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best OCD medication

Ralph has transformed the lives of thousands of people from around the world. In his coaching practice, he focuses on uncovering and eliminating toxic, limiting, unconscious, self-sabotaging belief systems.

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best OCD medication

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  1. How to Put an End to Pure OCD with No Therapy or Medication When we talk about obsessive compulsive disorder, we mainly emphasize on the compulsions that the person has no control over. Actions like repetitive hand washing, bathing, cleaning, putting things in symmetry or checking if they are in order, is mainly associated with OCD. While these compulsions are a more prominent and more explored aspect of OCD, the obsessive thoughts are often overlooked. These intrusive thoughts are the first link of the chain that leads to the compulsions as well. Sometimes people only suffer from these obsessive thoughts and not from the compulsions and this form of OCD is known as Purely Obsessional OCD or Pure O. The best OCD medication like serotonin reuptakes can be effective in the treatment of this. A sufferer of Pure O is imprinted with unwanted, uncontrollable and meddlesome thoughts. A person may not engage in the physical compulsions but that doesn’t mean that this kind of OCD is any less distressing or disruptive. Another complication of Pure O is that it can take years for the person himself to recognize the illness as there are no visuals of it, it's all happening inside the brain. Repeated, powerful and aggressive thoughts about religion, sex, cleanliness or arranging of things can cause great deal of stress and depression. OCD medication can help but there are other ways to combat Pure O as well. In this article, I will tell you ways by which you can treat Pure O without the OCD medication as even the best OCD medication can have various side effects and health complications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The common modus operandi of treating OCD is by doing a combination of medication, therapies and counselling sessions. But sometimes the medication and treatments have been done for such a long time that they become redundant and cause so many side effects to the patient. CBT is a very effective way of treating Pure O as per the various research and studies conducted. It allows the patient to identify the thought process and pattern and also the different ways it affects their behavior, feelings and emotions. Many psychiatrists consider CBT as the first line of action for the OCD as its effective and almost as result producing as the best OCD medication. CBT also alters brain activity the same as the OCD medication does but in a way that has far less side effects, repercussions and relapse chances. One of the main causes of CBT is exposure and response prevention (ERP) which requires a substantial amount of psychological effort but the results are 80% as compared to the 50% of the medication. Other shots of CBT are acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Transcranial Magnetic Therapy (TMS)

  2. Another very effective, renowned and FDA approved therapy is TMS. This therapy is the go-to treatment of psychologists when best OCD medication and other therapies are not responding. It’s a noninvasive treatment in which nerve cells are stimulated with electromagnetic pulses that help relieve the symptoms of psychotic disorders and other mental health issues. In his therapy, a magnetic coil is placed above your head and magnetic impulses will be released, you’ll hear constant ticking sound and the treatment will last for 4-6 weeks in which you’ll have to take 5 sessions per week for 30-60 mins. This therapy is mostly highly recommended to people who haven’t found much relief from medication. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Deep brain stimulation treatment is also for all those people who are unresponsive to medications. This treatment is also FDA approved and ideal for the age group of 18-66 years. This process is invasive and requires surgery. In the process of surgery an electrode will be implanted deep into your brain that will be controlled by a pacemaker that will be set under your skin, in the chest area. The pacemaker and the electrode are connected by a wire that travels under your skin. This operation will help debilitate the extreme intrusive thoughts and help you gain more control over yourself and your brain. There is a slight tingling sensation when the device is on but when the device is off you don’t feel anything. Mindfulness Mindfulness techniques are also very helpful and have high efficacy levels, as these techniques train your mind to develop a more objective perspective and control the intrusive and obsessive thoughts. Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga and other calming exercises can be great for progress. In the End Everyone has intrusive thoughts occasionally but if these thoughts take a more obsessive turn and make it hard for you to live a normal life, seek medical assistance immediately. Consult a doctor and start a treatment that is a mixture of best OCD medication and therapies in order to gain maximum benefit.

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