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Moderating OTJ’s

Moderating OTJ’s. Senior Learning Community 14 Term 4 2010. aims. Develop our understanding of the terminology of OTJ and moderation Make judgements using evidence Using the 3 core documents effectively Draw conclusions about next steps and where the child is in relation to the RWS and NZC.

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Moderating OTJ’s

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  1. Moderating OTJ’s Senior Learning Community 14 Term 4 2010

  2. aims Develop our understanding of the terminology of OTJ and moderation Make judgements using evidence Using the 3 core documents effectively Draw conclusions about next steps and where the child is in relation to the RWS and NZC

  3. Outline Professional Readings Definitions of terminology Making a TJ (not OTJ) Moderate for consensus Finding the next steps Reporting the next steps

  4. Professional Readings Get yourselves into pairs P1 = OTJ Fact Sheet & The first column R, W Standards P13 P2 = A hitchhiker's Guide to Validity P3 = A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Reliability Read the readings through and highlight the key points and definitions you find

  5. Definitions of Terminology

  6. Observation Learning Conversations • Tracking books/modelling books • Classroom behaviour • Peer assessments • PROBE • Student workbooks • Practical tasks • Learning journals • Confernecing • Group work • Guided sessions • Questions • Explanations – dicussing • Refelctions • GLOSS/PROBE • Snap shots • 3-Way Interview • Goal setting • Formal converstaions • Verbal presentations • Student student • Feedback/feedforward Test • asTTle • Pen and paper • Oral • Presentations • PROBE • FiO • Pre tests/tasks • IKAN/GLOSS/Snap shot/ BF/SPPa Sources of Evidence to Support the Decision Making Process

  7. TASK 1 In pairs place the exemplars in order Read through the assessment piece on your own Choose which level you think it matches and place it on top of the exemplar Discuss your decision with the group

  8. Task 2a Inquiry using the NZC Use your best fit judgment to guide you to the starting point of your inquiry Go to the appropriate level of the NZC Highlight in yellow the Aos and Indicators that the student has achieved Highlight the next teaching steps in red List what else you need to know on your sheet

  9. Task 2b Inquiry using the LLP Highlight in yellow indicators in the LLP that the student has achieved Highlight next steps in red List what else you need to know on your sheet

  10. Task 2c Inquiry using the RWS Highlight in yellow indicators in the LLP that the student has achieved Highlight next steps in red List what else you need to know on your sheet

  11. Judgements Make your judgement about where you think this child best fits in relation to the NZC and RWS Share with your partner Justify your decisions WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED TO KNOW/USE TO CONFIRM OUR JUDGEMENT?

  12. What now…… We will moderate one or two writing sample taken from this terms asTTle assessment from each class. Once we have a consensus on the marks we will look at them against the NZC, RWS and LLP as with tasks 2A, 2B and 2C

  13. WHERE TO NEXT? Next SLC: Revisiting the process and moderating our work samples Making TJ’s/OTJ’s for the End of Year Reports What next, Debbie’s video for using the assessments

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