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Constructive Visual

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  1. Looking to Hire a Professional Logo Designer in Perth? Your logo is the face of your business, so you want to get it right! It has to be memorable, and it has to accurately reflect your brand's personality and image. If it doesn't, you risk losing customers—and that's what every business wants to avoid at all costs! When you are looking to hire a professional logo designer Perth, you want one who can take your vision and bring it to life through thoughtful design and careful execution. Luckily, there are several great options, but a Constructive visual guide will help you find the best one for your specific needs. Know what you need from your logo Do you need your logo to look professional, modern, minimalistic, edgy, cool, and hip, or more conservative, traditional, and classic? Try sketching out what you want your final product to look like. Before paying someone else an excessive amount of money for something that may not work at all, try it yourself. It's better than spending tens of thousands of dollars on an error. Get to know your designers. Before hiring a designer, ensure you know what they do and how they work. A great way to get started is by talking with people who have worked with them. Search online for reviews, or talk with friends and colleagues who might be able to give an honest opinion. Your designers must understand exactly what you want; if they don't ask questions, ask them yourself so that you are on the same page throughout the process. Also, ensure that your designer can provide references from similar projects—this will help give you confidence in

  2. their skills and ensure that their business model lines up with yours and runs smoothly along every step of development. Let them do their job. Remember that logo designer are there to help you brand your business. They have years of experience and know exactly what works and doesn't, but most importantly, they understand your industry. You may think that a purple hippo with wings will be awesome for your restaurant, but it may be best if you let someone else decide. A professional logo designer can create something amazing without much input from you; don't try and do their job for them, or you could wind up with an unusable logo. Remember—the idea is for them to design something great so people will remember your business, not so you can feel proud of yourself for doing it yourself. Have an idea of what you want Before shopping around for your logo, have an idea of what you want. This will help narrow your search and let you know if your designer is on track or needs more information. Whether it's something basic or complicated, consider providing them with sketches or examples of logos similar to what you're looking for. A clear idea can save time and money and prevent you from working with a designer who might not understand what you're trying to achieve. Remember that different designers may have different styles, so you must find one whose style suits yours. Most importantly, be open-minded when discussing design concepts with your prospective designer; after all, there may be more than one good solution for your company! Don't rush into anything. Spending money on design is not necessarily bad. What is bad, however, is rushing into a decision without thinking it through. Designers tend to be passionate people and are not shy about letting you know how much better their work is than their competitors' work. That can be flattering—until you realize that they're probably right! The best way to find out if your designer is better than others is by asking for referrals or doing extensive research online. Know where you stand with your designer Since your logo will be a symbol for your brand and represent your company, it's important to know what you want it to say about you. A good designer can consider all of that and come up with something amazing—but they can't read your mind. Make sure they understand what you need from your design by being transparent with them from the start. Don't expect them to be able to just get it; you should work together toward a final result, rather than just accepting whatever comes back without question. Most importantly, don't pay before getting what you asked for! Get feedback on early drafts, present multiple options, and ensure there is enough back-and-forth communication.

  3. Do WordPress sites need maintenance? Do WordPress sites need maintenance? Although this seems like an obvious question to ask, not everyone may know the answer, and it isn't as simple as saying yes or no because it depends on many factors, including your goals and what your site needs to be successful. What happens if you don't maintain your website Your website will eventually break because of a technical failure or a hacker discovering a security flaw. If your site is down and you can't get it back up and running, you're losing customers every hour that it's down. Even if you haven't lost any money, imagine how embarrassing it would be to explain to your boss or clients why you can't operate because your website has crashed. The longer it takes for you to get things back up and running, the more likely it is that people will stop trusting in your abilities as an online business owner. And if you manage to get everything fixed after days of the outage. What does it cost to have a website professionally maintained A typical website is designed by a web designer, created by a programmer, and launched on an Internet hosting service. Then it goes live for use by you or your clients. At that point, you are responsible for maintaining it, either through third-party support or doing some work yourself. This can include tasks such as installing new plugins or fixing any bugs that crop up. Such services usually range from $300-$600 per year, depending on how big your site is and how much needs to be done to maintain it. Should all websites be maintained? There's an idea in web design and development that it's a set-it-and-forget-it scenario. But once a site is launched, many people assume there isn't much more to do. However, there

