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Response to Intervention Closing the Achievement Gap

Response to Intervention Closing the Achievement Gap. Dr. Mary Thurman Deputy Superintendent Jeanice Kerr Swift Principal, Russell Middle School Cindy Shane & Yann Ulrich Assistant Principals Reta Staffeld Counseling Coordinator. Welcome to RMS!. It's Only A Mountain.

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Response to Intervention Closing the Achievement Gap

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Response to Intervention Closing the Achievement Gap Dr. Mary Thurman Deputy Superintendent JeaniceKerr Swift Principal, Russell Middle School Cindy Shane & Yann Ulrich Assistant Principals RetaStaffeld Counseling Coordinator Welcome to RMS!

  2. It's Only A Mountain Closing the Achievement Gap Dr. Mary Thurman, Deputy Superintendent

  3. Empowering the Wonder Years: Creating Three-Tiered Instructional Systems Charles M. Russell Middle School Of the Performing Arts and Science Our RMS story . . .

  4. Why RtI? Moral Imperative

  5. Goals/Desired Outcomes:~ To narrow & close the achievement gap~ To create dramatic improvement in student achievement for all students~ To realize middle school as a transformative experience for students in achievement and behavior-

  6. Response to Intervention A Focus on enhancing the performance of all students including those with disabilities through a common system in which classroom teachers, special education teachers, & other specialists work together RtI

  7. Response to Intervention Rationale: Fletcher (1998) maintains that the current model for identification is a “wait to fail” approach that often doesn’t get needed education services to students with disabilities proactively RtI

  8. Response to Intervention Is a structured plan for the provision of appropriate interventions in three tiers to students performing below expectation in core academic and behavioral outcomes.

  9. Response to Intervention • RtI Process: • screening of all students • assessment (focused) for those who are not progressing • diagnosis of the problem • application of treatment • monitoring of student progress • adjustment of plan

  10. RTI A Continuum of Support for All Few Some All

  11. Planning for a Three-Tiered Design • ~ Designing/Improving Tiers of Intervention ~ • Build from school’s strengths • Design for a menu/options approach • Alternative instructional format is best • Kid-friendly, age appropriate, “elective” feel • Interventions should fly “first class” • Schedule students in prior to begin of year, if possible

  12. Problem Solving Process

  13. If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem. -Krishnamurti

  14. Achievement Homerun RtI 1st ALL improved over time 2nd Gap is reduced between high-performing and low-performing subgroups 3rd ALL subgroups are improved Home Advanced performance is increased Unsatisfactory performance is reduced

  15. Why RtI? Capacity-building in your system Three-Tier Intervention Systems For Closing the Achievement Gap at Middle Level RtI

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