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INFN CMS Tracker and Muon System Upgrade Roadmap

This document outlines the roadmap for the INFN community's involvement in the upgrade of the CMS Tracker and Muon System, including R&D phases and funding profiles. It also highlights the Italian contributions and potential activities for INFN groups.

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INFN CMS Tracker and Muon System Upgrade Roadmap

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  1. INFN toward CMS Upgrade M de Palma INFN-Univ Bari FNAL- Nov. 19, 2008

  2. First step: a Woking Group in INFN Road Map April 2006 Final report http://www.infn.it/csn1/riunioni/agenda/2006/15-05-2006/depalma.ppt http://www.infn.it/csn1/Roadmap/SLHC.pdf FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08

  3. History • About CMS, in the report, was underlined for the first time the interest of INFN community to participate in the tracker and muon system upgrade. • It was defined two period of activity: • a R&Dphase in years 2007-2008 • a preproduction phase in years 2009-2010 • and for both, a funding profile was present. • … but despite of this, any R&D upgrade program was financed in 2007 and again in 2008 (in both for CMS and ATLAS). Moreover in last June it appears absolutely unclear the situation for the 2009…. • We realize that a clear discussion within INFN around the SLHC upgrade was needed and we trigged the Sestri Levante meeting. FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 3 M. de Palma

  4. The Sestri Levante meeting • Physic motivations • Detector performances (???) • Technologic and financial impact • Italian contributions and fund FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08

  5. The Sestri Levante meeting – first day • The CMS upgrade: Field of Interest for INFN Groups • The CMS upgrade: Field of Interest and committeemen of international community Tracker General Meeting 27/02/08

  6. The Sestri Levante meeting – second day FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08

  7. Summary From my talk at Sestri meeting • The CMS upgrade plans (omissis here) • Field of Interest for INFN Groups • Tracker (Shortly reported here) • Muon system (omissis here) • Cost per R&D phase. • for 1) information's from official CMS talks: J. Nash at LHCC - 23/9/08 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 2

  8. Possible activities for the INFN groups: Could be infer from the R&D proposal submitted to CMS From my talk at Sestri meeting 1) Upgrade of CMS Barrel Muon Detector Contact person: P. Zotto, A.Montanari Istitution: CIEMAT, Universidad de Cantabria, Torino, Bologna, Padova, Bari, Pavia, Napoli, RWTH Aachen, Madrid, Legnaro, Frascati, Vienna Status: Approved 2) R&D for Thin Single-Sided Sensors with HPK Contact Person: M. Mannelli Istitution:CERN, UCSB, Purdue, FNAL, Perugia, Bari, Pisa, Karlruhe, Vienna, PSI Status: Approved 3) Development of pixel and micro-strip sensors on radiation tolerant substrates for the tracker upgrade at SLHC Contact Person: M. de Palma Istutution: Bari,Catania, Firenze,Padova,Perugia,Pisa,Torino, PSI, Fnal, Purdue Status Approved 4) Proposal for a First Level Trigger based on Tracking Contact Person: F. Palla Istutution: Lyon, Pisa, Firenze, Bari, Barcellona, Minnesota,,Brown Univ, Boston Univ. Status Submitted on 30 Oct. 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 18

  9. CMS Upgrade- Documents From my talk at Sestri meeting The R&D work should give results already at the end of 2011. In the follow, we assume this time schedule. 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 9

  10. Phase I tracker From my talk at Sestri meeting The actual CMS idea (but it is still evolving) is that the Pixel system will be substituted: • BPIX as the third option ( in slide 4), rebuilt it using the actual technology but with improvements on FE, cooling (bi-phase CO2), read-out (-tw pairs) • FPIX still using 3 disk, but maybe with innovative sensors (n-on-p) In the previous hypothesis of minimal change respect to the actual pixel system, we are not interested in an involvement in the constriction and assembling of new system, but we foresee an our involvement in the phase II. 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 20

  11. Possible implication for the phase I tracker From my talk at Sestri meeting It’s reasonable assume that the choice for the tracker phase-II will be made on the basis of the experience at LHC, of the R&D and of solutions taken already for the phase I. • If we want to be relevant on the phase II, we have to be minimally involved in the developmentphase of the Pixel-phase I. ( MI will want to maintain his involvement with commitment similar to the actual, but there are interest from PI, and maybe BA) • For do what? • R&D of pixels n-on-p (with colleagues of FPIX, but already running with SMART(GV), RD50, CMS proposal), • R&D of 3D (with colleagues of FPIX, but already running with TRIDEAS(GV)), • Cooling e Mechanics: (at PI with SLIM and SuperB activity, and phase II), • Preparation of prototypes module and possible involvement in test beam (in synergy with the sensors phase II proposal,) • Commitment on the test or on the module qualification ( MI?) 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 21

