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Global Economic Outlook

Global Economic Outlook. Mark Zandi Chief Economist. Broad-Based Global Growth. Real GDP growth. Recovery. Expansion. China. Russia. Hong Kong. Brazil. India. Israel. Mexico. Argentina. Chile. Indonesia. Sweden. Norway. United States. U.K. Spain. Korea. Finland. New Zealand.

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Global Economic Outlook

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Economic Outlook Mark ZandiChief Economist

  2. Broad-Based Global Growth Real GDP growth Recovery Expansion China Russia Hong Kong Brazil India Israel Mexico Argentina Chile Indonesia Sweden Norway United States U.K. Spain Korea Finland New Zealand Belgium France % change year ago through 04Q4 Canada Australia Euro Area Denmark Netherlands Japan Germany Italy Recession annualized % change in 04Q4 Struggling

  3. Driving China Is Booming FDI... Foreign direct investment $ bil

  4. ...While Robust Productivity Gowth is Driving the U.S. Economy Productivity growth Nonfarm business Average annual growth Sources: BLS, Economy.com

  5. Selling to the U.S. and China Exports to U.S. and China as a share of GDP Sources: Census, IMF Mexico Canada ASEAN South America Middle East Korea World Japan Australia Europe India

  6. The Principal Global Economic Risk Total excluding OPEC (L) China (R) U.S. Trade Deficit Billions $, 12 month moving sum Source: Census

  7. Oil Prices Are Expected to Fall... West Texas Intermediate $ per barrel Sources: WSJ, Economy.com

  8. ...Posing a Threat if They Don't West Texas Intermediate % Change Year Ago

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