Listing) screen. You can post cash and returns from this screen. C for cash or R for returns, then A for add to post either cash or returns.

  16. Sample screen posting cash to carrier account. Enter Route #, date payment received and payment amount, enter to description and enter check number, month, or any relative information for this. Answer Y at OK.

  17. R to post returns then A for add.

  18. Enter route and current date, then select enter and cursor will go to first day on right side of screen. Enter correct amount of returns in each day and answer Y to OK

  19. CA #3 Posts cash and returns to history and prints a report.

  20. CA #4 (Temporary Charges/Credits) Select A for add for this screen. Type in route # and enter to type. Select F8 to list options. Select option with up/down keys and select correct code with F8.

  21. Enter correct code at type, enter to amount and use a (–) for a credit and just the dollar amount for a charge. Do not use decimals. Enter through the day and report. Use the description or change to fit the credit. F1 to Save.

  22. Sample screen of a temporary Charge. Do not use (–) when charging a route. This code for supplies is set up to use the number of poly bags to charge multiple cases.

  23. CA #7 Percentage Change by Town Select the town code and percentage you want to change the next days draw. Must be changed prior to processing day-end.

  24. CA #10 (Bundle Label Messaging) To print a message on your bundle tops.

  25. CA#11, (Bundle Label Printing) Sample screen To run your TMC bundle tops on next 5 slides.

  26. TMC Bundle Tops

  27. TMC Bundle Tops

  28. TMC Bundle Tops

  29. TMC Bundle Tops

  30. CA #14(Carrier Check Printing). Sample screen to post amount paid to carriers for the month. Will post all check amounts that match your monthly carrier billing. You must change the dollar amount for each route if you paid them different than their bill.

  31. CA#15 (Cash History Inquiry). Use this to print cash history on a carrier, dealer or rack account.

  32. CA#15, (Cash History) Sample Screen

  33. CA #16,(Starts/Stops History Inquiry) Sample screen to print start/stop history of a route.

  34. CA #16, (Start/Stop History Inquiry) Sample screen

  35. CA #17, (Master File Strip and Lists). To run a list on any route information. At first question, select F8 to show a list of lists already built. Use up/down keys to select list and select F8 to get that list.

  36. CA #17 (Master File Strip and Lists). To build a list this is the sample screens on the next 4 slides. This list gives you the answers on how to delete routes permanently that you have marked for deletion.

  37. CA #17, (Master File Strip and Lists). List to permanently delete routes marked for deletion.

  38. CA #17, (Master File Strip and Lists). List to permanently delete routes marked for deletion.

  39. CA #17, (Master File Strip and Lists). List to permanently delete routes marked for deletion.

  40. CA #17, (Master File and Strip Lists). Sample screens to build a report in excel format.

  41. CA #17, (Master File and Strip Lists). Sample screens to build a report in excel format.

  42. CA #17, (Master File and Strip Lists). Sample screens to build a report in excel format.

  43. CA #19, (Expiring Contract List) Screen sample how to run this report. This will give you contract, insurance and drivers license expiration dates.

  44. CA #20 (Return Cards) Screen sample on how to run return cards by load number.

  45. CA #22, (Vacant Account List) Run this when you run out of new account numbers for routes.

  46. CA SS #1Sample of ABC Town Codes. Select F8 at the Town Code to see a listing.

  47. CA, SS #1, (Town Code File). Screen sample of your town code file.

  48. CA, SS #2, (ABC Category File). Select F8 key to get a list of options to add or change column titles on your ABC report. Use up/down keys to select option and select F8 to apply.

  49. CA, SS #2, (ABC Category File). To add or change ABC categories select record type 2 (ABC Category Codes) then F8 to show list of options. Use up/down keys to select category and F8 again.

  50. CA, SS #2 (ABC Category File). Sample screen of ABC category.

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