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Getting closer to real-life energy conservation

Getting closer to real-life energy conservation. Aims. Pupils learn about energy consumption at school and at home Pupils can quantify energy and power Pupils can evaluate effective strategies to make efficient use of energy and reduce where possible

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Getting closer to real-life energy conservation

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  1. Getting closer to real-life energy conservation

  2. Aims • Pupils learn about energy consumption at school and at home • Pupils can quantify energy and power • Pupils can evaluate effective strategies to make efficient use of energy and reduce where possible • Pupil’s households use less energy and therefore cause 3% less carbon emissions

  3. Partnership • Millburn Academy ASG - 6 schools • Highland One World Group • Action for Sustainability

  4. Climate challenge fund • Scottish Govt - Keep Scotland Beautiful! • Application • Must show CO2 reduction • Monthly reports

  5. Nov 09 Launch - Copenhagen Summit

  6. Also in the media • Human Power Station • X Factor

  7. Nov 09 Launch - Copenhagen Summit • Dec 09 - Baseline study

  8. Nov 09 Launch - Copenhagen Summit • Dec 09 - Baseline study • Jan 10 - Meters issued

  9. Nov 09 Launch - Copenhagen Summit • Dec 09 - Baseline study • Jan 10 - Meters issued • March 10 pupil conference • August 10 sharing of findings from S1 classes • Nov 10 Final monitoring

  10. Numeracy? • I can work collaboratively, making appropriate use of technology, to source information presented in a range of ways, interpret what it conveys and discuss whether I believe the information to be robust, vague or misleading. MNU 3-20a

  11. Maths • When analysing information or collecting data of my own, I can use my understanding of how bias may arise and how sample size can affect precision, to ensure that the data allows for fair conclusions to be drawn. MTH 3-20b

  12. Social subjects - People in society, economy and business I can describe how the interdependence of countries affects levels of development, considering the effects on people’s lives. • SOC 3-19a

  13. Technologies -Technological developments in society From my studies of sustainable development, I can reflect on the implications and ethical issues arising from technological developments for individuals and societies. • TCH 3-02a

  14. Numeracy I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly communicating my processes and solutions. MNU 3-03a

  15. Science - Planet Earth • I can use my knowledge of the different ways in which heat is transferred between hot and cold objects and the thermal conductivity of materials to improve energy efficiency in buildings or other systems. SCN 3-04a

  16. Science - Planet Earth • By contributing to experiments and investigations, I can develop my understanding of models of matter and can apply this to changes of state and the energy involved as they occur in nature. • SCN 3-05a

  17. Benefits • Schools - transition, liaison and funding • Ecoschools committee - energy audit • Pupils - recognition of conservation efforts • Parents - financial and school contact • Community - • Staff - open ended numeracy and investigative work • Staff CfE outcomes

  18. Smart meters • Measures energy consumption for house via wireless link.

  19. Challenges • Relationship between staff and class • Logistical difficulties • Staff absence • Weather • HMIe • Not part of an established programme • Communication with home? • Clarity and simplicity of materials • Practice in class with support?

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