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Colorado Lottery Tracking Study Presentation October 2011 (W3)

Colorado Lottery Tracking Study Presentation October 2011 (W3). for Colorado Lottery by Simon Jaworski. Colorado Lottery Tracking Study: Content. Background , Objectives & Methodology Key Findings & Recommendations Ad Awareness

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Colorado Lottery Tracking Study Presentation October 2011 (W3)

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  1. Colorado Lottery Tracking Study Presentation October 2011 (W3) for Colorado Lottery by Simon Jaworski

  2. Colorado Lottery Tracking Study: Content Background, Objectives & Methodology Key Findings & Recommendations Ad Awareness Second Chance Drawings, Social Media, Website & Benefits Overall Lottery Playership Scratch Games Multi-State Jackpot Games – Powerball & Mega Millions Other Drawing Games – Lotto, Cash 5, MatchPlay Key Lottery Dynamics: Player Type, Day Played, Lottery opinions & Game Satisfaction Ratings

  3. Background • TRiG is conducting a point-in-time tracking study for Colorado Lottery and Scientific Games: • Wave 1: April 18- April 26 (conducted for CO Lottery and Cactus) • Wave 2: June 3- June 13 (conducted for CO Lottery and Cactus) • Wave 3: September 19 - September 29 • TRiG has been conducting this study with the following focal points: • Data Continuity with historical Colorado Lottery tracking studies • Ensuring data collected online comports with previous RDD only studies • Managing sample to be reflective of overall Colorado population • There are two key goals for this Colorado Lottery Point-In-Time Tracking Study: • To give the Lottery and Scientific Games accurate and relevant information, to enable both parties to make sound business decisions based upon market trends. • To enable the Lottery to use the new Tracking Data in conjunction with the historical information captured over the previous Telephone Tracking Study, and to make both the study and the data a seamless integration into the lottery’s business plan, on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.

  4. Methodology • 604 Colorado respondents participated in a 15 minute survey in Wave 3 • 506 completed online • 98 completed by telephone interview • The respondents: • Must be older than 18 years of age • Must not have moral objections to Colorado running a state lottery • Must not work for an advertising agency, market research company, marketing consultant, any type of Lottery or a store that sells lottery tickets • Phone respondents must not have internet access • Margin of Error – Statistical Sample Accuracy at 90% confidence on n=600 completes is+ or – 3.4%

  5. Sample Frame • W1 (N = 596 completes) • W2 (N = 601 completes) • W3 (N = 604 completes) • Gender breaks W1 W2 W3 Colorado Population • Female 51% 52% 51% 51% • Male 49% 48% 49% 49% • Age breaks (% of adult population) • 18-24 10%14% 8% 11% • 25-34 17% 17% 21% 20% • 35-44 17% 19% 17% 20% • 45-54 24% 22% 23% 20% • 55-64 17% 16% 16% 14% • 65+ 15% 12% 15% 15% • Race* • Caucasian 81%84% 82% 84% • Asian 3%3% 4% 3% • African American 5%5% 5% 4% • Other 15%9% 12% 10% • Ethnicity • Hispanic 21% 19% 22% 21% • Not Hispanic 79% 80% 77% 79% *Percentages total more than 100% as respondents were allowed to select more than one answer choice

  6. Key Findings

  7. Key Findings (1) – Ad Awareness • 63% of respondents recall viewing or hearing Colorado Lottery advertising within the past month significantly lower than W2 (but similar to W1). • Scratch game Unaided Awareness is up significantly due to Wheel of Fortune. • Wheel of Fortune represented 16% of the total 22% of Scratch Game unaided Ad awareness. • Awareness and understanding of Mega Millions should still be a #1 priority for the Colorado Lottery moving forward as there is a great opportunity to increase player penetration and trial.

