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Terrific Ten

Terrific Ten. By Jake Hackley Mrs. Reagan. Scratchy-(adj.)- (esp. of a fabric or garment) Having a rough, uncomfortable texture and tending to cause itching or discomfort (of a voice or sound) Rough; grating. Synonyms: dry, jagged, itchy Antonyms: fine, smooth

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Terrific Ten

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  1. TerrificTen By Jake Hackley Mrs. Reagan

  2. Scratchy-(adj.)- (esp. of a fabric or garment) Having a rough, uncomfortable texture and tending to cause itching or discomfort (of a voice or sound) Rough; grating. • Synonyms: dry, jagged, itchy • Antonyms: fine, smooth • The blanket was rough and scratchy against my skin. Scratchy

  3. Secretly-(adverb)-in secrecy; not openly; "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans; “the children secretly went to the movies when they knew they weren’t allowed to go” • Synonyms: quietly, privately, confidentially • Antonyms: openly, publicly • My mom and dad were secretly talking about my birthday present. Secretly

  4. Greedily-(adverb)-Avariciously: in a greedy manner. • Synonyms: miserly, meanly, ungenerously • Antonyms: generously • The man was greedily eating all the cheeseburgers. Greedily

  5. Merrily-(adverb)-in a cheerful way; in a brisk and lively way: ”a fire burned merrily” • Synonyms: cheerfully, happily, jauntily • Antonyms: sadly, unhappily • We merrily sang along with the Christmas songs on the radio. Merrily

  6. Silently-(adverb)-Mutely: without speaking; “he sat mutely next to her.” • Synonyms: quietly, noiselessly, speechlessly • Antonyms: noisily, loudly • Silently, I snuck a cookie out of the cookie jar. Silently

  7. Wealthy-(adj.) Having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich “the burden of taxation on the wealthy”. • Synonyms: rich, moneyed, affluent • Antonyms: poor, needy • The woman was very wealthy so she spent a great deal of money on shoes. Wealthy

  8. Skinny-(adj.) (of a person or part of their body) Unattractively thin. • Skinny-(n.) Confidential information. • Synonyms (adj.): thin, scraggy, scrawny • Antonyms (adj.): thick, overweight, heavy • Synonyms (n.)- secret • Antonyms (n.)-NONE FOUND • The man was so skinny that I could see his ribs.(adj.) • I hope I get the skinny on the new girl because she sure is cute! (n.) Skinny

  9. Generously-(adverb) liberally: in a generous manner; “he gave liberally to several charities”. • Synonyms: amply, freely, profusely • Antonyms: grudgingly, sparingly, stingily • When you donate generously to a charity, you feel good about yourself. Generously

  10. Bravely-(adverb) In a courageous manner; “bravely he went into the burning house”. • Synonyms: courageously, boldly, heroically • Antonyms: fearfully, timidly • My friends and I bravely rescued the dog from the water. Bravely

  11. Swampy-(adj.) boggy: (of soil) soft and watery; “the ground was boggy under foot”; “a marshy coastline”; “miry roads”; • Synonyms: boggy, miry, muddy • Antonyms: dry • The ditch was swampy after it rained all week. Swampy

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