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The quiz

The quiz. Ch 54: Community Ecology – help, harm, no effect Mimicry Trophic pyramid, energy transfer, food webs Keystone, engineers, all vocabulary Ecological succession Ch 55: Ecosystems: Trophic levels, primary production, The cycles, bioremediation, biological restoration

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  1. The quiz • Ch 54: Community Ecology – help, harm, no effect • Mimicry • Trophic pyramid, energy transfer, food webs • Keystone, engineers, all vocabulary • Ecological succession • Ch 55: Ecosystems: Trophic levels, primary production, The cycles, bioremediation, biological restoration • Ch 56: Endangered and Threatened, Invasive Species, Habitat Loss, Overharvesting, Global change, biomagnification, eutrophication, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, sustainable

  2. Will post powerpoint and behavior video links under class page > resources. Chapter 51Animal Behavior HW: How do females choose a mate? Article with questions Quiz Tmrw – Community Ecology, Ecosystems, Conservation, Restoration, Human Impact, Climate Change

  3. Ch. 51 Warm-UpDefinitions • Term: A behavior that you have learned by watching someone else. • List the 4 modes of animal communication. • Term: Very small mallard chicks following their mother. • What do you think is the advantage for a species to be: Monogamous? Polygamous? • Describe an example of when you have participated in reciprocal altruism. Morality in Animals

  4. You Must Know: How behaviors are the result of natural selection How innate and learned behaviors increase survival and reproductive fitness How organisms use communication to increase fitness The role of altruism and inclusive fitness in kin selection

  5. Introduction • Ethology: study of animal behavior • Behavior: what an animal does and how it does it • Both genetic & environmental factors • Controlled by nervous system • Essential for survival and reproduction • Homeostasis • Subject to natural selection over time

  6. Sensory Inputs Stimulate Behaviors

  7. Understanding behavior • Proximate cause: “how” a behavior occurs or is modified, internal/external signals • Ultimate cause: “why” a behavior in context of natural selection, evolution, selective advantage 1. What are the genetic/developmental mechanisms? (Proximate cause) 2. What are the anatomical/physiological mechanisms? (Proximate cause) 3. What historical pathways led to the current behavioral trait? (Ultimate cause) 4. What selective processes shaped the behavioral trait? (Ultimate cause)

  8. Bird Migration Proximate – changes in daylight, hormone levels Ultimate - Migration for the bird means that it has a selective advantage over birds that don't, selected for over time, could be due to long term climate changes, glaciation, disease, taking advantage of food sources, etc.

  9. Innate behaviors: developmentally fixed and are not learned • Fixed action patterns (FAPs):sequence of unlearned acts that are unchangeable and usually carried to completion • Triggered by sign stimulus • Ensures that activities essential to survival are performed correctly without practice • Eg. goose & egg

  10. BEHAVIOR: A male stickleback fish attacks other male sticklebacks that invade its nesting territory. PROXIMATE CAUSE: The red belly of the intruding male acts as a sign stimulus that releases aggression in a male stickleback. ULTIMATE CAUSE: By chasing away other male sticklebacks, a male decreases the chance that eggs laid in his nesting territory will be fertilized by another male.

  11. Directed Movements • Kinesis: simple change in activity or turning rate in response to a stimulus • Taxis: automatic movement, oriented movement +/- from stimulus(eg. phototaxis, chemotaxis, geotaxis) Kinesis increases the chance that a sow bug will encounter and stay in a moist environment. Positive rheotaxis keeps trout facing into the current, the direction from which most food comes.

  12. Ant Colonies

  13. Migration • Regular, long-distance change in location • Environmental cues: sun, stars, earth’s magnetic field, landmarks

  14. Circadian Rhythm: internal biological clock • More on Clock Genes: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/inheritance/clockgenes/ The circadian clock in the hamster brain signals a change in coat color according to season by releasing the hormone melatonin. The Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) region is located in the hypothalamus of the brain. The SCN sends signals throughout the body in response to dark and light. Plants can have two internal clocks: one sensitive to light and the other sensitive to temperature

  15. Forms of Animal Communication

  16. Signal: stimulus that causes a change in behavior; basis of animal communication • Pheromones– chemicals emitted by members of one species that affect other members of the species (eg. Queen bee, fruit fly, fish, termites, trees, humans) • Visual signals – eg. Warning flash of white of a mockingbird's wing • Tactile(touch) – eg. Male fruit fly taps female fly • Auditory signals – screech of blue jay or song of warbler Courtship behavior of fruit flies

  17. (a) Minnows are widely dispersed in an aquarium before an alarm substance is introduced. (b) Within seconds of the alarm substance being introduced, minnows aggregate near thebottom of the aquarium and reduce their movement. Figure 51.9a, b Sweaty T-Shirt Experiment Pheromones: • When a minnow or catfish is injured • An alarm substance in the fish’s skin disperses in the water, inducing a fright response among fish in the area

  18. Honeybee dance language • Used to inform other bees about distance and direction of travel to food sources HoneyBee Waggle Dance

  19. Fruit Fly: Uses many forms of communication

  20. Animals communicate, but do they have a language? Beluga Whale Mimics Human Speech

  21. Learning links behaviors and experiences.

  22. Learned behaviors: behaviors that are modified based on specific experiences

  23. Types of Learning • Habituation: loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information • Simple form of learning • Imprinting: learning + innate components • Limited to sensitive period in life, generally irreversible • ie. Lorenz’ imprinting in greylag geese

  24. BEHAVIOR: Young geese follow and imprint on their mother. PROXIMATE CAUSE: During an early, critical developmental stage, the young geese observe their mother moving away from them and calling. ULTIMATE CAUSE: On average, geese that follow and imprint on their mother receive more care and learn necessary skills, and thus have a greater chance of surviving than those that do not follow their mother.

