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Member Injury: When a Bruise is on the Manhood

No guy wants to have a member injury of any sort, including a bruise on the manhood. But accidents do happen and dealing with this situation may be necessary.

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Member Injury: When a Bruise is on the Manhood

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  1. Member Injury: When a Bruise is on the Manhood By John Dugan

  2. Clearly, any kind of member injury has an impact on male organ health - and it’s something all guys want to avoid. A member injury can come in any form, but one of the more common is the bruise on the manhood. Knowing what to do when a bruise pops up on the member is essential. What is a bruise? People are used to getting a bruise on various parts of their body, but not everyone knows what a bruise actually is. www.man1health.com

  3. The physical presence of a bruise is marked by a discoloration in the skin, usually of a reddish, purplish or bluish hue. But why does it occur? Generally, it occurs because a part of the body has experienced trauma, such as bumping into a piece of furniture or getting hit in the arm. The fore of the bump or blow causes blood vessels to tear. Blood seeps out of the vessel and into the surrounding tissue, causing the discoloration. Bruises can be painful, especially in the early stages. However, bruises are not a cause of concern for inflammation. www.man1health.com

  4. Member injury There are several causes of member injury that can result in a bruised male organ. The most common is trauma to the manhood – that is, when the male organ is physically impacted in a forceful way. Getting kicked in the member, for example, is a definite trauma. Aside from the pain that it causes, if the blow breaks any blood vessels, some bruising is likely to occur. Men should be aware that there can be deep tissue damage as well as superficial bruising. A severe blow should be examined by a doctor. And men who are putting themselves in a position where member injury is likely should take protective steps (e.g., athletes should wear athletic supporters and/or cups). www.man1health.com

  5. Other causes But there are other ways to cause bruising. For example, overenthusiastic self-pleasuring can sometimes result in more than simple soreness. If a man uses a too-tight “death grip” during self-stimulation, or if he likes to self-gratify by pounding or beating the member rather than stroking it, bruising becomes more likely. In some cases, a man can cause bruising simply by self-fondling for too long a time and without sufficient lubrication; the rawness can make the skin more susceptible to bruising. Taking more care with the manhood during self-pleasuring can help decrease the risk of bruises. www.man1health.com

  6. Similarly, men who employ vacuum pumps as a means of either firming or inflating their member may sometimes experience bruising. Pumps are designed for men with tumescence dysfunction, but some men use them recreationally in order to temporarily expand the size of their manhood. If misused, the fierce suction of the pump can cause blood vessels to tear and bleed. Similarly, men who receive injections for tumescence issues may be subject to bruising. In some instances, men require surgery on their manhood, and bruising may result; however, this is relatively uncommon.

  7. Men who do acquire a bruise on the male organ may want to consult a doctor. Home treatments typically include applying a cold compress or washcloth to the area on the first day. (Do not apply ice directly to the skin.) Warmth is often applied on the second day. And oral pain relievers can usually help dull the ache.

  8. A bruise or any member injury will also heal more quickly if the member is in overall good health. Using a top drawer male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Be sure to select a crème that includes vitamin D. This is the “miracle vitamin,” which supports healthy cellular function. It also helps if the crème includes a pair of potent moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). Together, they can help hydrate the skin and keep moisture in, thereby aiding skin repair and bruise healing.

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