  12. Possible R&D activity for phase II tracker From my talk at Sestri meeting In the project of the new tracker and its trigger scheme we would like to be active part (and we are already…) In the short period, we would like to contribute in: • Radiation hardness ( CMS-proposal 2 e 3 ) • Sensor design • Material/Device study • Trigger L1 architecture ( CMS proposal 4) • Algorithm of discrimination and of pre-selection high pT • High rate data transmission • Off detector trigger processors • Tracker Layout ( group of simulation) Subsequently: Module Prototyping/integration, Cooling e Mechanics layer/system Other useful initiative for the phase I/phase II: GBT, fast optolink TMB (already in GV) 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 23

  13. R&D Cost Estimation for INFN Cost estimation for the first 3 R&D ears (in K€) From my talk at Sestri meeting 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 25

  14. For phase II tracker – System Behind R&D,It is our interest be involved at the definition and at the design of the new system, and also contribute at the realization, of the new tracker. For this we are collaborating already at the WG of simulation (see talk of A. Tricomi). The trigger will be the real improvement of the new generation tracker and the layout will be imposed by the chosen trigger scheme. Once defined the trigger scheme, it will determine heavily the choice of the part of the system that, eventually, we have to build (and pay). It’s hard to be precise but we would like to follow: Module Prototyping/integration Mechanics for layers Cooling e Mechanics system From my talk at Sestri meeting 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 27

  15. Conclusions From my talk at Sestri meeting The INFN groups are ready for start R&D programs, finalized at the phase II, approved and accepted by CMS. The timeline for the DTR (2012) and the activity of the others Institutions in CMS urge us in start as soon as possible. There are Institution already financed, so every delay will be negatively reflected, mainly for the tracker, on the relevance of the INFN on the upgrade. The commitment for the building part (and the cost) of the phase II in which we are interested can not be defined exactly. They are related to the study on events at LHC, on simulations and on results at R&D. It’s essential to be involved in this study for have at the end a shared project. Obviously, our capability of action is related to the resources that the INFN will can and will want to invest on this topic and also to the time in which this possible resources will be available. 13/11/2008 M. de Palma -CMS upgrade - Sestri Levante 29

  16. Sestri Meeting discussion • We had a long and useful discussion. It has been driven by the fact that the actual official time schedule for both Phase I and Phase II has been considered unrealistic. • The conclusions of our discussion can be synthesized (about CMS tracker) in the following statements: • The R&D on sensors (pixel and strip) must be considered a general and fundamental item and therefore will be smoothly financed, in conjunction with the LV1tracker trigger studies and layout simulation. A clear three years financial plan is request to us, preferably showing also contributions from other institutions. • The INFN-CSN1 had reserved funds already for 2009 financial year. We hope to spend some of them in 2009 by submitting a detailed R&D program to be discussed with INFN referees with a time schedule still to be defined (the amount is <100 K€, maybe before the summer) • The involvement in R&D program does not necessarily mean our automatic commitment in construction of important parts of the Phase II detector. This contribution will be, taking into account the interest of involved people, argument of an agreement between INFN and CMS, to be done in future, at proper time (in 2012?, for TDR?) FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 16 M. de Palma

  17. Our Conclusions Since with our CMS R&D proposals, we are almost ready to answer points 1 and 2, we consider the current status promising and positive and……. begin to see sunrise. Based on those CMS R&D proposals we are preparing a detailed R&D and cost program to discuss with to INFN (we hope at the end of January 2009). FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 17 M. de Palma

  18. Sensor proposal If y ou want, I can recall the main line (in 4 slides) of sensors proposal in which INFN is most involved, as presented by A. Messineo in the experiment R&D sessions, at Sestri. FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 18 M. de Palma

  19. Sensor proposal FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 19 M. de Palma

  20. Sensor proposal FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 20 M. de Palma

  21. Submission plan (I) FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 21 M. de Palma

  22. Submission plan (II) FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 22 M. de Palma

  23. That’s all, thanks FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 23 M. de Palma

  24. Back-up FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 24 M. de Palma

  25. Activity matrix FNAL Upgrade Workshop 19 Nov 08 25 M. de Palma

  26. Time schedule

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