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Monthly Report September 2007

This report provides an overview of the contributions received and project proposals for the month of September 2007. It includes details of the sanctioned amounts and pending disbursements.

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Monthly Report September 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monthly Report September 2007 Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals

  2. Contributions Received Project Proposals Dear Trustees / Tablers, Greetings and Best Wishes from Round Table India Foundation. I am pleased to present report for the month of September 2007. As per our new guidelines (if a particular Table/ Circle does not send their completion report within 12 months from the date of interim disbursement, the amount already funded will be re-called by RTIF and RTIT immediately and the respective Table/ Circle will forfeit the balance amount and will be barred from Foundation funding in future - Bhubaneswar LC 12will be barred from Foundation funding in future ) Highlights: Sanction letter was sent to Area V AGM Project. Released grant to MCRT 162, MMRT 3, CRT 9, SRT 135 & CMLC 65 Jayakumar Ramdass Secretary, Round Table India Foundation

  3. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Pending / Circulation Amount Sanctioned,but not yet Disbursed Completion Report Due RT176, 158, 85, 102, 14 LC 48, 33 RT 66, 54 RT 66 Area I RT 100, 30, 10, 162, 3, LC 73, 100 RT 42 Area II RT 94 - RT 65, LC 76 LC 90 Area III - LC 12 RT 41 Area IV RT 51, 43, 75, 149, 71, 188, 145, 32, 184, LC 96 RT 146, 24, Area V AGM project Area V - RT 166, 156, 87, 25, 173, 7 LC 19, 32 LC 14 RT 115, 190, 129 LC 54 Area VI LC 34, LC 37, RT 116 RT 62, 98, 101, 81, 165 LC 78, RT 69, 9 Area VII - RT 74 Area VIII RT 74, LC 97 RT 148 Area IX - RT 134, 147, LC 80 Area X RT 154 RT153 -

  4. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea I

  5. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea II

  6. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea III

  7. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea IV

  8. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea V

  9. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea VI

  10. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea VII

  11. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea VIII

  12. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea IX

  13. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Pending Project ProposalsArea X

  14. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area I RETURN

  15. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area II

  16. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area III

  17. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area IV

  18. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area V

  19. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area VI RETURN

  20. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area VII RETURN

  21. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area VIII

  22. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area IX

  23. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN Amount sanctioned, but not yet disbursed (The funds will be disbursed on receipt of Interim Report & Area Chairmen's Recommendation) Area X

  24. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area I RETURN

  25. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area II

  26. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area III

  27. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area IV

  28. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area V RETURN

  29. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area VI

  30. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area VII

  31. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area VIII

  32. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area IX

  33. Secretary's Message Contributions Received Project Proposals RETURN COMPLETION REPORTS DUE Area X

  34. Secretary's Message Project Proposals RETURN Contributions Received during September 2007 LMF Contributions ….. Cont…..

  35. Secretary's Message Project Proposals RETURN Contributions Received during September 2007 Golden LMF Contributions

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