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Exercise 3 of Book Two

Exercise 3 of Book Two. A. Multiple-choice questions: (Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.).

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Exercise 3 of Book Two

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  1. Exercise 3 of Book Two

  2. A. Multiple-choice questions:(Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.) • 1. "Do you think I was brought up like you? Able to pick and choose my own way of life? Do you think I did what I did because I liked it, or thought it right?" • According to the meaning of the above lines taken from Shaw's play, Mrs. Warren's Profession, which of the following statements is NOT true? • A. Mrs. Warren was brought up in a very poor situation. • B. Mrs. Warren's choice of her profession could be justified when she made the decision. • C. Although Mrs. Warren did not think what she did was right, yet she could not change her way of life even in her later years. • D. The words uttered by Mrs. Warren served only an excuse to cover her unwillingness to leave the profession in her later years. • 2. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the ______. • A. external world • B. public life of an individual • C. social activities of human beings • D. inner life of an individual

  3. 3. A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong sense of ___________, who never pays any attention to human feelings. • A. property B. justice C. morality D. humor • 4. According to D. H. Lawrence, the ________ is most responsible for the alienation of the human relationships and the perversion of human personality. • A. pride of the aristocratic class • B. vanity of the middle class • C. man's desire for power and money • D. capitalist mechanical civilization • 5. G. B. Shaw's play, Mrs. Warren's Profession is a grotesquely realistic exposure of the _________. • A. slum landlordism • B. political corruption in England • C. economic oppression of women • D. religious corruption in England • 6. In Shaw's play, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Mrs. Warren once said: "If there is a thing I hate in a woman, it's want of character." The word "want" here means __________. • A. desire B. lack C. possession D. need

  4. 7. According to the ideas discussd in Chapter 13 of The Man of Property, the tense relationship between Soames, the husband, and Irene, the wife, is caused by ________. • A. Irene's free-minded way of thinking • B. Irene's love for Bosinney • C. Soames's love for Irene • D. Soames's strong desire to possess Irene • 8. Which of the following statements about G. B. Shaw is NOT true? • A. He was one of the most influential members of the Fabian Society. • B. He was strongly against the credo of "art for art's sake". • C. He wrote plays to discuss social problems. • D. He vehemently rejected the traditions of realism in his dramatic creation. • 9. Thematically Yeats's poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree", _________ . • A. celebrates the rich and colorful life of the modern people • B. criticizes the emptiness of the hermit's life in the remote country • C. laments the loss of the Irish legendary tradition • D. laments the emptiness of the urban life and advocates a return to the simple and serene life of nature.

  5. 11. Eliot's poem, The Waste Land, is mainly concerned with the _______ of a modern civilization. • A. social corruption B. spiritual breakup • C. physical breakup D. religious corruption • 12. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is presented as a(n) ________, suggesting an ironic contrast between a pretended "love song" and a confession of his incapability of facing up to love and to life in a sterile upper-class world. • A. interior monologue B. authentic dialogue • C. lyric song D. religious confession • 13. "... the evening is spread out against the sky/Like a patient etherized upon a table. "In the above lines a simile is used to compare the evening with an etherized patient. What common quality is compared between the two entirely different things by using the simile? • A. Inertia B. Darkness C. Suffering D. Emptiness • 14. "And when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, / Then how should I begin/To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways. " In these lines, the image of a life pinned on the wall is vividly presented to show Prufrock's current _______. • A. misery B. laziness C. predicament D. struggle

  6. 15. Which of the following statements about D. H. Lawrence is NOT true? • A. His novel Sons and Lovers is largely autobiographical. • B. He was strongly against the dehumanizing effect of the mechanical civilization. • C. He believed that the primacy of life force was a guarantee in the healthy development of an individual's personality. • D. He was daringly innovative in the techniques of novel creation. • 16. The excerpt from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers ends with the conflict between Paul and his mother. The conflict is possibly caused by Paul and his mother's different views towards __________. • A. Paul's father B. art C. life D. Paul's brother • 17. The _______ can be regarded as one of the themes of Joyce's story "Araby". • A. loss of innocence B. childish love • C. awareness of harsh life D. false sentimentality • 18. After reading "Araby", one may feel the story has a _______ tone. • A. joyous B. harsh C. solemn D. painful

  7. 19. In "Araby”, Joyce's diction evokes a sort of _______ quality that characterizes the boy on this otherwise altogether ordinary shopping trip. • A. religious B. moral C. sentimental D. vulgar • 20. Among the great writers of the modern period, _______ might be the greatest in radical experimentation of technical innovations in novel writing. • A. Joseph Conrad B. D. H. Lawrence C. Virginia Woolf D. James Joyce • 21. The major concern of _______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. • A. D. H. Lawrence's B. J. Galsworthy's • C. W. Thackeray's D. T. Hardy's • 22. The mission of ________ drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth from a radical reformist point of view. • A. T. S. Eliot's B. J. Galsworthy's • C. B. Shaw's D.W.B. Yeats'

