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Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany

Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany. Chapter 13.5. The Weimar Republic’s Rise and Fall. The Republic suffered from the competition of too many small parties & economic disasters. Blamed for the Treaty of Versailles

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Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany

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  1. Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany Chapter 13.5

  2. The Weimar Republic’s Rise and Fall • The Republic suffered from the competition of too many small parties & economic disasters. • Blamed for the Treaty of Versailles • Still, it was a prolific time for artists, who stimulated new movements, such as Dadaism. • Many blamed German Jews for economic & political problems.

  3. The Nazi Party’s Rise to Power • In November 1923, Adolf Hitler tried to follow Mussolini’s example by staging a small-scale coup in Munich. • While in prison Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. • Hitler's Ideas are rooted in anti-Semitism and belief about a master Aryan Race

  4. The Nazi Party’s Rise to Power • The Great Depression and the feeling that the Weimar government was weak, led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. • In 1933, he was elected Chancellor of Germany. • He appealed to veterans, workers, the lower middle classes, and business people with his promises to rearm Germany, create jobs, and end reparations.

  5. The Third Reich Controls Germany • Hitler and the Nazis moved quickly to change Germany’s course. • They put people to work through public works programs • They terrorized dissenters • They placed restrictions on Jews, who were blamed for Germany’s loss in World War I • They denounced modern art and Christianity

  6. The Third Reich Controls Germany Cont. • SS troops and the Gestapo were formed to conduct his will • The Nuremburg Laws were created to deprive Jews of Citizenship and place severe restrictions on them. • Kristallnacht or Night of Broken Glass was a Nazi-led attack on Jewish communities • This event led to the “final solution”- exterminate all Jews

  7. Nuremberg Rallies • The primary aspect of the Nuremberg Rallies was the almost religious focus on Adolf Hitler • They portrayed Hitler as Germany's savior, chosen by providence.

  8. Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe • Just as in Germany, many nations in Eastern Europe came under dictatorships. • Ethnic and religious conflicts rose in the new states of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and elsewhere.

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