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The Election of 1828

The Election of 1828. By: ELAINE chUMLEY. Andrew Jackson-John C. Calhoun John Quincy Adams-Richard Rush. Jackson and Calhoun. Adams and Rush. Two Parties. Supporters of Jackson – “ Jacksonians ” Supporters of Adams – “ Republicians ” . The Slogan .

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The Election of 1828

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Election of 1828 By: ELAINE chUMLEY

  2. Andrew Jackson-John C. Calhoun John Quincy Adams-Richard Rush

  3. Jackson and Calhoun

  4. Adams and Rush

  5. Two Parties Supporters of Jackson – “Jacksonians” Supporters of Adams – “Republicians”

  6. The Slogan "J. Q. Adams who can write" squared off against "Andy Jackson who can fight“.

  7. Jackson Positive message

  8. Jackson

  9. “Hickory broom” The “Corrupt Bargain” Jackson would sweep out the corruption.

  10. Adams 12 men allegedly murdered by Jackson in numerous duels

  11. Mudslinging Adultery Jackson accused as being a "drunk“, "gambler", and "tyrant“

  12. Mudslinging Adams labeled an “Aristocrat” Adams accused of using tax payers’ money for personal luxuries.

  13. Votes

  14. Works Cited "Digital History." Digital History. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2>. "John C. Calhoun Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <http://www.janesville.k12.wi.us/Default.aspx?tabid=956>. "Glogster Home Page." Glogster. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://www.glogster.com/laceysandra54/andrew-jackson-campaign-poster/g-6laggfu87gilgudouogr4a0>. "A History of Graphic Design: Chapter 59: Presidential & Chanselorship Election Camaign Posters." A History of Graphic Design: Chapter 59: Presidential & Chanselorship Election Camaign Posters. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://guity-novin.blogspot.com/2012/06/chapter-59-presidential-election.html>. "HTY 233 Jacksonian America." Jacksonian Presidency. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/walter.sargent/public.www/web 233/Unit 6 Jacksonian Presidency.html>. "Rush, Richard." -- Kids Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://kids.britannica.com/comptons/art-171170/Richard-Rush>. "Map of the Presidential Election of 1828." Map of the Presidential Election of 1828.N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://bill.ballpaul.net/iaph/main.php?g2_itemId=435>. "The Election of the President Throughout U.S. History." The Election of the President Throughout U.S. History. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/presidentialelections2.htm>. "Miller Center." American President: Andrew Jackson: Campaigns and Elections. N.p., n.d. Web 19 Nov. 2013. <http://millercenter.org/president/jackson/essays/biography/3>.

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