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New system of science communication based on the collaboration with a university and public astronomical observatories i

New system of science communication based on the collaboration with a university and public astronomical observatories in a regional area. Masami OKYUDO Ne twork in W akayama, E ducation of A stronomy and R esearch, Wakayama University okyudo@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp.

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New system of science communication based on the collaboration with a university and public astronomical observatories i

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  1. New system of science communication based on the collaboration with a university and public astronomical observatories in a regional area Masami OKYUDO Network in Wakayama, Education of Astronomy and Research, Wakayama University okyudo@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

  2. Astronomical group in Wakayama Pref. • Public Astronomical Observatories and Planetariums • Misato Observatory • 105-cm telescope, 3 curators, since 1995 • Kawabe Astronomical Park • 100-cm telescope, 11-m planetarium, 2 curators, since 1996 • Oishi-Kogen Astronomical Observatory • 50-cm telescope, 1 curator (part-time), since 1992 • Wakayama Science Museum • 12-m planetarium, 1 curator, since 1981 • Wakayama University • Faculty of Education • 60cm telescope, 1 professor and 1 associate professor • Faculty of Engineering • 1 associate professor • Student Center for Independent Research in the Sciences • 1 professor • We held a workshop “WAKATEN” every month in the last 10 years.

  3. Misato 1-m Oishi 0.5-m Misato 8-m Radio Kawabe 1-m Wakayama-U 0.6-m

  4. Collaboration with Misato Obs. and Wakayama Univ. • Practice for curator course at Misato Obs. • After their practices, many students continued their studies at the observatory • 5 bachelor’s theses and 5 master’s theses in the past 5 years • Joint Research and Development • Remote telescope using the Internet • Observation of minor planets, comets, etc. • 8-m radio telescope for education • Fusion of the Art and Astronomy • Music and Astronomy • Poem “TANKA” and Astronomy • Conversation between the Buddhism and the Astronomy

  5. Appearance rate in newspapers On Feb. 28, 2004 Another search using “Google” shows a similar result.

  6. Present status of public astronomical observatories and universities in Japan • Public Astronomical Observatory • Almost facilities established / managed only by “small” local governments (town or village), because they need the dark night sky. • Fiscal crisis of the local governments • Cut down their management costs and staff members • National universities • Fiscal crisis of the government • Corporatization, Privatization • Local universities attach importance to the collaboration with local governments, corporations and citizen in a regional area • Solution of the problem • The collaboration with observatories and universities

  7. Establishment of new system “NewEar” Network in Wakayama, Education of Astronomy and Research • Established at Center for Education and Research of Lifelong Learning, Wakayama University on Sept. 5, 2005 • 3 curator of Misato obs. were adopted as guest associate professors of the university. • They can subscribe for many scientific research funds like the professor of the university • The board of education, Wakayama Prefecture will join to “NewEar” after 2007.

  8. Future (2007~) • Misato Observatory will be managed by 3 organizations, Misato town, Board of education, Wakayama Pref. and Wakayama University Out reach / communication activities of Astronomy Collaboration with the school / lifelong education Board of education, Wakayama Pref. Training of science communicator Misato obs Wakayama University Misato Town R&D Education of Univ. students Tourism resource Economic effect, Vitalization of a regional area

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