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Royal Institution Primary M aths Masterclasses

Royal Institution Primary M aths Masterclasses. Off the shelf Masterclass: Magic Squares. rigb.org @ Ri_Science. Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons, Melancholia I by Durer. What is a Magic Square? A square grid with a number in each box

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Royal Institution Primary M aths Masterclasses

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  1. Royal Institution Primary Maths Masterclasses Off the shelf Masterclass: Magic Squares rigb.org@Ri_Science Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons, Melancholia I by Durer

  2. What is a Magic Square? • A square grid with a number in each box • All the columns add to give the same number • All the rows add to give the same number • All the diagonals add to give the same number • This number is called the “Magic total” • Some squares are even more magic than that, but more of that later… • Let’s start by making a 3x3 magic square using the numbers 1,2…,8,9

  3. Working in pairs: • Use the digit cards to make a 3x3 square where each of the rows, columns and diagonals add to a total of 15 • When you have found a solution, draw it on the board • Now try to find another, different solution. (Think about how you will decide whether your new solution is different.) • How many different solutions can you find?

  4. The Royal Institution Our vision is: A world where everyone is inspired to think more deeply about science and its place in our lives. Image credits: Tim Mitchell

  5. Royal Institution activities • Online videos & activity resources • National education programmes • Membership • London-based: • Talks and shows • Holiday workshops • Family fun days • Faraday Museum Image credits: The Royal Institution, Paul Wilkinson, Katherine Leedale

  6. The CHRISTMAS LECTURES The CHRISTMAS LECTURES are the Ri’s most famous activity and are televised on the BBC. The first maths lectures by Prof. Sir Christopher Zeeman in 1978 started off the Masterclass programme! Christmas Lecturers include Michael Faraday, David Attenborough, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Alison Woollard, Saiful Islam & Alice Roberts Image credits: Tim Mitchell, Paul Wilkinson

  7. Royal Institution videos • CHRISTMAS LECTURES – on the Riwebsite

  8. Royal Institution videos • CHRISTMAS LECTURES – on the Ri website • Ri on YouTube – experiments, videos & talks for all ages

  9. Royal Institution videos • CHRISTMAS LECTURES – on the Ri website • Ri on YouTube – experiments, videos & talks for all ages • ExpeRimental – science experiments at home

  10. Royal Institution Primary Maths Masterclasses Off the shelf Masterclass: Magic Squares rigb.org@Ri_Science Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons, Melancholia I by Durer

  11. What is a Magic Square? • A square grid with a number in each box • All the columns add to give the same number • All the rows add to give the same number • All the diagonals add to give the same number • This number is called the “Magic total” • Some squares are even more magic than that, but more of that later… • Let’s start by making a 3x3 magic square using the numbers 1,2…,8,9

  12. Working in pairs: • Use the digit cards to make a 3x3 square where each of the rows, columns and diagonals add to a total of 15 • When you have found a solution, draw it on the board • Now try to find another, different solution. (Think about how you will decide whether your new solution is different.) • How many different solutions can you find?

  13. Can you see the link between the left hand squares and the right hand squares? • Look carefully at each pair. Try to find a single rule which links the left to the right for each row.

  14. Other ideas to explore: • Can you make a new magic square if you swap the 1 for a 10? (So you are using the numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) What is the magic total now? • What consecutive numbers would you need to make a magic square with the magic total of 21? • What numbers could you use to make a magic square with a magic total of 150? • Could you make a magic square with a magic total of 45? • Could you make a magic square with a magic total of 16? • Explain your answer. 18 (3-11) (Yes- make all numbers 10 x bigger…10,20,30….90) (Yes- make all numbers 3 x bigger…3,6,9….30) (Not if sticking to 3x3 square with consecutive numbers: this will always have multiple of 3 as magic number)

  15. Do you recognise these images? • What country do you think they might be from? • They are over 3000 years old… Image creditsByAnonMoos - Own work - Made by self from scratch, following layout of PD image File:Luo4shu1.jpg., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8888999

  16. “Melancolia” by Albrecht Durer • German artist lived 1471-1528 • 20 years younger than Leonardo Da Vinci • What mathematical images can you see in the picture? • Durer was interested in the links between art and maths Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons

  17. Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons

  18. What do you notice about the numbers in the magic square? What is the magic total? Find some pairs which sum to 17. How many can you find? What do you notice? Durer lived from 1471-1528. There is a clue in the magic square as to when the picture was painted. Can you guess which year it was painted? 34 1514 (in centre bottom row) Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons

  19. Now you have a go at some 4x4 magic squares, which use the numbers 1-16. The magic total is 34, as in the Durer painting. a) Use 2, 7, 8, 12, 13 & 14 to fill in the square b) Use 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15 & 16 to fill in the square When you have done both problems, try to make one up of your own. How many different 4x4 magic squares that use the numbers 1-16 do you think there are?

  20. Answer to first question: The magic total is 34, as in the Durer painting. 14 7 12 13 2 8 Use: 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14

  21. Answer to second question: 6 15 16 5 6 16 5 15 2 11 12 1 1 12 2 11 Use 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15 & 16 How many different 4x4 magic squares that use the numbers 1-16 do you think there are? 880

  22. The Passion Façade of the SagradaFamilia, Barcelona Image credits: Jeremy Keith, Bernard Gagnon - all via Wikimedia Commons

  23. The Passion Façade of the SagradaFamilia, Barcelona • What do you notice about this magic square? • What is its magic total? • How is it different to the Durer one? • How is it the same as the Durer one? 33 Image credits: Jeremy Keith, Bernard Gagnon - all via Wikimedia Commons

  24. Take Durer’s magic square Turn it through 90° Turn it through 90° again Compare the two magic squares (Easy to read version of upside down Durer square) Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons

  25. Take Durer’s magic square Turn it through 90° Turn it through 90° again Essentially they’re the same!! Compare the two magic squares (Easy to read version of upside down Durer square) Image credits: Ad Meskens via Wikimedia Commons

  26. Random Total Magic Square https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQxCnmhqZko http://www.numberphile.com/videos/magic_square_trick.html

  27. Random Total Magic Square….how is this “magic” done?

  28. A Special Date Magic Square Place the special date in the first row b+c = m+p[there are many different possible values] a+p = g+j[there are many different possible values] m+d = f+k[there are many different possible values] b+n = g+k c+o = f+j a+m = h+l[there are many different possible values] All rows, columns and diagonals must add up to the same total, so e& iare determined https://nrich.maths.org/1380

  29. We hope you have enjoyed exploring magic squares with us! • What questions do you have? • Any unanswered questions can be written down and emailed to “Ask the RiMasterclass Team” using this email masterclasses@ri.ac.uk • We don’t know all the answers instantly, but we will find out and get back to you before the next Masterclass. • Any comments you have about what you enjoyed or what you’d like to do more of can be written on the post-it note and handed in.

  30. What else can I do to extend my knowledge of magic squares?? https://nrich.maths.org/6215 Different magic square https://nrich.maths.org/87 Magic constants https://nrich.maths.org/1205 Domino magic rectangle Try these as extra activities in class, or try them at home…

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