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SLO Assessment Development K-2 ELA and Math Meeting of Principals June 5, 2012 8:30 a.m.

Broome-Tioga BOCES: Race to the Top. SLO Assessment Development K-2 ELA and Math Meeting of Principals June 5, 2012 8:30 a.m. At the end of this session, you will. .. . Describe the process for SLO assessment development in the region

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SLO Assessment Development K-2 ELA and Math Meeting of Principals June 5, 2012 8:30 a.m.

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  1. Broome-Tioga BOCES: Race to the Top SLO Assessment DevelopmentK-2 ELA and MathMeeting of PrincipalsJune 5, 20128:30 a.m.

  2. At the end of this session, you will. .. • Describe the process for SLO assessment development in the region • Explain the rationale for the “cluster” model for assessment development • Explain the rationale for the “nondisclosure notice” • Define the parameters for the development of SLO assessments for K-2 ELA and Math • Describe future implications for cluster work • Describe the role of the principal in the process

  3. Requirements of “district, regional or BOCES developed assessments” …the district or BOCES verifies comparability and rigor How does this model help the superintendent to have assurances about comparability and rigor?

  4. Proof of Concept Art, Music, PE, Health, Spec. Ed, Library Purpose: To develop sample SLO assessments for Art, Music, PE, Health, Special Ed. To define additional questions about SLO’s and assessment related to them To request feedback from SED about the quality of the samples and about the questions RTTT SLO CLUSTERS THEN Use samples and answers to questions to develop common “cluster” assessments for Art, Music, PE, Health, Special Ed, library WHEN: SUMMER, 2012 4/19/12

  5. So why this model?Assurance of regional comparability and rigor. . . • All assessments have the same test “construct” (types and numbers of items) • 5 complete assessments are created by each cluster (pre and post – if needed) • A team of 5 teachers will review the assessments to ensure they are comparable and similarly rigorous

  6. How many teachers are involved? GOAL: Pre and Post test created in 1 day 3 grades in 2 days Pre tests in ½ day • One teacher per district. • Often, one teacher will develop test items for more than one grade. For example: 9th and 10th grade ELA And K-2 ELA and Math WHY? • Efficiency • Alignment • Security

  7. Vested interest. . . Notes from the Guidance Documents from SED Page 14 of Guidance: • The assessment development, security, and scoring processes used by the district or BOCES, including ensuring that assessments are not disseminated to students before administration and that teachers and principals do not have a vested interest in the outcome of the assessments they score. Page 51: • The security procedures for assessments used for the locally developed measures should be comparable to the security protocol for the 3-8 assessments as described in the document at the link above, to the greatest extent practicable. • the Commissioner’s Regulations prohibit teachers and principals from scoring assessments where they have a vested interest in the outcome, even in cases where the teacher is the only one in the district with the specific content expertise. Teachers should not score their own students’ assessments, and a principal should not score the assessments that are part of their own evaluations.

  8. Why a “non disclosure notice”? Your districts have agreed that teachers who are writing assessments will sign a notice that they have been advised that these are secure tests and items should not be discussed. Why? Level playing field for all teachers in the region Agreements are maintained in the district office of each school district.

  9. Common Question. . . Can a teacher of record, then, create an assessment that s/he would administer to his/her own students? ANSWER: District decision. . . . What did we learn?

  10. Decisions about test distribution. . . Decisions will need to be made over the summer by superintendents about which tests will be administered to which groups. OPTION . . Rationale

  11. DATES for K-2 MATH!

  12. DATES FOR K-2 ELA!

  13. K-2 Assessment Design • Backwards “design” from Grade 3 ELA and Math tests • Grade 2 is designed first, then Grade 1, then Kindergarten • All tests will have the same “sections” • Length and rigor will change by grade • Rigor will be aligned to expectations of the Common Core (ELA and Math) • ___________________________________________ • NOTE: • We will provide a design model • We need to know any particular parameters that your district may have negotiated • i.e. The test must be able to be scored 0 – 100 or on a 4 point scale

  14. Future implications for cluster work • Data analysis • Scoring • Common formative assessment • OTHER. ..

  15. The principal serves a critical role in the success of SLO assessment development!

  16. QUESTIONS. . .Concerns. . . Thank you! This is a huge regional endeavor. We appreciate your feedback and commitment to the project. PLEASE keep communicating what you are hearing with us!

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