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Recordkeeping Review 2011 CACFP Summer Training

Recordkeeping Review 2011 CACFP Summer Training. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Elements of a Valid Claim. Reimbursement Claim Forms Guidance Memorandum #3C – Claims Submission Enrollment Data Household Size-Income Statements Household Size-Income Record

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Recordkeeping Review 2011 CACFP Summer Training

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  1. Recordkeeping Review2011 CACFP Summer Training Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

  2. Elements of a Valid Claim • Reimbursement Claim Forms • Guidance Memorandum #3C – Claims Submission • Enrollment Data • Household Size-Income Statements • Household Size-Income Record • CACFP Enrollment Policy • Participation Data • Average Daily Attendance • Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary • Point-of-Service Meal Counts • Medical Statements • Menus/Production Records

  3. Reimbursement Claim Forms Guidance Memorandum #3C - Claim Submission (Rev. 6/11) http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/centermemos.html

  4. Child Care Centers & Outside of School Hours Care Sites Reimbursement Claim Form

  5. “At Risk” After School Hours Care Sites & Emergency Shelters Reimbursement Claim Form Mail, fax or e-mail original reimbursement claim form – Refer to GM #3C


  7. Enrollment Data • Household Size-Income Record (HSIR) • Required method for recording, on a monthly basis, the number of enrolled children by eligibility category; therefore, it must be kept confidential • Captures all enrollment data for an entire fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). DO NOT create a new copy each month • If using the Excel spreadsheet version, print out & save each month as documentation for that months’ claim • Recommend using the Excel version http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/centermemos.html

  8. Household Size- Income Record (HSIR)

  9. Enrollment Data HSIR Reminders • When completing the HSIR remember to follow your CACFP Enrollment Policy, which may be different than your Center’s Enrollment Policy. • The most common CACFP Enrollment Policy is: • A child is considered enrolled for a given month if he or she has a completed and approved current enrollment form on file and is in attendance at least one time with in the given month. • Use your sign in/sign out sheets to verify attendance • Refer to Guidance Memorandum #6 –Enrollment for examples of enrollment policies.

  10. Enrollment Data HSIR Reminders • Every enrolled child must be listed on the HSIR according to your center’s enrollment policy even if they do not eat a meal • This includes infants and school-age children attending before and after-school programs • File the income statements in the same order as they appear on the HSIR

  11. Enrollment Data • Household Size-Income Statements (HSIS): • Determination of Free, Reduced, Non-needy status of enrolled children • Refer to Guidance Memorandum #1C at: http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/centermemos.html or the webcast for “Determining Household Size-Income Statements” at http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/cntwebcasts.html

  12. Enrollment Data HSIS– Information on Child • List each child’s first and last name as it appears on the attendance records and enrollment forms. • If there are siblings, you may have the parent complete one application listing all siblings’ names at the top of the form. If there are different last names, list the first and last name of each child.

  13. Enrollment Data HSIS – PART 1: Households Receiving Assistance Households with case numbers will need to complete Part 1 and Part 3. Food Stamp and W2 Cash Benefits case numbers should be 10 digits long. NOT 13 digit Quest Card Numbers. W-2 Child Care Assistance eligibility does NOT automatically qualify a household in the Free category does Not automatically indicate family receives Food Stamp benefits Eligible W-2 Cash Benefits programs are Trial Job, Community Service Job (CSJ), Caring for a Newborn (CMC) and W-2 Transition (W-2 T). FDPIR numbers are the family member’s social security number.

  14. PART 1: HOUSEHOLDS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE Households with case numbers will need to complete Part 1 and Part 3

  15. Lesley Carter 1921 E. 1st Street, Loveland, WI Lesley Carter 7/5/07 (920) 555-5555 7/16/08 RD

  16. Parent/Guardian Signature Required Parent/Guardian Signature Date Required Lesley Carter 1921 E. 1st Street, Loveland, WI HSIS’s are valid for 13 months. For example, if a statement was signed on July 5, 2011, it is valid through July 31, 2012. Lesley Carter 7/5/11 (920) 555-5555 7/16/11 RD

  17. HSIS – PART 2: Household Members & Monthly Income Households that do not receive any assistance and who did not complete Part 1 are requested to complete Part 2 All household members must be listed, including the child whose name is on the HSIS All income received in the month prior to completing the income statement must be reported Enrollment Data

  18. PART 2: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND MONTHLY INCOME Households that do not receive any assistance and who did not complete Part 1 are requested to complete Part 2

  19. John Smith 41 350/bi-weekly 100/monthly Bette Smith 38 900/monthly Angel Smith 4 7/16/11 RD $2631 $1515.50 (monthly) +$215 (monthly) +$900 (monthly) =$2630.15 (total monthly) $350 x 2.15 = $1515.50 (monthly)

  20. Household is 3 – Income is $2,631 Does not qualify as Free Does qualify as Reduced

  21. Provides a check box to indicate if no income is received by each household member.

  22. Enrollment Data • HSIS Reminders • Households that report $0 Income: • May be approved in the Free category for 45 calendar days • At the end of the 45 days, contact the household and determine if they still have $0 income. • If this is the case, the HSIS may be approved for an additional 45 days. • Make a notation on the application of the information obtained, from whom the information was received, the date and your initials. • If the household is receiving benefits or income at this time, have them complete a new HSIS with that information and attach it to the original application.

