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ETMS Data Analysis tool

ETMS Data Analysis tool. Katerina Jupova GISAT. Analytical tool prototype. Prototype available at: Optimized for Google Chrome. http://etmsdemo.gisat.cz/public/index.html. REGIONS and THEMES. selection of:. themes and indicators specific for each region type defined by:

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ETMS Data Analysis tool

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ETMS Data Analysis tool Katerina Jupova GISAT

  2. Analyticaltool prototype Prototype available at: Optimized for Google Chrome http://etmsdemo.gisat.cz/public/index.html

  3. REGIONS and THEMES selection of: • themes and indicatorsspecificforeach region type defined by: • REGIONS x THEMES MATRIX

  4. INDICATORS • for each region (sub-)type, specific set of indicators defined for each THEME

  5. Demonstrationoffunctionality comparisonofunits(alsoatdifferenthierarchicallevels) selectionofunits in map, treeor chart comparisonofindicatorvaluesfordifferentyears

  6. Demonstrationoffunctionality Sortingvalues Comparisonwithaveragevalueofthe sample Filtering indicator values

  7. Demonstrationoffunctionality scatter chart 2D comparison, correlations …. trend visualisation

  8. Demonstrationoffunctionality carthograms

  9. Demonstrationoffunctionality Data usedfordemonstration: GEOSPECS data receivedfrom UNIGE UrbanAudit data Themesusedfordemonstration: withhelpof MATRIX published in ETMS Interim Report Indicatorvalues are not real, they are intendedonlyfordemonstrationpurposes.

  10. Requirements on input data - analyticalunits: ESRI shapefileformat /incl. shp, shx, dbf, prjfiles/ one polygon per each unit oneshapefileforeachhierarchicallevelofunits - each unit has to have: unique ID unit name (whichwillbedisplayed in application) ID ofparent unit (ifexists) - indicatorslisted as attributes in attribute table

  11. Remainingissues to bespecified definitionofanalyticalunits /hieararchies?/ finaldefinitionofindicators, themes and analyticalunits (matrix) application design (ESPON logo, picture, colors …)

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