  8. Key Findings (2) – Social Media • Over 70% of Coloradoans utilize social media frequently. • 58% of Coloradoans are Facebook users and Google Talk use is up to 20% in W3. Social Media users skew younger. • 38% access Social Media via their mobile phone. (95% through laptop or PC). • Email and the Lottery website are the most popular communication channels for winning numbers and contest/promo information. • However, there is still only limited interest in Lottery contests and promotions information on Facebook (8%). • 95% of Facebook users are unaware of Colorado Lottery Mega Millions promotions on the Facebook site.

  9. Key Findings (3) – Website & Loyalty Programs • The number of respondents who have visited the CO Lottery website is up significantly in Wave 3, from 47% to 53%! • Mean score ratings are up for the CO Website, with only one issue being of any consequence (Navigation at 8%) • Almost half of Coloradoans participate in loyalty programs. • 80% of Coloradoans who have a loyalty card belong to a Supermarket loyalty program and more than half have a Credit Card and/or Frequent Flyer program they belong to. • Over half of all respondents rate the appeal of the VIP club as 8 or higher. • However, among the core players, 70% of Past Month players rate the Colorado Lottery VIP club as a 8, 9 or 10 in terms of appeal. • 85% of Coloradoans are unaware of the “Sign and It’s Yours” campaign. • Only 4% claim to recognize the campaign.

  10. Key Findings (4) – Lottery outlets & Purchase Days • 47% of respondents purchase tickets at convenience stores regularly. • 35% buy at grocery stores, up significantly in W3 (similar to W1). • More than half of Past Month players purchase at both outlets. • The number of Past Year Lottery players to have experienced an issue at a retail store has declined significantly in W3. • Playership by day continues to show discrepancies between Past Month players and more Infrequent players. Playership levels are almost identical on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) • However, the largest gaps are Wednesday’s 43% (Past Month) v 31% (Not Past Month) and of course Tuesday’s 30% (Past Month) v 16% (Not Past Month). • Colorado Lottery should attempt to either increase the casual player’s spend on weekends, or encourage more players into stores on Tuesdays.

  11. Key Findings (5) – Scratch Games • Monthly reported spend on Scratch Games is down from W2. • Having less money available to spend is the key driver behind decisions to spend less on Scratch Games. • About 1/3 of Scratch Game players state their reduction in spend is also because they don’t win enough. • Having spare money is the key driver in decisions to purchase Scratch Games, followed by seeing the scratch tickets and also feeling lucky. • Crossword is the most commonly played game, as well as the most preferred, followed by Wheel of Fortune. • Almost half of all $5 players like Crossword the best.

  12. Key Findings (6) – The Lottery & Powerball Futures • Close to two out of three total Coloradoans indicated a likelihood to purchase lottery games in the future, similar to W2. • There is still a 5:1 positive to negative ratio for the Colorado Lottery. • In W3, 68% of respondents claim they would continue playing Powerball if it became a $2 game, down from 73% in W2. • 30% would spend more than $10 on $2 Powerball in a typical month. • Just over half of Powerball players play PowerPlay in Colorado. • 2/3 of PowerPlay players say they would continue to utilize the PowerPlay feature even if the Powerball game moves to $2 price. • If Powerball went to a $2 game, 52% of players would spend roughly the same on all games. 35% of these players would keep spending exactly the same, with 17% altering their levels by game. • However, 19% would increase spend overall, 10% would decrease spend overall. • Only 1 in 10 claim to play Powerball for the fun/entertainment value.

  13. Recommendations • Game Awareness, Ad Awareness and understanding of Mega Millions should be the #1 priority for the Colorado Lottery moving forward. • Wheel of Fortune appears to have been a success. Are there similar $5 games the Colorado Lottery could launch? Are there any plans to expand the range of the very popular Crosswords games? • There appears to be a strong case for an increased use of Social Media in Lottery communications, specifically to ensure enough of the youngest age group, 18-34 year olds, are aware of Colorado Lottery games, promotions and jackpot sizes. • However, this needs to be done correctly. • There still appears to be an opportunity in further educating Coloradoans about where the Lottery money proceeds are spent. • Days of the week.

