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THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 1861-1865. Part I. A nation divided. Does Manifest Destiny split us up as a nation or bring us back together?? Are we learning, understanding, and changing history? Prove!. Lets set the stage. What was the main topic of debate in the 1800s?

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  2. Part I. A nation divided

  3. Does Manifest Destiny split us up as a nation or bring us back together??Are we learning, understanding, and changing history? Prove!

  4. Lets set the stage • What was the main topic of debate in the 1800s? • Has the United States completely formed yet? • What problem erupted when new territories were added to the US?

  5. Missouri compromise of 1820 • Missouri Compromise 1820: Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) • Missouri - slave state • Maine - free state • Entry of states into the Union have to be balanced - one free/one slave • No slavery allowed in remaining Louisiana Territory above 36’30’’

  6. Missouri Compromise 1820: Henry Clay (Whig Party) • Missouri - slave state • Maine - free state • Entry of states into the Union have to be balanced - one free/one slave • No slavery allowed in remaining Louisiana Territory above 36’30’’

  7. Answer map questions!

  8. Gag rulewas passed in Congress by pro-slavery Senator John C Calhoun in 1836. • It said: nothing concerning slavery could be discussed. • Anti-slavery petitions could not be read to Congress • **Dec 4th, 1844 Henry Clay was able to get the Gag Rule repealed

  9. Why do we keep expanding US territory? • 1830s and 1840s, many Americans favored expanding US territory. • Believed in the idea of manifest destiny,“obvious or undeniable fate;” It was their divine mission to spread liberty across the continent • Coined by John L. O’Sullivan

  10. How are the following examples of Manifest Destiny? • The American Revolutionary War • The Louisiana Purchase

  11. War against Mexicohttp://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/index_flash.html

  12. The Annexation of Texas • 1836 Texas won their independence from Mexico • Wanted to be annexed, or joined, to the United States. • South(democrats): approved b/c since Texas is in the South hoped it would be a slave state • Northerners(Whigs) disapproved b/c it would shift the balance of power to the South. Both sides also worried that annexation would lead to war with Mexico.

  13. Texas is annexed • In 1845 it became the twenty-eighth state in the Union later that year. • Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with US • The US-Mexico War began

  14. The Border Dispute Dispute of southern border of Texas - President Polk wanted more then just Texas terr., he wanted Mexican land that stretched to the Pacific - US claimed that the Rio Grande was the official Amer-Mex border - Mexico claimed that the Nueces River(located a few miles farther north) was the border

  15. Video

  16. Polk’s attempt to avoid war • Sends an ambassador to Mexico city in nov 1845 with an offer to buy New Mexico and Cali for 30mill. • Mexican gov refused

  17.  How does Polk manage to avoid US declaring war? • Polk sent 3000men under gen Zachary Taylor into disputed area of southern Texas • Provokes Mexico: Taylor crosses the Nueces in March 1846 and sets up camp near the Rio Grande. • Mexico considered this an invasion of Mexico territory and attacked…killing many American troops • This is the excuse Polk had waited for, “ American blood on American soil” • War was declared on May 13th 1846

  18. The Bear Flag Revolt Before news of the war had reached California, settlers there declared an independent Republic of California. The uprising became known as the Bear Flag Revolt after the bear pictured on the new republic’s flag.

  19. US won • January 1847: US took control of New Mexico and California. • Fighting ended September 14, 1847, when US captured Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.

  20. U.S. wins and gets more land! The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848 • Rio Grande became the southern border • Mexico gave up its claims to Texas, California, and New Mexico in return for $15 million. The Gadsden Purchase • Five years later, Mexico sold present-day southern New Mexico and Arizona to the U.S. for 10million

  21. TUTORIALS • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuC-ucEZEJ4&index=1&list=WL • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFfxKMcJBHI&index=2&list=WL • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hBc9WUbb-k&list=WL&index=3

  22. Answer the following Question • What issues are going to arise due to the expansion of the United States westward?

  23. Issues • The treaty of G-H and the GadsenPurchase established the borders of present US • Now have to confront issue of slavery directly once acquiring these new territories/states. • Increase of western migration due to new territory

  24. https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/QFgUMsUOHKqx3Snhttps://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/QFgUMsUOHKqx3Sn

  25. Part II: Leading up to the Civil WarShould a newly acquired state be free or slave?

  26. The Kansas-Nebraska Act • Illinois Democrat Senator Stephen Douglas had two goals: 1) To make Chicago benefit from trade with the West He would do this by…Making Kansas and Nebraska states to build a railroad that linking Chicago with the West 2) To run for President. He would do this by… Getting as many votes as he can from northerners and southerners! *

  27. Based on the map below who would have a problem with the Kansas and Nebraska Statehood???? WHY?????

  28. The Decision: The Kansas-Nebraska Act • To appease North and South Douglas creates the Kansas-Nebraska Act that supports…. • popular sovereignty: Letting the people of each state determine if it should be a free or slave state • This meant going against the Missouri Compromise. • The act was passed in 1854

