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Pompeii. By Ayoub Haddouch. Before the eruption.

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  1. Pompeii By Ayoub Haddouch

  2. Before the eruption • Before the eruption of Vesuvius, the people of Pompeii had no idea of the dangers. First there were seismic activities and as the day went on it increased. Just before the eruption smoke started pouring out of what people thought was just a “mountain”. • The people of Pompeii didn’t know what was happening and most stayed and carried on with their daily buisness.

  3. Destruction of Pompeii • On August 24, 79AD Mount Vesuvius literally blew its top, spewing tons of molten ash, pumice and sulphuric gas miles in to the atmosphere. • The rain of ash and pumice, mixed with lithics, that descended for several hours was not necessarily lethal. • It was not until around midnight the pyroclastic surges and flows occurred, caused by the continuous collapsing of the eruptive column. This meant certain death for anyone in the region. • Also the gases that were released suffocated most people.

  4. Images of the eruption

  5. Pliny’s account • On the day of the eruption, the younger Pliny writes, "my uncle was at Misenum, where he held command of the fleet in person. Just after midday on 24 August [79 CE] my mother pointed out to him the appearance of a cloud of unusual size and appearance. He had relaxed in the sun, had then taken a cold dip, had lunched lying down, and was at his books. He asked for his sandals, and mounted to the place from which that remarkable phenomenon could best be observed. A cloud was issuing up from some mountain which spectators from a distance could not identify; it was later established to have been Vesuvius." • Pliny goes on to tell Tacitus about the cloud: "The pine tree, rather than any other, best describes its appearance and shape, for it rose high up into the sky on what one can describe as a very long trunk, and it then spread out into what looked like branches ... Its appearance varied between white on the one hand, and grimy and spotted on the other, according as it had thrust up earth or ashes. My uncle, most learned man that he was, realized that this was important, and should be investigated at closer quarters."

  6. The Roman gods • Roman gods.doc

  7. Other areas that were affected

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