  4. are plenty of reasons why you should still keep your site up to date and maintained—in other words, updated regularly and protected from hacks or outages. If nothing else, they can help boost your search engine rankings through frequent content updates. Maintaining Your Site Is Simple. It's easy to assume that once you launch your website, it can run independently. But there are many simple ways to keep your site in top shape and running smoothly, even after it's live. The first step is to sign up for Google Analytics so you can track things like where traffic is coming from and what kinds of pages people are viewing most often. You'll also want to check how well your site performs across different browsers and devices. You may find that some of your images or other assets load slowly when viewed through a mobile device or that users often leave without reading crucial information at various points on their path through your site. The type of maintenance every site needs How much do you know about site maintenance? Depending on your circumstances, your WordPress site might not need any care. When built and hosted properly, many self-hosted (or managed) WordPress sites can function without additional updates or assistance from their owners. If a site is well-optimized and carefully configured, it will have fewer inefficiencies that could slow it down or be vulnerable to attack. Another way to avoid routine site upkeep is running a managed hosting solution like WP Engine's professional services team does with its customers' websites. The three phases of maintaining your site So why does an ongoing commitment to maintaining your site matter? Well, there are three phases of keeping your site running: build/launch, update, and growth. If you ignore any of these phases, you could create technical debt that will harm your business goals. I always like to imagine that building and launching are like getting married while maintaining is more like having a relationship. If you don't work at keeping things alive and well, it may not be in your best interest or that of your audience. As with any relationship, growing doesn't happen by accident - it takes regular maintenance to keep things vibrant! Tools that help maintain your site. This is one of those rules that gets broken all of the time. Since you can do anything with WordPress these days, it doesn't make sense to install lots of plugins and themes that may not be necessary for your project. Instead, figure out what you want to do with your site and only add in necessary plugins or themes. This will save you time and keep your site stable while you focus on creating great content. How to get an SSL certificate for your website SSL certificates, also known as Secure Sockets Layer certificates, secure data communication on the Internet by encrypting information sent between browsers and web

  5. servers. There are two types of SSL certificates: Domain Validation (DV) and Organization Validation (OV). Domain Validation SSL certificates are issued to websites whose identity has been verified using the domain name. In contrast, Organization Validation SSL certificates are issued after verifying the legal entity that owns the website. Once you have your SSL certificate, constructive visual knows how to set it up on your website so visitors can begin browsing securely with no errors or warnings in their browsers. What do HTTPS and SSL mean? HTTPS is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure or a more secure version of HTTP. You might be vulnerable to eavesdropping when you make transactions using HTTP, such as when you check email, search on Google, or buy stuff online with major retailers like Target and eBay. HTTPS adds a layer of security by encrypting information before it leaves your computer and only allowing that data—including personal information about you—to be decrypted once it reaches its intended destination. This encryption takes place using Transport Layer Security (TLS), also known as its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Today's most popular websites use HTTPS/SSL technology to communicate securely with visitors on all browsers. Selecting a security provider There are many providers of SSL certificates out there, including big names like VeriSign and Thawte. Most host companies can provide these, so choosing a provider may be as simple as asking your web hosting company which one they use. Generally speaking, you should look for a company that offers high-assurance validation (also known as Extended Validation), although it's not strictly necessary for obtaining an HTTPS:// URL. When shopping around, remember that price isn't always indicative of quality or value—so don't hesitate to shop around! Security is important; take your time and do it right. Setting up your domain correctly.

  6. To use an SSL certificate, you must have it installed on a web server and configured correctly. Web servers are computers that deliver information over networks. You'll need certificates and keys to create and secure communication between a client (i.e., browser) and server using encryption. You can buy or rent a server from hosting companies like Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, or Microsoft Azure if you plan on offering encrypted services for end-users; you will also have to configure it so that HTTPS traffic is sent correctly. Installing the correct certificates on your server You'll need a few different certificates installed on your server. You can use one of our guide articles if you have any trouble with that: How To Install An SSL Certificate With Apache 2 On Ubuntu 16.04, or if you are using Nginx: How To Configure Nginx To Use A Self-Signed Certificate Or Let's Encrypt And HTTPS/SSL, or Microsoft's IIS: Adding an SSL certificate in IIS 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 R2). Depending on what type of hosting account you have, we may be able to provide some assistance as well—just give us a call! Testing and troubleshooting problems Once you've installed a new server and configured your web server software, you'll want to check that it is operating properly. Every hosting company provides instructions on how to test whether you can access your site; use these instructions before requesting an SSL (secure socket layer) certificate, which is required for users' browser computers to display information your server sends securely. When buying an SSL certificate, do not purchase one that expires more than two years from now. You can renew expiring certificates at a discount price before they expire, but if you wait until after expiration, you will have to pay full price for a new one—and let's face it: You never know what's going to happen in two years!

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