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“Time-reversal-odd” distribution functions in chiral models with vector mesons

“Time-reversal-odd” distribution functions in chiral models with vector mesons. Alessandro Drago University of Ferrara. Outline. T-odd distributions in QCD Chiral models with vector mesons as dynamical gauge bosons Large N c expansion and the relation. Brodsky, Hwang and Schmidt mechanism.

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“Time-reversal-odd” distribution functions in chiral models with vector mesons

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  1. “Time-reversal-odd” distribution functionsin chiral modelswith vector mesons Alessandro Drago University of Ferrara

  2. Outline • T-odd distributions in QCD • Chiral models with vector mesons as dynamical gauge bosons • Large Nc expansion and the relation

  3. Brodsky, Hwang and Schmidt mechanism

  4. Gauge link and factorization in Drell-Yan and in DIS (Collins 2002)

  5. From QCD to chiral lagrangians In QCD the two main ingredients are: Gauge theory  Wilson lines Factorization  violation of universality How to compute “T-odd” distributions in chiral models? If we are not using a gauge theory we have no necessity to introduce Wilson lines…

  6. Chiral lagrangians with a hidden local symmetryBando, Kugo, Uehara, Yamawaki, Yanogida 1985 A theorem: “Any nonlinear sigma model based on the manifold G/H is gauge equivalent to a linear model with a Gglobal Hlocal symmetry and the gauge bosons corresponding to the hidden local symmetry Hlocal are composite gauge bosons” For instance: G = SU(2)L SU(2)R H = SU(2)V

  7. What is a hidden symmetry? Kinetic term of a nonlinear sigma model: Under the global SU(2)L X SU(2)R symmetry: We rewrite U(x) in terms of two auxiliary variables: The transformation rules under [SU(2)L XSU(2)R ]global X [SU(2)V]local are:

  8. LV and LA are both invariant under [SU(2)L X SU(2)R ]global X [SU(2)V]local Any linear combination of LV and LA is equivalent to the original kinetic term.

  9. About the  mesons So far we have given no dynamics to V “For simplicity” we add a kinetic term: The  meson acquires a mass via spontaneous breaking of the hidden local SU(2)V symmetry g = g universality M2 = 2 g2 f2 KSRF relation

  10. Introducing matter fields linear representation of Hlocal singlet of Gglobal … is the simplest term After the gauge fixing matter fields transform non-linearly because h(x) has to be restricted to the p - dependent form.

  11. Again about matter fields (quarks) Take a representation r of G whose restriction to H contains r0 Defining c=r(x+) y so that c  r(g) c we have twotypes of quarks: “constituent quarks” y (singlet of Gglobal) “current quarks” c (singlet of Hlocal ) Vector mesons are non-singlet of Hlocal and therefore they are “composed” of constituent quarks y.

  12. Sivers function in -models     : constituent quarks Almost identical to the QCD diagram. has a physical mass. The exchange of a  meson can also be included

  13. The 1/Nc expansion At leading order (1/Nc)0 hedgehog solution (the problem of time reversal has already been solved by the link operators…)

  14. Conclusions “T-odd” distributions can be computed also in chiral models, at least if vector mesons are introduced as gauge bosons. At leading order in 1/Nc : Work to be done: to compute explicitely these distributions. Open problem: if one does not introduce a dynamics associated with the vector mesons, T-odd distributions can still be computed?

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