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Day 31: Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800

Day 31: Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 15, 2012 A/A.P . U.S. History Mr. Green. The New Government. Objective:

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Day 31: Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800

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  1. Day 31: Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 15, 2012 A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

  2. The New Government Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will evaluate the Presidency of Adams by describing Adams’s decision to seek peace rather than declare war with France

  3. Announcements Essay will be distributed on Friday, due on Monday Test will be on Monday.

  4. Embroilments with Britain London wanted to keep fur trade in the Great Lakes Region Britain supplied Miami Confederacy with firearms/firewater Miami’s defeated federal soldiers in 1790/1791 Battle of Fallen Timbers-Mad Anthony Wayne Treaty of Greenville-Natives gave up land in Old Northwest

  5. On the Sea Britain wanted to starve French West Indies U.S. to help???? Britain seized 300 American merchant ships England impressed American seamen Jeffersonians wanted war with England, at least an embargo Federalists took no drastic action-Why???

  6. Relationship with Britain/Spain Jay’s Treaty The U.S. wanted Britain out of the posts on U.S. soil-since before Paris in 1783 Britain consented to pay damages for recent seizure, but not future events Britain demanded repayment to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts How do you think Americans viewed this treaty with Britain? What impacts did this treaty have on American politics?

  7. Spain Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 Free navigation on the Mississippi right of deposit at New Orleans large disputed territory of western Florida

  8. Presidency of John Adams Thomas Jefferson selected vice-President Why did this occur? Will this happen in the future Inherited a violent quarrel with France France viewed Jay’s Treaty as a step toward alliance with Britain. Violated the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. Seized American merchant vessels Attempted to meet with Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-XYZ affair Identify the impacts of the XYZ affair. Navy Department-3 ship navy expanded Marine Corps re-established 10,000 man army authorized Fighting limited to the West Indies France was not interested in war. Why? Convention of 1800 Napoleon seized power and eager to end squabble in the West Indies Adams deserves credit for the Louisiana Purchase. Why?

  9. Alien and Sedition Acts Alien laws never enforced Sedition Act anyone who impeded the policies of the government or falsely defamed its officials would be liable for a fine and jail-time Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Precursor to the nullification crisis Nullify federal laws by the states because the states were the final judges if the federal government broke the compact

  10. Enrichment Place yourself into groups no larger than 4. Read the front and back of the primary sources. Complete a pro-con chart about the decision to go to war with France. Each group needs to submit one paper per group. Please use quotes if necessary to support your position for either a pro or con statement. Once you have completed this chart: 1. Each member will write a half-page position on whether or not they would have gone to war with France. Use evidence from the primary sources to support your decision.

  11. Homework Continue Reading Chapter 10 Work on Charts

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