  14. Ad Awareness

  15. Past Month CO Lottery Ad Awareness • 63% of respondents recall viewing or hearing Colorado Lottery advertising within the past month. • This is similar to Ad awareness levels seen during W1 2011, significantly lower than W2. (n = 596) (n = 601) (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q1. In the past month have you seen or heard any advertising for Colorado Lottery games?

  16. Games Advertised Past Month – Unaided Ad Awareness Total Market • Scratch game Unaided Awareness is up significantly due to Wheel of Fortune • WOF represented 16% of the total 22% of Scratch Game awareness • Both Powerball and Mega Millions Ad Awareness figures are down significantly. W1 W3 W2 (n = 596) (n = 601) (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q2. Please list which Colorado Lottery games you have seen advertised in the past month?

  17. Games Advertised Past Month – Total Ad AwarenessTotal Market • Scratch Game Total Ad awareness has maintained from wave to wave, while Ad awareness of other games, notably Powerball and MatchPlay has fallen. W1 W3 W2 (n = 596) (n = 601) (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q2. Please list which Colorado Lottery games you have seen advertised in the past month? Q3. Which of the Colorado Lottery games have you seen or heard advertising for in the past month?

  18. Colorado Lottery, Social Media, Website, Loyalty Club & “Sign & It’s Yours” Campaign

  19. Social Media Websites Used • Over 70% of Coloradoans utilize social media frequently. • 58% are Facebook users and Google Talk is up to 20% in W3. • Social Media users skew younger. W1 W3 W2 (n = 596) (n = 601) (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q7. Which of the following Social Media websites do you actively use (or visit frequently)?

  20. Social Media Access • The overwhelming majority of social media users utilize their PC to access these sites. • However, 38% access social media via their mobile phone. W3 (n = 427*) *Base=Respondents who use social media Q7c. How do you access social media?

  21. Lottery Information Communication Preferences • Email and the Lottery website are the most popular communication channels for winning numbers and contest/promo information. • However, there is still limited interest in Lottery contests and promotions information on Facebook (8%). W3 Winning Numbers Info Contest and Promotion Info (n = 604) (n = 604) Q7d. How do you prefer to receive winning numbers from the lottery? Q7e. How would you prefer to receive information about Lottery contests and promotions?

  22. Colorado Lottery Website • The number of respondents who have visited the CO Lottery website is up significantly in Wave 3, from 47% to 53%! • More than one in three respondents has been on the CO Lottery website in the past month. Last Website Visit (n = 604) (n = 596) (n = 601) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have visited the CO website in the past month Q8. Which of the following best describes when you last visited the Colorado Lottery website? Q9. Did you notice that the Colorado Lottery website has changed recently?

  23. Rating of Colorado Lottery Website Design • The website redesign was widely viewed as an improvement with 61% of respondents who have seen it giving it a rating of 8 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10. Mean ratings are now up to 7.7/10. Mean Rating: 7.6 7.5 7.7 Top 3 Box: 57% 55% 61% (n = 315*) (n = 276*) (n = 283*) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have visited the CO website Q10. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is an excellent website that offers you everything you need to know about the Colorado Lottery and its games, and is easy to use, and 1 is a poorly designed website that is difficult to use, how would you rate the Colorado Lottery website?

  24. Improvement for Colorado Lottery Website • 61% of respondents either believe the website does not need improvement or can’t think of a way to improve. • However, 8% reported navigation issues. W3 (n = 315)* Base=Respondents who have visited the CO website Q11w3. What can be done to improve the Colorado Lottery website?