  29. Reasoning and Reaction to Kansas-Nebraska Act • Douglas believed… • South happy bcit gave them a chance to make northern states slave states • North happy bc they would be free states due to south’s cotton would not survive harsh weather conditions

  30. REAL REACTIONS • South Happy • Would have slave owners from neighboring states cross border of Kansas to vote for it to be a slave state • North angry • bc they should be free states based on Missouri Comp

  31. See how free and slave states were added from 1820-1854 • http://www.teachingamericanhistory.org/neh/interactives/sectionalism/lesson3/

  32. Response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act • Thousands of people flooded into Kansas. • Northerners went to stop slavery = free soilers, • Southerners went in support of it = border-ruffians • Each created their own government leading to Violence • 1856 Pro-slavery supporters attacked the antislavery town Lawrence, Kansas • In retribution, an abolitionist named John Brown led some men in a series of vicious murders near a river called Pottawatomie Creek.

  33. May 24, 1856 John Brown led several New Englanders to a proslavery settlement near Pottawatomie Creek where they woke 5 men from their beds, dragged them out of their homes and killed them in front of their families • Became known as the Pottawatomie Massacre which ignited a full-blown war in Kansas • The violence continued to escalate until about 200 people were dead. • This whole affair is known as Bleeding Kansas

  34. Blood spread to Congress • Abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner of Mass gave speech, “A crime against Kansas” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuT3kBw17o0 • Called author of K-N act, Andrew Butler horrible names and insulted him • Preston Brooks, Senator of NC was Butler’s uncle • Followed Sumner to office • Caned him • Barely any punishment * *

  35. Republican Party emerges strong • Whigs and Free-Soilersformed the Republican Party in 1854 • Both opposed slavery, the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Fugitive Slave Act • Fought to repeal Acts

  36. The Election of 1856 • All three major parties were eager to choose candidates with no ties to “Bleeding Kansas.” • Democrat: supported both the compromise of 1850 and the Kan-Neb Act • Republicans: Believed Federal gov’t had the right to restrict slavery in terr. • Know-Nothings: Against immigration • Democratic nominee James Buchanan won the election, promising to stop “the agitation of the slavery issue.” • President Buchanan hoped that the Supreme Court would resolve the slavery issue. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5KEC4f_PEA

  37. The Dred Scott Decision • The Supreme Court’s March 1857 Dred Scott v.Sanforddecision angered anti-slavery forces. • Lawsuit:He was a Missouri slave who was sold to John Emerson in 1833. He was taken to Illinois, a free state, and Wisconsin, a free territory before returning back to Missouri. • 1843, Scott filed for his freedom, claiming that his residence was in Illinois, on free soil John Sanford, Emerson’s brother who took ownership after Emerson died Dred Scott

  38. The Dred Scott vs. Sanford Decision • Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ruled the following: • slaves were the property and the Constitution protects the right to own property. • slaves were not citizensso had no right to sue, and could not be considered free even in a free state or territory.

  39. What does this mean for the Missouri Compromise? • By saying slaves could not be considered free anywhere is also saying the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional… • it deprived those who owned slaves of “life, liberty and property” under the 5th Amendment. • What does this mean for Kansas and Nebraska?

  40. Kansas and Nebraska would now be…. • Slave states

  41. **** Read Primary Source on Dred Scott by Frederick Douglas and answer Qs****

  42. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates • In the Illinois Senate campaign of 1858, Democratic Senator Stephen Douglas ran for re-election against Republican Abraham Lincoln. • The campaign drew nationwide attention for the Lincoln-Douglas debates, a series of seven debates on the issue of slavery in the territories. • Neither Lincoln nor Douglas believed in racial equality. • Lincoln thought slavery was morally wrong and wanted to confine it to the states where it already existed. • Douglas, however, tolerated slavery, believing that white Americans should choose the kind of society that they wanted.

  43. “A house divided…” • In a now-famous speech, Lincoln stated that, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” • The “house” was the Union. • The issue dividing the “house” was slavery. • Douglas won the election, but Lincoln earned a reputation for eloquence and moral commitment.

  44. Part IV: Leading up to the Civil WarChaos Strikes


  46. The Election of 1860 • The presidential election of 1860 further demonstrated the division between the North and the South. • Voters in the North chose between: • Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas: for popular sovereignty • Republican Abraham Lincoln: against the spread of slavery • Southerners voted for • Southern Democrat J.C. Breckinridge: for the gov’t protecting slavery in territories • John Bell of the newly formed Constitutional Union Party who was a moderate slaveholder.

  47. The Election of 1860 • Votes in the Border States (Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri) were mixed • Lower South (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina) supported Breckinridge.

  48. The Lower South Secedes • Secessionists, or those who wanted the South to secede, • Why? Southerners were outraged that a President had been elected without any southern electoral votes. • Their Rationale: argued that since the states had voluntarily joined the Union, they could also voluntarily leave it. • On December 20, 1860, South Carolina officially seceded. Six other states of the Lower South followed.

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