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Phrases for IELTS speaking

Want to improve your IELTS speaking score? Check out our list of top 30 phrases for IELTS Speaking that will help you to improve your band score.

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Phrases for IELTS speaking

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  1. Phrases for IELTS speaking

  2. Table Of Content • Phrases for IELTS Speaking that you must know • The Do’s and Don’ts of the use of Phrases For IELTS Speaking Tests • Conclusion

  3. Hello! We are from CourseMentor™ We are here because we love to give presentations. You can find us at www.coursementor.com

  4. Phrases for IELTS Speaking that you must know Let’s start with the first set of slides

  5. That’s an interesting question – This is the most commonly used phrase, and this helps you to take more time to think carefully about your answer. Make sure to highlight the word interesting and do not say it too fast. Well, that depends on a few things– This is one of the useful phrases for IELTS speaking and can be used when there is a complex question. You can easily kill a time by slowly starting this phrase and can get yourself 3-4 secs more for thinking about your answer. Take your time when you say things. I haven’t thought much about it, but I would say – Another easy-to-use phrase, aids that you haven’t spent much time considering the answer and need some more time before answering. Put more stress on ‘much and really’ and you can get yourself 6-8 secs before answering, also it is a long-phrase where you can take more time. Funny you should ask that – Here the word ‘funny’ indicates an interesting coincidence. This phrase is only suitable if you get a question on a topic that you have been just thinking about. You should use this phrase carefully.

  6. Looking back, I would say it – Is suitable when the question being asked reflects on your past or thinking about any past incident. It’s another gem of a phrase. A question-answer example is a must for this condition. Suppose you get a question- Did you enjoy your swimming classes lessons? The answer will be looking back, I would say yes, it was very fun and I enjoyed it well. Find my feet – It means steadily attaining comfort and acquainting doing any activity or task. example – took some time to find my feet in this new country where the lifestyle was completely different. Cost an arm and a leg – A really expensive thing you work very hard for i.e. The shoes look classy but they cost her an arm and a leg. Burn the midnight oil – When you stay up late into the night for getting some work done. For example – You will have to burn the midnight oil to prepare for the test by tomorrow.

  7. Over the moon – A phrase that means being admired. An example- She was over the moon when he proposed to her. Call it a day – Ending something for the night or day. An example- While I loved exploring the whole city, I think it is time for me to call it a day. Right off the top of my head – The phrase means expressing something without thinking too much or going deep into it. An example- Right off the top of my head, they both are couples. Down in the dumps – Sorrowful. For example- He is a bit down in the dumps since she failed her Biology test. Chill out – Being Peaceful and comfortable. An example- Despite countless obstacles, Udit told his employees to chill out and get the work done by tomorrow.

  8. Put/Putting all your eggs in one case – It means putting all your attempts, assets, and your ambition into a single place or thing. For example – Don’t put all your eggs in one basket make sure you apply to all the companies looking for web developers. Fed up with – It specifies being displeased, irritated, or annoyed. An example is- The teacher is fed up with us today, do not provoke him too much. Once in a Blue Moon – Something occurring very rarely. An instance – I’m very cautious about what I eat so it’s only once in a blue moon I eat junk food. Miss the boat or bus – An opportunity is being missed. For example – There were movie tickets available last week, but she missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy them.

  9. White elephant – A investment or a purchase done on something which turns out to be costly or unprofitable, also too expensive and big to maintain regularly. For example, when he bought the new house he didn’t know it was going to be such a white elephant. A drop in the ocean– Something which is so small that it does not make an important role or difference or have much effect. For example, they need to raise crores of rupees for this project, so our lakhs of donation is just a drop in the ocean. Bump into– Meeting someone you know by chance. An example – I did not expect to bump into my childhood crush at the restaurant.

  10. The in-thing– Something that is fashionable at the moment. An example- The new iPhone 14 is the in thing currently. Work flat out – Work hard for some work to be done. An example would be The students who have worked flat out for completing their thesis on time. Run of the mill-It means a thing or person ordinary or average, with no interesting or special features. An example will be oppo smartphones are run-of-the-mill nowadays.

  11. Do’s and Don’ts of the use of Phrases For IELTS Speaking Tests

  12. DO’S • Use them naturally as much as you can. You need to let the examiner know that you can engage in conversation with a native speaker in real life. • Be particular about when to use and apply the different expressions and phrases in your talk. Not using them properly can affect the messages you are trying to convey. • Use variations of the different phrases. The examiner shouldn’t think you only know a limited no. Of phrases and don’t have enough knowledge of them if you stick to Less than three to four phrases.

  13. DONT’S • When you are being asked simple questions about yourself and your life don’t use formal phrases. • Do not try to show off your grammar or vocabulary. Use only what is necessary for the conversation. • Don’t use more than two phrases in simple sentences. This will lose the meaning of your answer.

  14. Conclusion

  15. Thank you for reading! So, these are the phrases for IELTS speaking. We hope that these phrases for IELTS speaking have helped you to prepare for the IELTS speaking test and that you feel more confident before taking the test. There are many topics that you can speak on in the IELTS exam but if you are short of ideas, then you can use these 30 phrases for IELTS speaking test and you are sure to get a good score on it.

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