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Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. Office of Waste Management (OWM) Cynthia Gianfrancesco 222-4700 X7126 Terry Gray X2405. Overview of Tonight’s Topics. Site Investigation Process Charbert Overburden Site Investigation Charbert Overburden Remediation

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Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

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  1. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Office of Waste Management (OWM) Cynthia Gianfrancesco 222-4700 X7126 Terry Gray X2405

  2. Overview of Tonight’s Topics • Site Investigation Process • Charbert Overburden Site Investigation • Charbert Overburden Remediation • Charbert Bedrock Aquifer Investigation • Production Well Shutdown • Oversight and Enforcement • Site Security • Communications • Upcoming meetings

  3. RIDEM Site Investigation and Remediation Program • All Site Investigations must be conducted in accordance with RIDEM regulations. • Investigation must include • Soil • Groundwater • Overburden • Bedrock – if necessary • Sediment - if necessary • Surface water - if necessary • Frequently includes a phased approach, especially where complex geology exists • Exceedances of RIDEM criteria must be identified and remediated

  4. RIDEM Site Investigation and Remediation Program • Remediation Criteria Include: • Soil: • Direct Exposure Criteria for • Residential properties • Industrial/Commercial properties (Charbert site) • GA or GB Leachability Criteria • Groundwater Criteria • GA criteria – suitable for drinking (Richmond & rural areas) • GB criteria – not suitable for drinking (urban areas)

  5. Site Investigation Pertaining to the Charbert Site Site Investigation at the Charbert site was divided into 2 phases due to the presence of Chlorinated Solvents: • Overburden Site Investigation Report was submitted in June 2005 • Supplemental Reports 1-9-06, 4-28-06 and 8-7-06 • Bedrock Investigation is on going

  6. Example of Aquifer Shallow overburden aquifer ~ 50’ – 80’ thick Confining layer ~ 10’ – 20’ thick Deep overburden aquifer ~ 10 – 20’ thick Bedrock aquifer ` 40’ – 120’ deep

  7. Overburden Site Investigation • Over 40 monitoring wells installed • 70 groundwater analysis • 6 wells sampled quarterly around lagoons • 14 wells sampled quarterly around SVE/AS • Over 70 soil analysis • Over 40 private well analysis • Quarterly analysis of 14, 16 & 18 River St. since February 2005. • 8 Diffusion Bag sample location in Wood River - samples groundwater under river

  8. Overburden Site Investigation Identified Areas of Concern (AOCs) requiring action: • Chlorinated solvent (drycleaning) spill area • Residential Wells at 14, 16 & 18 River Street • Solid Waste Disposal Areas • Old Lagoon 5 Channel sediments • Petroleum Product Recovery Trench • Oil Line Rupture • Environmental Land Use Restriction

  9. Overburden Remedial Action Work Plan October 2007 – ongoing source removal Chlorinated solvent spill area Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparge System Order of Approval issued by RIDEM December 19, 2007 • Air Sparge System – injects air into ground, enhances bioremediation and strips vapors from groundwater • Soil Vapor Extraction System – enhances bioremediation and vacuums vapors from soil • Sparge Curtain – prevents migration of contaminants in groundwater to Wood River • All treated through Granular Activated Carbon prior to discharge to air System fully operational on January 18, 2008 Extensive monitoring of system, groundwater and river to determine system performance

  10. Treatment vacuum Air soil Water table groundwater

  11. 16 SVE and 16 AS wells under building9 Horizontal SVE and 9 AS wells between building and river5 Horizontal SVE and 5 AS wells as Sparge Curtain along river GZML-1

  12. Overburden Remedial Action Work Plan October 2007 - ongoing • Residential Wells at 14, 16 and 18 River Street • These wells were identified as needing treatment due to trace levels of chlorinated solvents and bacteria. • Possible source: former septic system • Whole House Treatment Systems were installed in January 2005 by Charbert and have been operational since. • Charbert will continue to monitor quarterly and maintain as long as is necessary.

  13. Overburden Remedial Action Work Plan October 2007 • Remaining RAWP Action Items for approval • Solid Waste Disposal Areas • Four areas identified during site investigation • Solid waste removed in 2006 and areas subsequently restored • Limited soil excavation required in one area for elevated arsenic

  14. Overburden Remedial Action Work Plan October 2007 • Remaining RAWP Action Items for RIDEM approval (con’t) • Old Lagoon 5 Channel sediments removal • Petroleum Product Recovery Trench • Oil Line Rupture removal • Long Term Monitoring • Environmental Land Use Restriction • All Activities expected to be on-going or completed by December 2008

  15. Bedrock Aquifer Investigation – completed to date • Bedrock Aquifer Evaluation Work Plan–March 2006 • Geophysical Investigation (ground penetrating radar) for Bedrock Aquifer Evaluation, and Recommended Bedrock Well Locations July 2006 • Bedrock Wells Installed & Borehole Geophysics conducted August – December 2006 • Recommended Monitoring Well Packer Installation Zones for Bedrock Boreholes, February 2007 • Bedrock Aquifer Evaluation Progress Report #2, Sept. 2007 • Phase II Bedrock Aquifer Evaluation Work Plan, January 29, 2008 (under review)

  16. 3 bedrock wells installed 2006 GZML-1 ( 205 feet deep) = trace levels of VOCs GZML-2 (206 feet deep) = clean GZML-3 (160 feet deep) = high levels of VOCs GZML-1

  17. Bedrock Aquifer Investigation • Geophysical report indicates bedrock fractures are tilted away from Alton neighborhood, towards Wood River • September 2007 report confirmed bedrock contamination and zones (June and August sample results) • November 2007 DEM assisted Charbert in sampling 4 wells west of Wood River - no VOC contamination detected • RIDEM unable to confirm use of bedrock wells in Alton neighborhood.

  18. Bedrock Aquifer Investigation • Schedule • Additional data collection, evaluation and well location proposal: February - August 2008 • Bedrock well installation : September 2008 – March 2009 • Bedrock well sampling: March – April 2009 • Bedrock Aquifer Site Investigation Report: April - June 2009.

  19. Production Wells Shutdown • Production wells are still being used to a limited extend during plant shutdown • Groundwater monitoring began Feb. 18, 2008 and will continue until equilibrium has been reached to determine changes in groundwater flow, then quarterly thereafter • The groundwater depression associated with the production wells will revert to a natural state – this is not expected to adversely effect groundwater quality on the site • The groundwater mound associated with the lagoons will revert to a natural state – it is expected that this will improve groundwater quality on the site

  20. DEM Oversight and Enforcement of Investigation and Remediation • Charbert’s parent company, NFA Corporation, is the responsible party • They are held to conducting all required work through the Consent Agreement and state law • In the event that they fail, DEM enforce through Superior Court

  21. Site Security According to Charbert: • Property Manager on site 40 hrs/week indefinately • Security System installed in building

  22. Communications • Documents at Clark Memorial Library • DEM web site - with major documents and milestones

  23. Upcoming Meetings • April 2nd – Site Investigation and Remediation • 2nd meeting – Lagoons, Wetlands and Plant Closure • 3rd meeting – drinking water • 4th meeting – tentative – if necessary

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