  25. Captive breeding programs for endangered species must provide proper imprinting models Pilot wearing crane suit acts as a surrogate parent to teach young whooping cranes a migration route

  26. 3. Spatial Learning • Cognitive Map: internal representation of spatial relationship among objects in an animal’s surroundings (Increases fitness) Birds use spatial maps to relocate nut caches Female digger wasp: Covers hole with sand, Flies directly to it

  27. Some organisms move in response to a recognized object or environmental cue, a landmark. Nest No nest Nest

  28. 4. Associative Learning: ability to associate one stimulus with another (eg. monarchs = foul taste) A. Classical conditioning: arbitrary stimulus associated with particular outcome (eg. Pavlov’s dogs: salivate with ringing bell) EX: Pavlov’s dogs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhqumfpxuzI Classical Conditioning in The Office on Vimeo

  29. B. Operant conditioning: another type of associative learning • Trial-and-error learning • Associate its own behavior with reward or punishment

  30. 5. Cognition: process of knowing that involves awareness, reasoning, recollection, judgment • Problem-solving behavior relies on cognition

  31. 6. Social learning: learning by observing others Vervet monkeys learning correct use of alarm calls.

  32. Social Learning Forms Culture • Social learning and teaching that influences behavior • Cultural transfer of information can alter behavior and fitness • Influences our brain function and structure • Language has the biggest impact • There is no better or worse human culture. • Emulate the noblest aspects of every culture and try to learn • The benefits to brain development or reproduction (survival) would surely be just as great in exploring others' ways of life as immersing oneself in a single nation's or group's traditions

  33. Examples of learned animal behavior • Nut-cracking crow (2:16) • TED Talk: Amazing intelligence of crows (11:34) • Chimpanzee problem solving (1:02) • Chimpanzee problem solving by cooperation (2:14) • The Morals of Monkeys (16:52)

  34. Selection for survival and reproductive success can explain diverse behaviors A shift from how to why.

  35. Foraging: food-obtaining behavior • Recognize, search for, capturing, and consuming food • Minimize costs / Maximize benefits

  36. Forgaging: Costs and Benefits can help to explain WHY Shows the average number of drops required to break whelks from various platforms.

  37. Mating Behavior & Mate Choice • Sexual selection: seeking and attracting mates, choosing and competing for mates

  38. Ornaments correlate in general with health and vitality Courting Rituals • Birds of Paradise • Australian Bowerbird • Rainbow Courtship • Begging for Love • Out of your league?

  39. Agonistic behavior: threats, rituals, and sometimes combat; settles disputes over resources (mates)

  40. Behaviors can be directed by genes • Certain behaviors in prairie voles are under relatively strong genetic control • ADH (vasopressin) triggers pair-bond formation and aggression by male voles

  41. Differences in oxytocin (a hormone) receptors in 2 species of voles • Monogamous prairie voles vs. promiscuous montane voles High oxytocin levels in prairie voles Low oxytocin levels in montane voles

  42. Altruistic social behavior • Altruism = selfless behavior • Reduce individual fitness but increase fitness of others in population • i.e. bee societies; naked mole rats • Inclusive fitness: total effect of producing own offspring (pass on genes) + helping close relatives • Kin selection: type of natural selection; altruistic behavior enhances reproductive success of relatives

  43. What does this mean? Explain. • Geneticist J.B.S. Haldane: “I won’t lay down my life for one brother, but I would lay down my life for two brothers or eight cousins.”

  44. Review Question Natural selection favors behaviors that increase survival and reproductive behaviors. For each of the following types of behaviors, describe an example in nature, and justify how this behavior is adaptive. • Innate behavior • Learned behavior • Cooperative behavior • Chemical signals

  45. Did you get it? • If an egg rolls out of the nest, a mother grayleg goose will retrieve it by nudging with her beak and head. IF researchers remove the egg or substitute a ball during this process, the goose will not alter her response. What type of behavior is this? Suggest a proximate and an ultimate explanation.

  46. Class is only 60 minutes today!! • Please grab: • Poster Directions, Sample Poster Sheet, Rubric • Over on Lab Bench #1 • When your entire group (4 people) has arrived – you can start. • I will check the pre-lab questions while you are working. • Each group takes a minimum of 5 pillbugs (max of ten) • Each group needs an experimental hypothesis and null hypothesis. • Today: Plan and Execute • Tomorrow: Poster

  47. Gobble. Gobble. Agenda: • FRQ Practice 1-4 Reminder to study! Use your notes, old quizzes, math practice, podcasts and Learnerator. Test on November 30th

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