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Prime Meridian

By: Stacie Biddle 10-19-10. Prime Meridian. Why was the Prime Meridian made? .

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Prime Meridian

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  1. By: Stacie Biddle 10-19-10 Prime Meridian

  2. Why was the Prime Meridian made? • Not every globe has the exact prime meridian measurement , but the earth`s measurement of the prime meridian passes through lots of countries. • Example ( The GCF people had to go through a lot for the prime meridian to go through France.)

  3. How to tell time on the Prime Meridian. • How you tell time on the prime meridian is that they have lines to divided time section on the earth to tell what time it is. • Like for example :

  4. Prime Meridian location • The prime meridian is a line that goes side to side that marks the zero longitude measurement on the earth. • It passes through England, France, Spain, Togo, and down to Antarctica.

  5. How it started • Since 1870, geographers and scientist of all nations have been trying the possibility of fixing a common zero for longitude plus time reckoning though out the world, which was the prime meridian, which was the first to be talked about. • In 1871 the first International Geographical Congress( or the IGC) which took place at Antwerp. The whole thing was about passage charts for the whole world, not necessarily for the coastal harbor charts. The Greenwich meridian should have been adopted as the common zero longitude and that this should become obligatory within 15 years.

  6. What was the deal to it all? • However, the 2nd IGC in Rome in 1875 talked about the whole problem again without any farther conclusion. France did express that if we were to take the metric system, then they would take the Greenwich meridian. Later is was settled that the prime meridian was needed and that it should be Greenwich. So after many of years of deciding the conference hoped that if the world was able to accept Greenwich as the prime meridian and that Great Britain might be ready to agree to the metric system.

  7. Different from prime meridian and equator. • Prime Meridian Equator Prime Meridian: Imaginary line running from Pole to Pole and passing through Greenwich, England. Equator: Runs East and West around the exact middle of the earth.

  8. Have you been listening? • 1.What did France traded in order for the Prime Meridian to go though it? • A. the Greenwich time • B. the metric system • C. the constitution • D. the Prime Meridian

  9. Should have been listening or you got it right The metric system !!!!

  10. Where you listening? • 2. what does IGC stand for? • A. I Got C`s • B. International Geographers Congress • C. International Greatest Computer • B. I Got Caught

  11. Should have been listening or you got it right B!!!

  12. Sources http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-prime-meridian.htm http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/info/prime-meridian.htm http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/geography/equartorprimemeridian.htm

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