  23. Enrollment Data HSIS Reminders • A child must be claimed as Non-needy if: • No HSIS is on file, • Not signed and dated by an adult household member, • The HSIS has expired or • The family is over-income • Has not been determined • All children claimed at the free or reduced-price rate must have an approved HSIS on file

  24. Enrollment Data HSIS Reminders • Do not use white-out on forms, simply cross out and initial and date changes • Collect HSIS whenever a child enrolls and every September/October • Never remove or discard an income statement if a child leaves your center

  25. Transfer Enrollment Numbers from HSIR to Reimbursement Claim Form 12 27 5 10 I. CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM ENROLLMENT DATA

  26. Activity Break

  27. Participation Data II. PARTICIPATION DATA

  28. Participation Data Average Daily Attendance (ADA) • Use the daily attendance records, NOT meal counts • Add each day’s total to get a monthly total • Divide the monthly total by the number of days of operation that month to determine ADA • Round all fractions up to the next whole number for ADA

  29. Calculating Average Daily Attendance 20 = days your center was open and serving meals 208÷ 20 = 10.4 Round up = 11 Guidance Memorandum #9C: Recordkeeping Requirements (6/11) http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/centermemos.html

  30. Participation Data II. PARTICIPATION DATA 1 20 11

  31. Point of Service Meal Count • Your agency is reimbursed for the number of meals and snacks it serves to CACFP enrolled children each day. This is called the Meal Count. • Meal counts are recorded daily at the time of each meal or snack service, or immediately after. This is called the Point of Service Meal Count.

  32. Point of Service Meal CountsWho Will Complete? Common Eating Area • Cook • Director • Lead Teacher Eating in Classrooms • Teachers

  33. Point of Service Meal Count • Three (3) or less meals/snacks • Use Daily Participation Record and Meal Count Summary • Greater than three (3) or more meals/snacks • Use Greater Than Three Meals Record

  34. Point of Service Meal CountProcedure (3 or less meals/snacks) • Count up the total number of children provided with a complete CACFP reimbursable meal at the time of service Total = 6 Taking Meal Counts: 1 2 3 6 4 5

  35. Point of Service Meal CountProcedure (3 or less meals/snacks) Recording Meal Counts:

  36. Point of Service Meal Counts(3 or less meals/snacks) At the End of the Month

  37. Point of Service Meal CountYour Center’s Environment • Common Eating Area • Eating in Classrooms Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 2 YR OLDS Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 1 YR OLDS Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary CENTER Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 3 YR OLDS Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 4 YR OLDS

  38. Maintaining Multiple Meal Count Forms • If your agency maintains Daily Participation and Monthly Meal Count Summary forms for each classroom: • Total the columns on each individual form • All original meal count documentation must be retained on file along with the final summary records Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 1 YR OLDS Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 2 YR OLDS Totals for each meal type to be included on the claim Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 3 YR OLDS Daily Participation Record and Monthly Meal Count Summary 4 YR OLDS

  39. Participation Data 165 187 188 540

  40. Point of Service Meal Count(Greater Than 3 Meals) • When your center serves and claims for more than two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal, your center is required to complete the Greater Than 3 Meals Record form (http://www.dpi.wi.gov/fns/centermemos.html under Guidance Memorandum #9C)

  41. Point of Service Meal Counts(Greater Than 3 Meals Record) • All children enrolled/attending your center must be listed by first and last name on this form. • Each time a child is served a reimbursable meal/snack, a designated employee must check/mark off the appropriate meal/snack for the child for that day. • This is done at Point of Service.

  42. Point of Service Meal CountProcedure: (Greater Than 3 Meals) Recording Meal Counts • Mark the lunch for each child eating a reimbursable meal on the Greater Than 3 Meals Record. • LUNCH:

  43. Greater Than 3 Meals RecordAt the End of the Month • Your center must have a process in place for double checking the meal count tally totals to ensure that no child is claimed for more than two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal per day, and to assure accuracy of all meals counts that will be claimed for reimbursement.

  44. Greater Than 3 Meals RecordAt the End of the Month Before tallying the meal counts for reimbursement, you must review each child’s meal counts recorded for each day and cross off any meals/snacks that are recorded in excess of two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal per child per day.

  45. Greater Than 3 Meals RecordAt the End of the Month After you cross off any meals/snacks that are recorded in excess of two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal per child per day, total the number of meals/snacks for each day: 3 0 8 8 7 4 2 1 6 7 4 2 4 0 5 8 6 4

  46. Point of Service Meal CountYour Center’s Environment • Common Eating Area • Eating in Classrooms Greater Than 3 Meals Record 2 YR OLDS Greater Than 3 Meals Record 1 YR OLDS Greater Than 3 Meals Record CENTER Greater Than 3 Meals Record 3 YR OLDS Greater Than 3 Meals Record 4 YR OLDS

  47. Maintaining Multiple Meal Count Forms • If your agency maintains Greater Than 3 Meals Record forms for each classroom: • Total the columns on each individual form • All original meal count documentation must be retained on file along with the final summary records Greater Than 3 Meals Record 1 YR OLDS Greater Than 3 Meals Record 2 YR OLDS Totals for each meal type to be included on the claim Greater Than 3 Meals Record 3 YR OLDS Greater Than 3 Meals Record 4 YR OLDS

  48. Transfer Greater Than 3 Meal Counts to Claim Monthly Claim for Reimbursement

  49. Meal Count No-No’s • Meal counts cannot be based on computerized or manual recordkeeping systems that assume children have been served a meal based on times of attendance. This does not meet the definition of a Point of Service Meal Count.

  50. Meal Count No-No’s • Meal counts cannot be recorded based on the number of children expected to eat a meal. • Ex. If the cook is provided with the number of children she should prepare a meal for, based on attendance, this number cannot be transferred to the meal count form for each meal/snack that day. Children do unexpectedly leave and/or arrive throughout the day, get sick, decide they do not want to sit and eat a meal, etc.

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