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Jamestown. 6. Pilgrims. Winthrop and the Puritans. The Mayflower Compact designed a democratic government for the Pilgrims. Jamestown served as the destination for the 1 st indentured servants. Jamestown became the first English colony in 1607.

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  1. Jamestown 6 Pilgrims Winthrop and the Puritans The Mayflower Compact designed a democratic government for the Pilgrims Jamestown served as the destination for the 1st indentured servants Jamestown became the first English colony in 1607 John Smith set up a system of labor to led Jamestown. Pocahontas helped the colony to survive in its first few years. The Jamestown colony saw the first slaves imported around 1620 John Winthrop was the Governor of the Puritan Colony The 1st Thanksgiving Source:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kids/civilrights/hutchinson/winthrop.gif

  2. Williams and Hutchinson 7 Toleration Act Penn and the Quakers Quaker William Penn tried to negotiate with Indians over colonial lands. Maryland’s Toleration Act guaranteed freedom of religion Puritan dissenters like Roger Williams left the colony. The Southern and Middle Colonies were based on agriculture such as rice, indigo, and tobacco. George Calvert established the colony of Maryland for Catholics Dutch traders has a better relationship with local Indians of the NY area A Puritan Woman

  3. Colonial Trade 8 Three Regions Philosophy and Religion Great Awakenings preacher Jonathon Edwards Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke explored the rights of man Slaves represented one part of the Triangular Trade Colonial Settlement in 1750 Colonial Women mainly worked in the home and have very few legal rights. Witchcraft Trials in Salem show the mistrust in society for diversity. Tobacco exporting became the colonies first industry Colonial Plantation Life

  4. French and Indian War 9 Boston Massacre Colonial Protests Cartoon reflecting the colonial attitude toward the Stamp Act Revolutionary Leader Samuel Adams helped lead groups like the Sons of Liberty Tarring and Feathering a Stamp Act Agent Poster advertising a colonial boycott British Redcoats were stationed in the colonies to maintain order European Colonies before French and Indian War Boston lawyer John Adams also served to lead colonial protests of British policies. Boston Massacre in 1770

  5. Calls for Independence 10 Common Sense King George III Revolution begins with shots fired on the commons of Lexington, Massachusetts Paul Revere rides to warn residents that “the British are coming” George Washington is chosen as military commander. “Common Sense” argues for independence Battle of Bunker Hill helped prove the colonist’s intentions. British regular “Redcoat” soldiers are sent in larger numbers Thomas Paine wrote the popular pamphlet “Common Sense” King George III of England

  6. Draft of the Declaration 11 Source: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/assets/jb/modern/jb_modern_independ_1_m.jpg Declaration of Independence Source: http://www.billofrightsinstitute.org/images/founder-of-the-month/thomas-jefferson.jpg Influence of John Locke Source: http://www.free-market.net/images/liberty-gallery/episteme/locke.jpg Enlightenment philosophers influenced many of Jefferson’s idea included in the Declaration The Declaration was a document edited several times to get it to today’s form. Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the Declaration of Independence Committee writing the Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776 The Declaration listed many reasons why the colonies had to declare their independence. John Hancock’s famous large signature on the Declaration Liberty Bell from Independence Hall, Philadelphia Colonies declare themselves Independent

  7. Early Years of the War 12 Source: http://btr0xw.rz.uni-bayreuth.de/cjackson/l/leutze2.jpg Colonial Army v British Army Source: http://www.elisabethmorrow.org/classroomnews/g5mpitc1.gif End of the War, 1781 Source: http://www.nostalg66.com/Yorktown.JPG Washington leads his men across the Delaware R. to battle at Trenton The British would control most of the major colonial cities throughout the war. Charles Cornwallis eventually surrendered to Washington at Yorktown Washington and his men at Valley Forge The Marquis de Lafayette was one of many foreign volunteers to help. The British surrender at Yorktown to end the war in 1781 Washington had several very capable Generals such as Nathaniel Greene “Molly Pitcher” at the Battle of Monmouth

  8. Land Ordinance 13 Source http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/Revolutionary.html Northwest Ordinance Source http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/Revolutionary.html Shay’s Rebellion Source http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/Revolutionary.html United States territory after the Revolutionary War The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 organized the process of adding states and also forbid the institution of slavery in these territories Sample survey of territories under the Land Ordinance of 1785 Shay’s Rebellion in Massachusetts showed the weakness of the Articles

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