  25. Loyalty Programs/Clubs • Almost half of Coloradoans participate in loyalty programs. • 80% of Coloradoans have a Supermarket loyalty program • More than half have a Credit Card and/or Frequent Flyer programs. W3 Loyalty Programs Participate In (n = 287*) Aware of Loyalty Programs/Clubs Participate in Loyalty Programs/Clubs (n = 604) (n = 604) *Base=Respondents who participate in loyalty programs Q5aw3 Do you know what a Loyalty, VIP, Affinity or Rewards Club is? Q5bw3 Loyalty, VIP, Affinity or Rewards Club programs are partnerships in which one company offers special rates or services to their members when their services are used on a repeated basis. Allowing members to earn points, credits or in some cases miles. Do you actively participate in any such club or program? Q5cw3 Which of the following loyalty programs do you participate in? Select all that apply

  26. Colorado Lottery VIP Club Appeal • Over half of respondents rate the appeal of the VIP club as 8 or higher. • Over 70% of Past Month players rate the Colorado Lottery VIP club as a 8, 9 or 10 in terms of appeal. (8.1 mean score) Total Past Month Players Lapsed players Mean Rating: 6.9 8.1 6.1 Top 3 Box % 52% 71% 38% (n = 604) Q5dw3 The Colorado Lottery is thinking about launching a lottery VIP club where players can earn points for entering the serial numbers of their non-winning tickets. Earned points could then be redeemed for different types of prizes like home entertainment systems, gift cards from local Colorado restaurants, etc. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Not at all appealing and 10 is extremely appealing, how appealing is this type of program to you.

  27. Awareness of Campaigns • 85% of Coloradoans are unaware of the “Sign and It’s Yours” campaign. • Only 4% claim to recognize the campaign. W3 Aware of Colorado Lottery's “Sign and It’s Yours” Campaign (n = 604) Q62. Just within the last month or so, do you remember seeing any images or hearing any of the …?

  28. Overall Lottery Playership

  29. CO Lottery Games - PlayershipTotal Market • 73% of respondents have played CO Lottery games ever in W3, down against W2. • Scratch Games and Powerball have the highest playership, with 28% of the population claiming to have ever played Mega Millions in W3 (up from W2). Ever Played CO Lottery Games Games Ever Played W1 (n = 596) W2 (n = 601) W3 (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q13. Have you ever played any of [these] Colorado Lottery games? Q14. Which Colorado Lottery games have you ever played?

  30. Games Played In …Total Market • Past Month playership is down significantly in W3, down from 51% to 45%. This decline is seen across the board, although Scratch Games and MatchPlay have seen significant declines. … Past Year … Past Month 69% May-10 W1 (n = 596) W2 (n = 601) W3 (n = 604) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q15. IN THE PAST YEAR, which of these Colorado Lottery games have you played? Q16. AND IN THE PAST MONTH, which of these Colorado Lottery games have you played?

  31. Outlets Where CO Lottery Tickets Purchased RegularlyTotal Market • 47% of respondents purchase tickets at convenience stores regularly. • 35% buy at grocery stores, up significantly in W3 (similar to W1). • More than half of Past Month players purchase at both outlets. W1 W3 W2 (n = 596) (n = 601) (n = 604) Multiple answers accepted 35% did not state an answer Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level Q18. From which of the following outlets do you regularly purchase your Colorado Lottery tickets?

  32. Issues Faced at Lottery Retail Stores • The number of Past Year Lottery players to have experienced an issue at a retail store has declined significantly in W3. • The most common issues experienced are out-of-stock games (down significantly in W3), unknowledgeable staff or game terminals/dispensers not working. W1 W3 W2 (n = 409) (n = 393) (n = 390) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q19. Which, if any, of the following issues have you faced at Lottery Retail stores over the past year?

  33. Likelihood to Purchase CO Games in the Future • Close to two out of three total Coloradoans indicated a likelihood to purchase lottery games in the future, similar to W2. • 18% stated they might or might not purchase in the future. Mean Rating: 3.9 3.8 3.7 Top 2 Box: 67% 63% 63% (n = 604) (n = 596) (n = 601) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level 5-point scale where ‘5’ means Definitely Purchase and ‘1’ means Definitely Not Purchase Q23. How likely are you to purchase Colorado Lottery games in the future?

