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Ji ří J KLEME Š, Petar S VARBANOV EC Marie Currie Chair (EXC) “INEMAGLOW”

“Intensified Heat Transfer Technologies for Enchanced Heat Recovery” INTHEAT (Grant Agreement 262205). Ji ří J KLEME Š, Petar S VARBANOV EC Marie Currie Chair (EXC) “INEMAGLOW” Research Institute of Chemical Technology and Process Engineering – CPI 2 , Faculty of Information Technology

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Ji ří J KLEME Š, Petar S VARBANOV EC Marie Currie Chair (EXC) “INEMAGLOW”

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  1. “Intensified Heat Transfer Technologies for Enchanced Heat Recovery”INTHEAT (Grant Agreement 262205) Jiří J KLEMEŠ, Petar S VARBANOV EC Marie Currie Chair (EXC) “INEMAGLOW” Research Institute of Chemical Technology and Process Engineering – CPI2, Faculty of Information Technology University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary

  2. Outline • CPI2 at the University of Pannonia • Research Background • P-graph for Process Synthesis • Books and Other Publications • Involvement of CPI2-UOP in INTHEAT

  3. CPI2 at the University of Pannonia

  4. University of Pannonia

  5. Location: Veszprem – The Town of Queens

  6. Professor Ferenc Friedler, DeanFaculty of Information Technology Development of P-graph and S-graph frameworks (Co-founder) Process Network Synthesis Batch Process Scheduling Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction Reaction Pathway Identification Knight's Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, 2003 László Kalmár Prize (John von Neumann Computer Science Society), Budapest, Hungary, 2003 Neumann Prize (John von Neumann Computer Science Society), Budapest, Hungary, 2007 Széchenyi Prize, Budapest, Hungary, 2010

  7. CPI2Centre for Process Integration and Intensification Prof Jiří J Klemeš Chair Holder Prof Zdravko Kravanja, University of Maribor Assoc. Prof. Dr Petar Varbanov PhD Students Dr László Sikos CUM LAUDEGraduate Andreja Nemet Lidija Čuček Luca De Benedetto Hon LoongLam Zsófia Fodor

  8. Research background

  9. UMIST: History • 1824 Created by industrialists as the Manchester Mechanics Institution • 1905 Faculty of Technology, University of Manchester • 1956 Royal Charter granted to Manchester College of Science and Technology • 1965 University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology • 2004 Merged with University of Manchester

  10. Centre for Process Integration World Leaders in Process Design Technology

  11. Research directions

  12. Most Resent Research Cell-based dynamic heat exchanger models – direct determination of the cell number and size Petar SabevVarbanov, Jiří JaromirKlemeš, Ferenc Friedler

  13. Heat exchange cell • H=”Hot”, C=”Cold”; • HI=”Hot Inlet”, HO=”Hot Outlet” • CI=”Cold Inlet”, CO=”Cold Outlet” Cell model: icon representation Cell model: detailed picture mH hHI mH hHO QCELL mC hCI mC hCO Assumptions Definition • Perfect mixing in the fluid cells • Constant fluid densities • The tanks are completely full • Constant specific heat capacities • The thermal resistance of the wall is neglected • The wall heat capacity is taken into account • Two perfectly stirred tanks, exchanging heat only with each other through a dividing wall

  14. Cell model of a heat exchanger • A complete heat exchanger can be modelled by a number of cells • The cells are combined to reflect the internal flow arrangement in the exchanger Single-pass (1-1) heat exchanger mHOT, hOUT,HOT mHOT, hIN,HOT mCOLD, hOUT,COLD mCOLD, hIN,COLD

  15. Cell model of a heat exchanger 1-2 shell-and-tube heat exchanger (no baffles)

  16. Cell model of a heat exchanger 1-2 shell-and-tube heat exchanger (with baffles)

  17. Minimum number of cells Derivation Temperature Heat exchange

  18. Summary on the cell model • Distributed models become inefficient for complex heat exchangers • From the lumped– mostly cell models are employed • The cell parameters need to be carefully estimated accounting for the underestimation of the temperature differences • A method for direct identification of the number of cells has been developed • Mostly applicable to shell-and-tube heat exchangers • A useful visualisation of the cell number identification procedure is provided • The method can be further extended to the other kinds of heat exchangers

  19. P-graph for Process Synthesis Friedler, F., J.B. Varga, and L.T Fan. (1995), Decision-Mapping A Tool for Consistent and Complete Decisions in Process Synthesis, Chem. Eng. Sci., 50(11):1755-1768

  20. P-graph: a Rigorous Mathematical Tool Suite of tools Search space • Axioms for feasible networks • Algorithm MSG • Algorithm SSG 103–106 x • Exploit the problem structure • Much faster • Superior to direct Mathematical Programming

  21. P-graph algorithms:Maximal Structure Generation (MSG) Problem Formulation Reduction part Consistent sets O & M Composition part Maximal Structure • Problem Formulation • set of raw materials • set of products • set of candidate operating units • Superstructure (Maximal) • Union of all combinatorially feasible structures • Rigorous super-structure Legend: O: set of operating units; M: set of materials

  22. ABB Algorithm – Even Faster Search • Employs the “branch-and-bound” strategy • Combines this with the P-graph logic (SSG algorithm) • Ensures combinatorial feasibility Non-optimal decisions are eliminated from the search

  23. PNS Paradigms: A Comparison

  24. Applying P-graph:Combined Heat and Power using FCCC

  25. Configuration and Setup Demands: 10 MW power and 15 MW heat Power: 100 €/MWh Heat: 30 €/MWh Natural gas: 30 €/MWh Fertiliser from biogas digestion: 50 €/t Plant life: 10 y Case studies Limit the availability of the biomass to 30 MW

