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  1. Notes to presentation This slide is not intended to be shown. Rather, it’s additional information for AFGE Locals planning to use the slide show in their Locals. This slide show is intended to get people talking about the federal budget, and about deficit reduction through cuts and increased revenues. It doesn’t advocate a specific plan, any particular legislative activity, or support or oppose any political party or candidate. It is the opinion of AFGE’s General Counsel’s office that this slide show may be shown on government property during non-duty time.

  2. www.AFGE.org

  3. Spending and revenue graphics at www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/125xx/doc12577/budgetinfographic.htm

  4. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $1.3 trillion

  5. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $1.047 trillion

  6. Independent Agencies and Government Corporations • AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) • General Services Administration (GSA) • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) • National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) • National Endowment for the Arts • National Endowment for the Humanities • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) • Office of Personnel Management • Peace Corps • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) • Small Business Administration (SBA) • Tennessee Valley Authority • and more!

  7. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $899.168 billion

  8. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $822.65 billion

  9. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $791.473 billion

  10. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $738.786 billion

  11. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $589.311 billion

  12. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $576.932 billion

  13. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $521.054 billion

  14. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $471.967 billion

  15. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $418.587 billion

  16. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $275.294 billion

  17. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $245.606 billion

  18. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $212.958 billion

  19. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $200.086 billion

  20. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion $187.937 billion

  21. 2011 FEDERAL BUDGET $2.3 trillion

  22. Wages vs. Benefits for Retirees in 2010 Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, based on Social Security Administration, 2010 Trustees Report at Table VI.F10

  23. How big is the United States? • 5175 public airports • 787 million passengers Source: Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics at http://www.bts.gov/publications/national_transportation_statistics/html/table_01_03.html and http://www.bts.gov/press_releases/2011/bts017_11/html/bts017_11.html

  24. How big is the United States? • 528 ports • 3700 cargo and passenger terminals • 6000 commercial ships • 60,000 port calls • 9 million cargo containers Source: Congressional Research Service, “Port and Maritime Security” (May 27, 2005) pp 2, 3

  25. How big is the United States? • 13 million truck and rail cars crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders annually Source: Congressional Research Service, “Port and Maritime Security” (May 27, 2005) p 3

  26. How big is the United States? : 2016 >51,000 US food facilities 15,000 foreign food facilities < 3000 FDA Inspectors + Source: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, “FDA Inspections of Domestic Food Facilities” (April 2010) p ii and 3; and U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Pathway to Global Product Safety and Quality,” p 3.

  27. How big is the United States? : 7.5 million workplaces 1100 OSHA Inspectors 24 million Veterans 5 million Veterans Sources: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists at http://www.cste.org/dnn/ProgramsandActivities/OccupationalHealth/OccupationalHealthIndicators/Indicator18/tabid/114/Default.aspx; and Congressional Budget Office, “The Health Care System for Veterans,” p. 1 (numbers for 2006)

  28. How big is the United States? 10,000 file for Social Security benefits 16,000 receive new Social Security cards 33,000 receive replacement cards Every Day Source: SSA, “Annual Performance Plan for FY 2011 and Revised Final Performance Plan for FY 2010” at pp 31 and 39.

  29. US Population Growth 1960-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, “Resident Population Data” at http://2010.consus.gov/2010densus/data/apportionment-pop-text.php

  30. In 1960. . .

  31. In 1960 . . .

  32. Federal Employees:US Residents 1960 – 1:99 2010 – 1:147 2 out of 3 work in Defense, Homeland Security, Veteran’s Affairs and Justice Source: Office of Personnel Management at http://www.opm.gov/feddata/HistoricalTables/ExecutiveBranchSince1940.asp and National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE)

  33. Comparison of revenuesto spending Source: Tax Policy Center

  34. Where’s the Revenue? Source: Congressional Research Service, “The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan . . .” (March 29, 2011) p. 34

  35. Where’s the Revenue Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Economic Downturn and Bush Policies . . .” (May 10, 2011) Table 1, 2013 estimated value

  36. Where’s the Revenue? Source: Center for Economic and Policy Research, “The Potential Revenue from Financial Transactions Taxes” (December 2009) Table 1

  37. Where’s the Revenue? Source: Tax Policy Center, estimate for 2013, at http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?Docid=1616

  38. Where’s the Revenue? Source: Tax Policy Center , estimate for 2013, at http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?DocID=2491

  39. Where’s the Revenue? Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Economic Downturn and Bush Policies . . .” (May 10, 2011) Table 1, 2013 estimated value

  40. Save Social Security—Scrap the Cap! Source: SSA Annual Statistical Supplement, 2010, Table 4.B4

  41. What do we have?

  42. What do we have? • Big country • Modest sized government • Small tax burden • The reckless 2000s gave us: • Massive tax cuts • Unfunded wars • Wall Street speculators

  43. What do we need?Revenue! Options— • Wind down the war • Allow the Bush Tax cuts to expire • Raise taxes on the 1% • Put people back to work • Save Social Security—Scrap the Cap www.AFGE.org

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