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Josh Farrington. Choctaw. Choctaw I ndians. Where did they live?. Southern M ississippi Southwestern Alabama. Food /hunting. They hunted, fished, and planted corn, beans, and pumpkins. shelter. The roof was made with cane or grass; walls were made of wood frames and mud.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Josh Farrington Choctaw

  2. Choctaw Indians

  3. Where did they live? • Southern Mississippi • Southwestern Alabama

  4. Food /hunting • They hunted, fished, and planted corn, beans, and pumpkins.

  5. shelter • The roof was made with cane or grass; walls were made of wood frames and mud.

  6. government • The council chose the tribal chief. Some councils had one chief for peace and one for war.

  7. religion • They believed the medicine man could handle the spirits of animals they killed.

  8. Rituals/ceremonies • They had a green corn festival every time the first piece of corn was ready to harvest.

  9. Unique facts • They kept a sacred fire burning and they sacrificed meat and cornmeal.

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