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POW : System optimisations for data management

11 November 2004. POW : System optimisations for data management. It says ‘probable user error..’. Before optimising , you need a workable foundation. Hardware: optimisation of use feasible May mean virtualisation is soon needed Software: optimisation is possible,

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POW : System optimisations for data management

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  1. 11 November 2004 POW : System optimisations for data management

  2. It says ‘probable user error..’

  3. Before optimising , you need a workable foundation • Hardware: optimisation of use feasible • May mean virtualisation is soon needed • Software: optimisation is possible, • Timescales long and rather unpredictable • Undermanning a principal cause • User applications: who knows?

  4. Plenty of previous experience…mostly bad choices IBM 3494, 95-00 (too small) TL820, 95-99 (too small) IBM 3495, 90-95 (no SCSI) Sony Petasite test, 98 (wrong drive) GRAU ‘J’ multimedia test, 98 ‘don’t need it’

  5. Current usage of devices is inefficient • You have seen JvE’s evidence • Write: ~75% effective duty cycle feasible, because • ? s drive assigned but waiting for robotics • 30 s pick/place in drive • 45 s to first byte • 10 GB migration, 300 s writing • 45 s rewind/unload • ? s wait for robotics to dismount and free drive • Drive reassigned to next task • Read: ~20% or less effective duty cycle seen • As above, but typically read 1 file of < 1 GB • 120 s overhead, ~30 s reading • Savage marshalling of reads? • Faster robotics?

  6. Easy things • Current devices could do (part/most of ) the job • 4 GBytes/s write is ~120 9940B, ~6 MF once • 15 PB/yr is • ~15 Powderhorns/yr, ~4 MF/yr • ~90 K vols/yr, ~9 MF/yr • Reading, as done today, 4 GBytes/s • ~500 drives, ~25 MF once • Need more space (2 new buildings?) and ~30 MF • Need ~15 MF/yr

  7. Hard things • All current drives will be old, by 2007 • IBM 3592, 300GB 40 Mbytes/s, out already 1 yr • STK 9940B, 200GB 30 Mbytes/s, successor 2005? • All current libraries will be old, too • IBM 3584, ~5 K vols, maybe 100 EPH • STK Powderhorn, 5.5 K vols 190 EPH • IBM 3584 obsolete (slow, no passthrough..)

  8. Major uncertainties 2007-2022 • Will it soon all be on disk? ~15 PB/yr? ~ 15 MF? • If so, use drives designed for backup/recall: LTO x • LTO use means must replace Powderhorns • Or, will tape reads be still very important, if not the predominant load? • If so, need very many drives: ~500-1000 • What high end commercial devices will be available then? This is NOT commodity, no mass market… • Will HP, IBM, STK or Quantum still be making drives? • What sort? • All directed to corporate backup/recall • All seem designed to be used via FC fabrics, virtualisation….

  9. Is the current model tenable? Three layers of ‘separated functions’…. • CPU servers, ~10K • Disk servers, ~1 K at ~n TB each • Tape servers, ~n x 100 at ~100-200 MB/s • Tape devices, ~n x 100 at ~100-200 MB/s • Tape libraries, ~2, ~ 10 year lifetime • Tapes, ~30 K vols of ~500 GB/yr, ~3-5 year lifetime • Current disk servers cannot really drive tape units capable of >100 Mbyte/s • Current GBit networking and FC HBAs can’t handle this either • Maybe obliged to use a virtualised tape layer?

  10. Sensible to have a flexible start point • Install at least two suppliers on the floor • This means in practice IBM and STK • Both offer ‘their own brand’ and at least LTO as well • This means at least 2 types of library • ADIC (multimedia, ‘Scalar 1000’, bought out GRAU) too expensive?? • IBM library offering no use, but can’t be avoided presently • STK SL8500 does not offer IBM 3592, but is SDLT/LTO compatible, very fast and very extensible • And then there is virtualisation… this should be tried

  11. Why virtualise? • Backup notoriously does not share resources and uses a large amount of these: virtualising the resources used solves this for good. Today backup claims • 2 silos of 3590, 12 3590E, 8 9940B • 1 STK Timberwolf 9710 library, 7 DLT7000s, • CASTOR-based AFS backup • Soon the L700 (in Prevessin)….. • User applications and ‘user’ disk servers are not very efficient, and would struggle to use high performance devices • There are products that can virtualise all these libraries and drives, and the real resources are shared (STK VMS Open, ‘Indigo’…) • The real drives would be exploited at maximum capability, and.. • No problematic tape driver maintenance or performance mods needed • No high speed disk server to drive attach is needed • An efficient hidden disk buffer resides between user and real drives • Media and drive migration not a user (ie CASTOR) concern • Multicopy, remote vaulting, ‘policies’ are offered STK presentation exceprt……

  12. A New Foundation for our Data Storage “Services” • Common Platform • As much “off the shelf” technology as practical • I/F via generally available HBAs • Intel processors, GigE interconnect (mesh) • StorageTek specific value add • Cluster optimized for high data throughput and failover • High performance write biased disk buffer • Software • Linux based • StorageTek IP • Journaling, virtual tape/library, data lifecycle and policy management STK

  13. Continuous Protect Library Management StreamLine Library Manager Future Data Storage Services Virtual Tape “Indigo Project” Buffer Buffer 1 – 12 Node Pairs Appliance New Storage “Services” Common Platform STK

  14. Common Platform Node Architecture Data 2x 2Gb FC Mover Disk Cont- 4x Gigabit Customer Tape applications roller Ethernet ~600 MB/s Data 2x 2Gb FC Mover SATA disk buffer Up to ~45 TB STK

  15. Node Disk Dual Disk Client Cont- System roller Disk Node Client System SAN SAN SAN SAN Node Dual Disk Cont- roller Node Scalability via the Common Platform Node pair Tape drives Gigabit Switches (Mesh) Client System Disk Disk Client System STK

  16. Hardware Configurations STK

  17. So next… • Will we get an SL8500? • Will we get enough equipment to use the IBM 3592s , after initial test? • 8 drives (if bought after ‘test’) vs 46 9940B • Must provide ~10% of workload support • This means ~2,500 cartridges (~0.5 MF) • This means a much larger 3584, or an IBM maintained and separate Powderhorn…..

  18. Another project, which turned out unexpectedly..

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