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How Can I Prevent and Reduce Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin complaint that results in flat, darkened spots or patches in the skin. It varies in size and color and typically appears on areas that receive the most sun exposure (like the face). Hyperpigmentation can also be a result of an injury, rash, or blemish in the skin like acne. For more details visit us: https://www.cutislaserclinics.com/blog/how-can-i-prevent-and-reduce-hyperpigmentation/

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How Can I Prevent and Reduce Hyperpigmentation

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  1. How Can I Prevent and Reduce Hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation is a common skin complaint that results in flat, darkened spots or patches in the skin. It varies in size and color and typically appears on areas that receive the most sun exposure (like the face). Hyperpigmentation can also be a result of an injury, rash, or blemish in the skin like acne. While most forms of hyperpigmentation are harmless, they can be bothersome. This is especially true if they appear on the face or cover a large portion of the skin. Fortunately, a number of things can help prevent and fade hyperpigmentation. Continue reading to learn more. Prevent hyperpigmentation Preventing dark spots from forming, for the most part, means taking better care of your skin. This involves avoiding habits that can trigger hyperpigmentation and using products that can prevent it from becoming darker. Prioritize sun protection Sun exposure can trigger and worsen existing dark spots, so it only makes sense to always protect your skin from the sun.  Limit sun exposure, especially during peak hours.  Accessorize with brimmed hats or sunglasses with UV protection.  Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily.  Wear long pants or long-sleeved shirts and clothes made from tightly woven fabric if possible. Use products with vitamin C Skin care products formulated with vitamin C can help brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of pigmentation. Commonly available in creams, serums, and face masks, vitamin C offers antioxidant and anti-aging benefits. When used regularly, it can reduce dark spots, hydrate skin, and even out skin tone.

  2. At Cutis Laser Clinics in Singapore, we have Dr. Sylvia’s Vitamin C 20% with Ferulic Acid. This comprehensive antioxidant serum contains various antioxidant actives that work together to boost free radical fighting properties. It also hydrates and moisturizes the skin, as well as provides skin lightening benefits. Don’t pick your blemishes Picking, squeezing, or popping your blemishes can cause further skin inflammation. This can trigger hyperpigmentation and make existing dark spots darker. You should also know that your hands are covered with dirt, which only means that doing so transfers bacteria from your fingers to your face. Face touching is also bad news if you have oily or acne-prone skin; it can make your breakouts worse. Keeping your hands occupied by engaging in certain activities (typing, playing games, or squeezing a stress ball) can help you stop the habit. Check out our previous post for other tips on keeping your hands off your face. Fade or reduce hyperpigmentation Certain aesthetic treatments can help improve hyperpigmentation and accelerate its recovery or fading time. A few procedures that can help include: VI Peel™ This medical-grade chemical peel offers a deep peeling effect that can improve the tone, texture, and clarity of the skin. It features a synergistic blend of effective ingredients that is safe for all skin types and colors. These ingredients gently remove damaged skin layers and stimulate the production of collagen and new skin cells. VI Peel can help:  Clear acne skin conditions  Reduce or fade hyperpigmentation and age spots  Soften lines and wrinkles  Reduce or eliminate acne scars  Stimulate collagen production Limelight™ Photo Facial Using “intense pulse light” technology, Limelight Photo Facial treats pigmentation, redness, and sun damage. It works by delivering pulses of light, which draws out dark spots on the skin’s top layer. Limelight may cause the dark spots to look darker, but this is normal and temporary. They will then scab and fall off after 5 to 7 days, revealing brighter skin. You can use Limelight on any part of the face, neck, and décolleté with dark spots, redness, and facial veins. It is also good to know that light brown spots, which were previously difficult to treat, respond well to Limelight Photo Facial. Pearl™ Skin Resurfacing This laser resurfacing skin treatment provides a “stem-to-stern” rejuvenation, improving the overall quality of the skin. It works by delivering pulses of light on the skin surface, which removes a portion of pigmented or sun damaged layers. This then causes the skin to form a natural protective dressing, which will peel off after 5 to 7 days. Pearl™ Skin Resurfacing can treat or improve a range of skin problems, including:  Hyperpigmentation and age spots  Acne marks and scars  Fine lines and wrinkles  Uneven skin texture  Sun damaged skin

  3. Schedule a consultation today Don’t let hyperpigmentation negatively affect your confidence. If you’re bothered with your dark spots, consider the tips above or contact Cutis Laser Clinics today. Schedule a consultation with one of our aesthetic doctors in Singapore to find out which aesthetic treatments are right for you. Cutis Medical Laser Clinics Address:Scotts Road Pacific Plaza, Scotts Medical Center #08-07, Singapore-228210 Email id:cutis@cutislaserclinics.com Website:https://www.cutislaserclinics.com/ Contact us:+65-6801-4000

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