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Human Body Systems

Human Body Systems. How many human body systems are there?. Digestive Reproductive Respiratory Nervous Excretory Endocrine Circulatory Skeletal Muscular. Nutrition.

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Human Body Systems

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  1. Human Body Systems

  2. How many human body systems are there? • Digestive Reproductive • Respiratory Nervous • Excretory Endocrine • Circulatory • Skeletal • Muscular

  3. Nutrition • Nutrients  are substances in food that provide raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out all essential processes. • There are six kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.

  4. Carbohydrates • Example  Sugar and Starches • Function  main source of energy of life processes

  5. Fat • Nutrient  Fat • Example  oils, butter, cream • Functions  A reserve energy supply, building material for certain cell structures

  6. Protein • Example  Meat, eggs, beans, milk, fish • Functions supplies amino acids which make new cells and body chemicals, repair and maintains body tissues

  7. Vitamins • Example  A, B, C, D, K • Functions  Necessary for good health and a healthy body, lack of a vitamin can cause disease

  8. Minerals • Example  Calcium, iron, potassium • Functions  Regulate body functions, needed for structure of body parts, maintain good health

  9. Water • Functions  Dissolves and transports materials in the body which is 70% water, needed for chemical reactions in the body

  10. Digestive System • Is responsible for breaking down food into molecules the body can use. • Then the molecules are absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body. • Finally, wastes are eliminated from the body

  11. Digestive System • There are several parts: • Mouth Pancreas • Esophagus Large Intestine • Stomach • Small Intestine • Liver

  12. Mouth & Salivary Glands • Function: Physical and Chemical breakdown of food • Physical when your teeth are breaking down the food • Chemical the breakdown of complex molecules into simple (by enzymesAmylase)

  13. Esophagus • Connects the mouth to the stomach • Epiglottis seals off your windpipe, preventing the food from entering. • Peristalsis waves of muscle contractions- pushes food through the to the stomach

  14. Stomach • J- shaped, muscular pouch • Pepsin & Protease enzyme digests proteins • Hydrochloric Acid  strong acid helps protease, kills bacteria • Mucus  coats and protects the lining of the stomach

  15. Small Intestines • Completes chemical digestion, food is absorbed and transported to cells by blood. • Produces protease, amylase, lipase enzymes • Long & folded increase surface area. Tiny finger-like=villi cover inner surface increase surface area.

  16. Liver Produces chemicals needed for digestion Liver breaks down medicines & produces bile Bile breaks down fat particles & neutralizes stomach acid

  17. Pancreas • Triangular shaped organ, between stomach and small intestines • Produces enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase) that flow into the small intestines

  18. Large Intestines • 1 ½ meters long (as long as a bathtub) • Absorbs excess water, collects undigested food for removal from body

  19. Rectum & Anus • Rectum short tube where waste is compressed into solid form • Anus  waste material is eliminated from the body

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