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頌讚 祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 在那豐富美好之地 In the land that is plentiful

頌讚 祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 在那豐富美好之地 In the land that is plentiful. 頌讚祢聖名. 30.015/ 天 72. 生命泉源湧流不息 Where Your streams of abundance flow 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name. 頌讚 祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 當我在乾旱沙漠地 When I’m found in the desert place.

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頌讚 祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 在那豐富美好之地 In the land that is plentiful

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  1. 頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name在那豐富美好之地In the land that is plentiful 頌讚祢聖名 30.015/天72

  2. 生命泉源湧流不息Where Your streams of abundance flow頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  3. 頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name當我在乾旱沙漠地When I’m found in the desert place

  4. 縱然走在這曠野裡Though I walk through the wilderness頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  5. 祢所傾倒的每個祝福Every blessing You pour out化作讚美I’ll turn back to praise

  6. 縱然黑暗四面環繞When the darkness closes in, Lord我仍要說Still I will say

  7. 頌讚歸於主的聖名Blessed be the name of the Lord頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  8. 頌讚歸於主的聖名Blessed be the name of the Lord頌讚主祢榮耀聖名Blessed be Your glorious name

  9. 頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name當陽光照耀在我心When the sun’s shining down on me

  10. 當世界都美好順利When the world’s all as it should be頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  11. 頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name在那艱困的路途中on the road marked with suffering

  12. 縱有困苦 我仍獻上though there’s pain in the offering 頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  13. 祢所傾倒的每個祝福Every blessing You pour out化作讚美I’ll turn back to praise

  14. 縱然黑暗四面環繞When the darkness closes in, Lord我仍要說Still I will say

  15. 頌讚歸於主的聖名Blessed be the name of the Lord頌讚祢聖名Blessed be Your Name

  16. 頌讚歸於主的聖名Blessed be the name of the Lord頌讚主祢榮耀聖名Blessed be Your glorious name

  17. 頌讚主祢榮耀聖名Blessed be Your glorious name

  18. 賞賜是在於祢You give and take away收取也在於祢You give and take away

  19. 我心仍堅定說My heart will choose to say主 頌讚祢聖名Lord, Blessed be Your Name

  20. 當我們求 祢的國度降臨Lord as we pray that Your kingdom be here我深信是此刻是現在we believe we believe it is now 是此刻是現在 27.016/天17

  21. 當我們唱 祢是主我君王Come be enthroned in our midst as we sing高舉祢 在寶座為我王You are King, You are Lord, You are crowned

  22. 就像那強大精兵Just like a mighty army同心向前到戰場marching into battleground

  23. 我們高聲唱耶穌As we declare that Jesus祂是主我王He is Lord Aloud

  24. 靠祢能力而來There’s nothing that will stop us我們決不受阻礙when we come in His power

  25. 我們要看到突破We want to see a breakthrough我深信是此刻是現在we believe we believe it is now

  26. 我們要看到突破We want to see a breakthrough我深信是此刻是現在we believe we believe it is now

  27. 火火火 聖靈的火Fire, fire, fire, Holy Spirit’s fire充滿這聖所Come and fill this temple 火火火 01.104/天103-1

  28. 信徒們在此等候We, believers, waiting for You 充滿我們的心come and fill all our hearts

  29. 火火 聖靈的火Fire, fire, Holy Spirit’s fire充滿這世界Come and fill this world

  30. 火火 聖靈的火 Fire, fire, Holy Spirit’s fire充滿我們的心 come and fill all our hearts

  31. 充滿我們的心 come and fill all our hearts

  32. 勇敢站立齊為此地呼求Let us arise and cry out for the land心連心高舉敬拜雙手Hand in hand, we lift out voice to pray

  33. 主願祢從天上垂聽 Lord, our God, please hear our cries醫治這地and come heal this land

  34. 願我們的國家回轉向祢Oh, let our nation cometurn back to You

  35. 勇敢宣告齊為此地呼求Let us proclaim and cry out for the land心連心高舉敬拜雙手Hand in hand, we lift our voice to pray

  36. 主求祢 仰起祢的臉Lord, out God, lift up Your face光照我們and shine upon us

  37. 願屬祢的子民May all belong to You, 定意跟隨祢follow after You

  38. 聖靈的烈火來焚燒這地Spirit of the Lord, send down Your fire燒盡一切過犯與不義Burn away all ours unrighteousness 齊為此地呼求 18.211/天124

  39. 聖靈的烈火來煉淨這地Spirit of the Lord, come sanctify us使萬民聖潔都回轉向祢Make us pure again; we turn back to You

  40. 復興的風 要吹遍全地Reviving fire, come pass through this land這片土地 必然要得救This land of our belongs to You, God

  41. 勇敢站立齊為此地呼求Let us arise and cry out for the land心連心高舉敬拜雙手Hand in hand, we lift out voice to pray

  42. 主願祢從天上垂聽 Lord, our God, please hear our cries醫治這地and come heal this land

  43. 願我們的國家回轉向祢Oh, let our nation cometurn back to You

  44. 勇敢宣告齊為此地呼求Let us proclaim and cry out for the land心連心高舉敬拜雙手Hand in hand, we lift our voice to pray

  45. 主求祢 仰起祢的臉Lord, out God, lift up Your face光照我們and shine upon us

  46. 願屬祢的子民May all belong to You, 定意跟隨祢follow after You

  47. 願屬祢的子民May all belong to You, 定意跟隨祢follow after You

  48. 我們縱然失信Though our hearts may be weak,祢仍是可信You’re always faithful

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