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The Crisis in Masculinity Myth: What's At Stake and How we can Truly Help our Male Students

The Crisis in Masculinity Myth: What's At Stake and How we can Truly Help our Male Students. 1/22/2013 Emmanuel Cannady M.S. Ed. Assistant Director – Gender Relations Center. Learning Objectives.

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The Crisis in Masculinity Myth: What's At Stake and How we can Truly Help our Male Students

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  1. The Crisis in Masculinity Myth: What's At Stake and How we can Truly Help our Male Students 1/22/2013 Emmanuel Cannady M.S. Ed. Assistant Director – Gender Relations Center

  2. Learning Objectives • Identify how myths are reinforced through various filters and frame of references (media, peers, administrators). • Identify what specific myths and questions inhibit administrators’ ability to teach men. • Incorporate specific models and strategies into truly addressing the needs of male students.

  3. Jackson Katz Exercise • Picture a young man you care about • Hold that image there

  4. “The Demise of Guys?” – TED Talk What We Usually Hear

  5. What We Watch and Read . . .

  6. 30% more likely to dropout than girls • Girls outperform boys at all levels form elementary school to graduate school • Boys less likely to get BA’s (44% vs. 56%) and graduate degrees (45% vs. 55%) • Make up 2/3 of special ed students • 5 times more likely to have ADHD What the Research Says…

  7. Men are basically Neanderthals: • Dumb • Aggressive • Impulsive Therefore, what we believe . . . …And so do Marketers…and so do the young men.

  8. Approaching students based upon our perceptions of their weakness rather than their strengths. • Therefore, it deteriorates our expectations for students and weakens educators’ abilities to recognize giftedness in its various forms (Ford & Grantham, 2003) • It mistakes difference for deficit Deficit Ideology

  9. 30% more likely to dropout than girls • Girls outperform boys at all levels form elementary school to graduate school • Boys less likely to get BA’s (44% vs. 56%) and graduate degrees (45% vs. 55%) • Make up 2/3 of special ed students • 5 times more likely to have ADHD What the Research Says…

  10. Boys learning styles are seen as a deficit – therefore • Special Education • ADHD How the Research Assumes Deficit

  11. Men have more sexual partners than women • Mathematically impossible • Report Bias (Men over-report, women under-report) – “Women’s Sexual Behaviors may be closer to Men’s than previously Thought” - Dr. Terri Fisher • Women are the greatest victims of men’s violence • 24% of victims are women • 76% of victims are men (“Tough Guise” - Jackson Katz) • Others? Other Deficits Ideology Myths

  12. Despite their relative improvement, women’s average earnings are still lower than men’s and women remain more likely to be poor. • Today, women make up almost 40 percent of full-time workers in management. But the median wages of female managers are just 73 percent of what male managers earn. • only 4 percent of the C.E.O.’s in Fortune’s top 1,000 companies are female (Coontz, 2012) • According to a Pew Research study 77% of people think a college degree is necessary for women to get ahead while only 68% think the same for women. On the Other Side

  13. And here’s how . . . We can’t control everything, but we can control ourselves

  14. Identify things you see that preserve this ideology • At Notre Dame • In your lives

  15. Parenting Styles • How does our current society Parent our Young Men? • How does our field?

  16. Sanford’s Challenge & Support Model

  17. Positive Coaching

  18. Think about what students you have in contact with. • How can you challenge and support them into become a better man? • Talk with a few people near you What Are You Going to Do?

  19. At the beginning I told you to picture a young man you care about. • Do you still have your image of that young man? Now that you can do something, will you?

  20. Thank You! ????’s Emmanuel Cannadyecannady@nd.edu574-631-2604

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