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Your Name: Samantha Smith Class Period: 6 Subject of Biography: Elli Friedmann

Your Name: Samantha Smith Class Period: 6 Subject of Biography: Elli Friedmann Title of Book: I Have Lived A Thousand Years Growing Up In The Holocaust Author: Livia Bitton-Jackson. Wall. Photos. Flair. Boxes. John F. Kennedy. Logout. 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS. Tweets

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Your Name: Samantha Smith Class Period: 6 Subject of Biography: Elli Friedmann

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  1. Your Name: Samantha Smith Class Period: 6 Subject of Biography: Elli Friedmann Title of Book: I Have Lived A Thousand Years Growing Up In The Holocaust Author: Livia Bitton-Jackson

  2. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout 335TWEETS 988FOLLOWING 1,256FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets facebook Mama Bird@mamabirdsurvived Have to make a decision whether to go to Israel or America, I want America! Elli Friedmann @ellifriedmannisawesome Americans came and now we are free! Bye bye SS and concentration camps # free! Elli Friedmann @ellifriedmannisawesome My story is my message: Never give up. Germany http://wanttoknowaboutme.org Elli Friedmann @ellifriedmannisawesome SS were firing at us when we left the train because we thought they had abandoned us, brother got shot in the head @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Elli Friedmann @ellifriedmannisawesome Found brother in terrible shape, I’m helping him get better, have to go to knew concentration camp, hope brother is still at same camp with me too Elli Friedmann @ellifriedmannisawesome Leave! Going to knew concentration camp, bye bye factory 21 RETWEETS FAVORITE

  3. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Tweets Elli Friedmann@ellifriedmannisawesome Loving the factory! It’s a better place, working on machines, better food, treated nicely # yeah! Elli Friedmann@ellifriedmannisawesome Almost didn’t make selection with mom to go to a factory Compose new Tweet… facebook Who to Follow Refresh View All Elli Friedmann@ellifriedmannisawesome Not enough to eat, we have to keep moving to different concentration camps # horrible BubiFriedmann@brotherbear Promoted Follow Mama Bird @mamabirdsurvived Follow Elli Friedmann @elliifriedmannisawesome Mom hurt in hospital, have to sneak her out before the SS kill her Dad101 @daddy101 Follow Your Example Twitter Name View My Profile Page 335988 1,256 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS Mama Bird @mamabirdsurvived Arrived at concentration camp and I found worms in my soup # Yuck! Browse Categories Find Friends Trends #edchatPromoted EducationIsMyLife #obama2012 #romney2012 iPhone ISTE Flat Classroom Elli Friedmann @elliifriedmannisawesome Taken to concentration camp only me and mom, brother was taken somewhere else Elli Friedmann @elliifriedmannisawesome Moved to the Ghetto, only could take what we can carry SS took the rest # sad 21 RETWEETS FAVORITE

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