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Brief tutorial on X ray powder diffraction data analysis

. Pwder diffraction: technique and data analysisB.E. Warren, X-Ray Diffraction (Addison-Wesley, 1990).H.P. Klug and L.E. Alexander, X-Ray Diffraction Procedures (Wiley Interscience, 1974). B.D. Cullity, Elements of X-Ray Diffraction (Wiley, 1978).Modern Powder Diffraction Reviews in Mineralogy,

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Brief tutorial on X ray powder diffraction data analysis

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Brief tutorial on X ray powder diffraction data analysis Some bibliography X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD): brief summary Qualitative Analysis: evaluate your pattern and look for possible phase(s) Quantitative Analysis: Rietveld refinement

    2. Bibliography

    3. X-ray Powder Diffraction

    4. NOTE

    21. Rietveld method

    26. CMPR

    37. GSAS

    46. GSAS

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