  34. Amount Spent on Scratch Games… • 61% of all players spent $5 or less the last time they played Scratch Games. • Monthly reported spend is down for both the last time player’s played and their typical monthly spend. … Last Time Played … In Typical Month Mean: $10 $11 $8 Mean: $21 $24 $14 (n = 173*) (n = 287*) (n = 279*) (n = 287*) (n = 279*) (n = 273*) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q26. How much did you spend the last time you played Scratch games? Q27. Approximately how much do you spend on Scratch Games in a typical month?

  35. Why Spending Less on Scratch Games • Having less money available to spend is the key driver behind decisions to spend less on Scratch Games. • About 1/3 state it’s also because they don’t win enough. REASONS FOR SPENDING LESS W1 (n = 97*) W2 (n = 87*) W3 (n = 93*) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who are spending less on Scratch Games Q29. Why are you spending less on Scratch games? Is it because…?

  36. Importance - Scratch Games Purchase – Why & What • Having spare money is the key driver in decisions to purchase Scratch Games, followed by seeing the scratch tickets and also feeling lucky. PAST YEAR SCRATCH PLAYERS WHAT DRIVES SCRATCH CHOICE? PAST YEAR SCRATCH PLAYERS WHY MAKE SCRATCH PURCHASE? W1 (n = 287*) W2 (n = 279*) W3 (n = 273*) * Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q30. Please think about the last time you bought Scratch games. Below is a list of reasons that may or may not have been important to you in deciding to buy these Scratch games. Please check whether each reason was important or not important in deciding to buy the Scratch games.

  37. $5 Game Playership / Preference • Crossword is the most commonly played game, as well as the most preferred, followed by Wheel of Fortune. • Almost half of all $5 players like Crossword the best. $5 Scratch Game Tickets Ever Played $5 Scratch Game Tickets Like Best W3 (n = 74)* (n = 74)* Base=Respondents who have played $5 games in the past week or past month Q25b. Which of the following $5.00 Scratch Game tickets have you ever played? Q25c. And which of the following $5.00 Scratch Game tickets do you like best?

  38. Multi-State Games &

  39. Amount Spent on Powerball & Mega Millions… • 30% of all Powerball players typically spend more than $10 in a month. • Almost three quarters of players spent $5 or less the last time they played. • More frequent players are less motivated by increasing jackpot sizes • Weekly players are more motivated to play in $20-30 million jackpots • 30% of Powerball players who are lapsed players (not played in the past month) wait until the Powerball jackpot hits $100m. • During the field period, the Mega Millions continued to increase, and probably drew in less frequent players. Spend Last Time Played – Mean $ Spend In Typical Month - $ W1 W2 W3 $15 $15 $12 $15 $20 $8 W1 W2 W3 $8 $7 $8 $7 $8 $4 *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q34/47. How much did you spend the last time you played Powerball/Mega Millions? Q35/48. Approximately how much do you spend on Powerball/Mega Millions in a typical month?

  40. Jackpot Amount Spent • 43% of players will spend more as jackpot size increases • 38% of players who spend more when the jackpot size grows increase their spend when the jackpot hits $100 million +. Amount at Which Spend More Spend More as Jackpot Grows Mean = $99m W1 (n = 279*) (n = 119**) Mean = $82m W2 (n = 257*) (n = 110**) Mean = $104m W3 (n = 271*) (n = 116**) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year ** Base=Respondents who spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows Q38. Do you typically spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows? Q39. At what jackpot amount do you start to spend more on Powerball?