  8. 23. "'I believe you are made of stone,' he said, clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. You seem to forget,' she said, ' that cup is not! '" From the above quotation we might suppose the woman's tone is very ________. • A. sarcastic B. delightful C. sentimental D. humorous • 24. The statement "A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons" sums up the main plot of D. H, Lawrence's _______. • A. Sons and Lovers B. The Rainbow • C. Women in Love D. Lady Chatterley's Lover • 25. As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novels written by ________. • A. E. M. Forster B. Joseph Conrad • C. D. H. Lawrence D. James Joyce

  9. B. Blank-filling:(Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook.) • 1. ________ writings are chiefly concerned with the inner being of an individual and they pay more attention to the time than the chronological one. Modernist, psychic • 2. In his encyclopedia-like masterpiece ________, Joyce presents a fantastic picture of the disjointed, illogical, illusory, and mental-emotional life of Leopold Bloom, who becomes the symbol of everyman in the post-World-War-I Europe. Ulysses • 3. Writers like Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf concentrated their efforts on digging into the human _____. consciousness • 4. In Shaw's plays action is reduced to a minimum, while the dialogue and the interplay of the minds of the characters maintain the _______ of the audience. interest

  10. 5. To write about Ireland for an ________ audience and to recreate a specifically ___________ literature--these were the aims that Yeats was fighting for as a poet and a playwright. Irish Irish • 6. All the major novels of D. H. Lawrence demonstrate the idea that _________ civilization is responsible for the unhealthy development of human personalities and the perversion of love. mechanical • 7. In Lady Chatterley's Lover, Lawrence not only condemns the civilized world of mechanism for distorting human relationships, but also advocates a return to ________. Nature • 8. All of Joyce's novels and short stories have the same setting _______, especially _______, and the same subject, Dubliners and their life. Ireland Dublin • 9. Since A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man develops around a middle-class Irish boy, Stephen Dedalus, from his infancy to his manhood, it is generally regarded as a(n)_________ novel. autobiographical • 10. In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", Eliot presents an upper-class man who is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of defeated ________ and tortured by unsatisfied desires. idealism

  11. Define the literary terms listed below: • 1. Modernism • 2. Stream of consciousness

  12. Reading comprehension:(For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it.) • "Nothing in this world is more sure to upset a Forsyte than the discovery that something on which he has stipulated to spend a certain sum has cost more. And this is reasonable, for upon the accuracy of his estimates the whole policy of his life is ordered. If he cannot rely on definite values of property, his compass is amiss; he is adrift upon bitter waters without a helm.“ 2. "Her eyes met his and he looked away. He neither believed nor disbelieved her, but he knew that he had made a mistake in asking; he never had known, never would know, what she was thinking. The sight of her inscrutable face, the thought of all the hundreds of evenings he had seen her sitting there like that, soft and passive, but so unreadable, unknown, enraged him beyond measure.“ 3. "Paul was afraid lest she might have misread the letter, and might be disappointed after all. He scrutinized it once, twice. Yes, he became convinced it was true. Then he sat down, his heart beating with joy. • 'Mother' he exclaimed. • 'Didn't I say we should do it!' she said, pretending she was not crying."

  13. 4. "She frankly wanted him to climb into the middle class, a thing not very difficult, she knew. And she wanted him in the end to marry a lady.“ • 5. "Let us go then, you and I, • When the evening is spread out against the sky • Like a patient etherized upon a table; • Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets • The muttering retreats • Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels • And sawdust restaurants with oyster shells: • Streets that follow like a tedious argument • Of insidious intent • To lead you to an overwhelming question... • Oh, do not ask, 'What is it?' • Let us go and make our visit.“ • In the room the women come and go • Talking of Michelangelo

  14. 6. "Do I dare • Disturb the universe? • In a minute there is time • For decisions and revisions 4which a minute will reverse.“ • 7. "And would it have been worth it, after all, • Would it have been worth while; • After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets, • After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail • along the floor -- • And this, and so much more? -- • It is impossible to say just what I mean!"

  15. Essay questions:(In this part you are asked to write a short essay on each of the given topics. You should write no more than 150 words on each one.Therefore, you should concentrate on those most important points, try your best to be logical in your essay, and keep your writing clear and tidy.) • 1. Make a brief analysis of Yeats' poem "Down by the Salley Gardens". • 2. Comment on Eliot's poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock". • 3. Make a brief analysis of Joyce's story "Araby", concentrating mainly on the theme and images. • 4. Make a brief analysis of the character Paul Morel in Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers.

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