  26. Fuel Preparation Options Biomass Gasifier Syngas Filter Biogas digester Performance per unit input Streams / Materials AR: Agricultural residues PR: Particulates BR: Biomass residues SG: Syngas RSG: Raw syngas BG: Biogas CO2: Carbon dioxideFRT: Fertiliser

  27. Energy Conversion Options Fuel Cell Combined Cycle Biogas Boiler Natural Gas Boiler Performance per unit input {F}: Fuels {FCCC} {Q}: steam Steam details {Q}: steam Steam details NG: Natural gas MCFC-GT Q1 P = 1 bar Q20 P = 20 bar BG: Biogas MCFC-ST Q2 P = 2 bar Q40 P = 40 bar SG: Syngas SOFC-GT Q5 P = 5 bar SOFC-ST Q10 P = 10 bar

  28. Results Case 4; Biomass at 10 €/MWh Profit: 5.51 MM€/y Cases 1, 2, 3; Biomass < 18 €/MWh Profit: 10.05 / 6.48 / 6.23 MM€/y Biomass MAX 30 MW

  29. Results Summary • Biomass is profitable over a wide price range • Topologies relatively robust until tipping point • Fertiliser – marginal significance The trade-off between the Agricultural Residues – Natural Gas prices dominates the designs

  30. P-graph for FCCC Summary • Biomass viable for FC • High efficiency  lower resource demand • Energy supply and conversion: complex systems • Synthesising : combinatorially difficult • P-Graph: appropriate tool effectively solving the task • Successfully applied to choosing FCCC - based system design

  31. Books and other publications

  32. Recent Publication IF2008 = 1.712 IF2009 = 2.952 Citations: 10

  33. Recent Publication IF2009 = 1.987 Citations: 4

  34. Citations 2008 2009 2010

  35. Handbook of Water and Energy Management in Food ProcessingEdited by J Klemeš, University of Pannonia R Smith and J-K Kim, University of Manchester, UK

  36. Coming Book

  37. EMINENT 2 Workshop

  38. Involvement of CPI2-UOP in INTHEAT

  39. Contribution to Work Packages • WP 1 (Months 1-12): Analysis of intensified heat transfer under fouling, 6 person-months, Task 1.1 • WP 2 (Months 1-18): Combined tube-side and shell-side heat exchanger enhancement, 1 person-month, Task 2.2 • WP 4 (Months 1-24): Design, retrofit and control of intensified heat recovery networks, 9.5 person-months, Tasks 4.1 and 4.3. This will be a development of the P-graph methodology using the ABB algorithm • WP 5 (Months 12-24): Putting into practice, 5 person-months, Tasks 5.2 and 5.3

  40. Leader of WP 6 “Technology transfer” Aim: Effective technology transfer to the wide range academic and industrial communities • Validation of the developed novel methodology with the SME partners. • Dissemination of the project results, aiming to achieve the best possible project recognition over a broad audience • Develop suitable training and support materials for SME partners • Establish an active community involving the INTHEAT partners and other users/experts for continuous knowledge management and improvement

  41. WP 6 “Technology Transfer” • Runs during months 6 – 24 • Tasks: • 6.1. Technology transfer to SME consortium members • 6.2. Dissemination events • 6.3. Publications • 6.4. Training

  42. Task 6.1. Technology transfer to SME consortium members • Streamlined transfer of the developed and acquired technologies, licenses and know-how among the consortium all members • A special emphasis will be put on the technology transfer to the industrial partners Principles • All outputs/deliverables from WPs 1 to 5 will be checked for documentation in such a way, as to enable technology users to obtain reproducible results • Additional application procedures may be needed

  43. Task 6.2. Dissemination events Intensified heat exchangers – Novel developments Information day for major stakeholders Organisers: UNIPAN, PIL, UNIMAN Has to be delivered by Month 8 Suggested: PRES’11, 8-11 May 2011, Florence, Italy

  44. 8-11 May 2011, Florence, Italy

  45. 14th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 8-11 May 2011, Florence, Italy Organiser & Secretariat Raffaella DAMERIO The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering Via Giuseppe Colombo 81A 20133 Milano (Italy) Phone:+39-02-70608276 Fax:+39-02-59610042 Email: pres11@aidic.it Hon Loong LAM (Scientific Programme Secretary) Phone: +36-88-421664 Fax: +44 871 244 774 Email: pres11.secretary@gmail.com Website: www.conferencepres.com

  46. Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) <www.aidic.it/cet>

  47. Task 6.2. Dissemination events Enhanced heat transfer Workshop/session at a recognised international conference Organisers: UNIPAN, CALGAVIN, EMBAFFLE, SODRU Has to be delivered by Month 12 Suggested: 6-th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25 - 29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  48. Task 6.2. Dissemination events Software Demonstration Workshop Workshop/session at a recognised international conference Organisers: UNIPAN, PIL, UNIMAN Has to be delivered by Month 18 Suggested: A dedicated workshop to be held in the summer of 2012, at PRES 2012

  49. Task 6.2. Dissemination events Joint Hub for Intensified Heat Exchangers Workshop held by all academic partners with the support of the industrial partners Has to be delivered by Month 22 Suggested: A dedicated workshop to be held in Veszprém in September-October 2012

  50. Task 6.3. Publications • Three major conferences will be held during the project execution: PRES’11 (May 2011), SDEWES 2011 (September 2011), PRES 2012. It is expected that at least 9 conference publications will be delivered • Scientific articles in refereed journals: minimum 4 papers are planned • Wider dissemination to the public, authorities, environmentalists and decision-making bodies

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