  41. Reasons for Playing POWERBALL • Almost half of Powerball players cite the “chance to win” as the key reason they play the game. • Only 1 in 10 claim to play for the fun/entertainment value. W3 (n = 271)* Base=Respondents who have played POWERBALL in the past year Q33a What is the key reason that you play POWERBALL?

  42. Potential Powerball Game Changes • In W3, 68% of respondents claim they would continue playing Powerball if it became a $2 game., down from 73% in W2. • 30% would spend more than $10 on $2 Powerball in a typical month. Would you continue playing Powerball if games changes to $2 ticket? Spend on $2 Powerball in a typical month? Mean: $13 W2 (n=257)* Mean: $13 W3 (n=271)* *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q39b. If the current Powerball game were to make some improvements …, but the price point moved from a $1 game to a $2 game, would you still play Powerball? Q39e. How much would you spend on a $2 Powerball game in a typical month?

  43. PowerPlay Feature – Now and future • Just over half of Powerball players play PowerPlay in Colorado. • 2/3 of PowerPlay players say they would continue to utilize the PowerPlay feature even if the Powerball game moves to $2 price. Do you currently play the PowerPlay feature of PowerBall? Will you will play PowerPlay ifPowerBall increases to $2? W2 (n=136)** (n=257)* W3 (n=139)** (n=271)* *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year ** Base=Respondents who play PowerPlay feature of PowerBall Q39a. Do you currently play the PowerPlay feature of Powerball for an extra $1…? Q39d. If the current Powerball game increased from a $1 game to a $2 jackpot game, would you still play PowerPlay…?

  44. Impact of $2 Powerball on Total CO Lottery Spend • 52% of players would spend roughly the same on all games with $2, Powerball. 35% of these players would keep spending exactly the same, with 17% altering their levels by game. • 19% would increase spend overall, 10% would decrease spend overall. Total Past Week Past Month Past Year (n=271) (B)(n=78)* (C)(n=89)* (D)(n=101)* D D BD c bC Note: Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past week, month, year Q39f. How do you think a $2 Powerball game would affect your spending on the range of Lottery games you currently play, including Powerball?

  45. Impact of $2 Powerball on Total CO Lottery Spend • There appears to be more confusion about future spending in W3 then there was in W2 with “Don’t know” response rising significantly • Net lower spending options fell from 20% in W2 to 10% in W3. W2 W3 (n = 257) (n = 271) Note: Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past week, month, year Q39f. How do you think a $2 Powerball game would affect your spending on the range of Lottery games you currently play, including Powerball?

  46. Powerball and Mega Millions interaction • 13% of those who play Powerball and Mega Millions will increase Mega Millions spend if jackpot is high, while maintaining Powerball spend. • Over half of all respondents who play Powerball and Mega Millions spend the same on both games regardless of the size of each game’s jackpot. (n = 152*) (n = 104*) (n = 112*) Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball and Mega Millions in the past year Q50. When the Powerball jackpot is low, and Mega Millions jackpot is high, do you…?

  47. Reason for Not Buying Mega Millions Ticket • Awareness and understanding of Mega Millions should be a #1 priority for the Colorado Lottery moving forward as there is a great opportunity to increase player penetration and trial. • 30% of non-players are not aware/familiar/have not thought about playing • 13% of respondents in W3 “don’t have the money” to play Mega Millions, up significantly from W2 Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 3 significantly higher/lower than Wave 2 at 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball and not played Mega Millions in the past year Q51. In the PAST YEAR, you said you have played Colorado Lottery’s Powerball game, but not the Mega Millions game. Both games are very similar, being National Jackpot drawing games, so what is the main reason you have not bought a Mega Millions ticket?

  48. Mega Millions Promotion on Facebook • 95% of Facebook users are unaware of Colorado Lottery Mega Millions promotions on the Facebook site. • The Colorado Lottery needs to drive players to their Facebook page. W3 (n = 350)* Base=Respondents who use Facebook Q49w3 Do you follow Mega Millions promotions on Facebook?

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