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BizTRUST your practice

BizTRUST your practice. Shannon Vincent CEO ReNew Group LLC www.renewgroup.com shannon.vincent@renewgroup.com. Defining Unique Experiences and Differentiators Tips on the Sales Process Gary Kravitz and BizTRUST Come from the extreme Slides/Page Numbers Take Away’s.

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BizTRUST your practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BizTRUST your practice Shannon Vincent CEO ReNew Group LLC www.renewgroup.com shannon.vincent@renewgroup.com

  2. Defining Unique Experiences and Differentiators Tips on the Sales Process Gary Kravitz and BizTRUST Come from the extreme Slides/Page Numbers Take Away’s Our Time Together and Objectives

  3. Most Professional Service Firms are Absolutely the Same Defining Unique Experiences

  4. We’re different because….. 3 Exercise:

  5. We are afloat in a sea of sameness. High-quality sameness but sameness just the same. To succeed we must stop being so normal. In a winner-takes-all world, normal equals nothing. Nordström and Ridderstråle Funky Business Normal is Frightening

  6. An experience is far more holistic than ‘service’. A service is a transaction (good or bad). An experience is an EVENT, an adventure, a happening, a soul-jogging, spirit-lifting phenomenon. An experience leaves an INDELIBLE MEMORY. This is not semantics

  7. Special moments in your firm 4 First contact Logical stuff we have to do Emotional reaction we want to get Leaving indelible memories every time

  8. Special moments in your firm 4 Prospecting Logical stuff we have to do Emotional reaction we want to get Leaving indelible memories every time

  9. Your reception area Your website Your newsletter Your applications How your office looks How your product looks Workflow Your sales process Moments of truth 5

  10. Review your Moments of Truth Get your 30 second commercial perfected What experiences do we want to create for ourselves, our team members and our clients? Take Away’s

  11. Tips on the Sales Process Tips on the Sales Process

  12. With respect to selling and marketing I’d like to get better at…… I’m going to get better by doing the following things…. Exercise

  13. Creating Chemistry Using OBA’s Questioning Tips on the Sales Process

  14. 3 The five C’s and the one S • Comprehend the key value drivers for clients • Create value for clients • Communicate the value you create (i.e. make the invisible visible) • Convince clients that they must pay for value • Capture value with effective price strategies and tactics

  15. We’ve simply got to get better at selling what we do

  16. Marketing Qualification The first call Preparing for the meeting using the BizTRUST report Meeting format with an outcome-based agenda and the BizTRUST client service plan Questioning to develop needs and pain Overcoming objections Presenting a solution Closing / continuance 4 A review of the sales process

  17. Create chemistry Kick off the meeting right

  18. 5 Creating chemistry when visiting Prepare and take an outcome-based agenda ‘Experience’ Take a gift! Pay a compliment EARLY + Arrive in good time Accept the first cup of coffee - Call BEFORE you arrive Make your compliment INSINCERE Hint: eliminate the reds!

  19. 5 Creating chemistry in your office  Helpful hints Email a map or directions Create an experience Really focus on your client Make sure they are comfortable: do they need a drink, or the restroom? Control where people sit; ideally sit on the same side

  20. Office ‘positioning’ Most powerful Least powerful 2nd most powerful

  21. Dress appropriately Remember first names Mention something personal (e.g. ask about family or favorite sports team) Unfold arms and uncross legs Watch body language (and mirror) Smile and make eye contact regularly Be genuinely interested in what your client has to say 6 Little things that make all the difference

  22. An OBA is a meeting ‘to do’ list PLUS a desired outcome Not surprisingly it uses these words at the end: DESIRED OUTCOME 6 An outcome-based agenda

  23. Outcome-based meeting with Big Fish Prospect Things we’d like to do today in our meeting: • Get your responses to a series of definitive questions about your business • Define very clearly where you want the business to be heading over the next 2 years • Review a Proposed Plan of Action for the next 3 months Desired Outcome: We agree to a starting date to implement the Plan. Using OBAs

  24. OBAs are always written You must ALWAYS share them with your client BEFORE and AT the meeting 6 Crucial things to note

  25. “Jane, to keep us on track is it OK with you if we just run through and agree to this agenda so that you’re happy with where we’re heading?” “So, if that’s all OK with you, let’s get started on our first item.” Possible dialogue

  26. Acts as a reference to help you prepare for a meeting A script for the meeting that allows you to keep control and order A standard against which you (and your client) can judge the outcomes of the meeting, and most importantly: Your prospective client has already agreed (if everything goes well) to the outcome you want! 7 The power of an outcome-based agenda

  27. The most important skill

  28. 7

  29. “Stop selling. Start helping.” Zig Ziglar “I have much more fun and enjoy much more success when I STOP trying to get what I want and start helping others get what they want.” “A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights.” Brian Tracy Key questioning attitudes

  30. Things you’d like to get better at and how you are going to do to it… How to Create Chemistry Using OBA’s – Use them. Use them for internal meetings too. Questioning – It’s about understanding needs and helping your clients solve their problems and achieve their goals. Take Away’s

  31. Thank You!

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