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Unit 1: What is Biology and How Do We Study It?

ISN page 3. Please pick up ISN page 3 and the other handout from the front table Sit down and take out two highlighters and something to write with Take out your flashcards—I’ll hand out rings in a little while Today’s date is 9/11/13 and our topic is Levels of Organization

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Unit 1: What is Biology and How Do We Study It?

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  1. ISN page 3 Please pick up ISN page 3 and the other handout from the front table Sit down and take out two highlighters and something to write with Take out your flashcards—I’ll hand out rings in a little while Today’s date is 9/11/13 and our topic is Levels of Organization Question of the Day: If you came across an object and you didn't recognize it, how could you tell if it is a living organism or not? Unit 1: What is Biology and How Do We Study It?

  2. Levels of Organization: All organisms have an organized body plan—they arenot randomly thrown together • The smallest unit of life is the __Cell______. • Cells are made up of: • __Atoms_____ which are the smallest unit matter. For example, one atom of __oxygen__ and two atoms of _hydrogen___ make up water (_H2O_).

  3. Levels of Organization: • These are bonded together to form _molecules_ and _compounds__. • Compounds are made of two or more atoms, which can be the same or different, which are __bonded___ together. A molecule is a single unit of a compound. • For example: H2O is the formula for one __molecule_ of water, and it is also a compound because it contains two different types of atoms, hydrogen and oxygen.

  4. ISN page 3 Levels of Organization: • The molecules and compounds within a cell are organized into compartments called _organelles_, each of which has a specific job to do for the cell. • Some cells, such as in __bacteria___ have almost no organelles, but many cells, such as the cells in an _animal__have many organelles.

  5. ISN page 3 Levels of Organization: • Side Brackets: • Unicellularorganisms have ONLY these levels of organization • Multicellular organisms have all of the above list plus all of these levels of organization.

  6. ISN page 3 B. Cells come together to make: • _Tissues____ a group of the same type of cells. For example, the lining of many internal surfaces in a human are made up of barriers formed from epithelial cells. • _Organs__ are structures made up of different types of tissues that all function together as a unit to accomplish some task. Example: __the Heart contracts & relaxes to pump the blood____

  7. ISN page 3 B. Cells come together to make: • __Organ Systems___________ are groups of organs that work together to maintain homeostasis ( ___a stable internal environment_______________). • Example: __the Excretory system___ removes wastes from the body. • Multiple organ systems come together to make an entire _organism__.

  8. ISN page 3 Now you will work on the activity for page 2 and I will bring you a ring for your flashcards and will check them Your homework for tonight is to finish the Levels of Organization pyramid foldable for page 2.

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