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The Information Age & Digital Computers: Part 1

Explore the history of computing devices, from geometry to energy to information, and learn about the underlying paradigms of the Information Age. Discover how digital computers process information and the role of programming languages and operating systems. Understand the significance of computer networks and the impact of technology on society.

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The Information Age & Digital Computers: Part 1

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  1. Chapter 1.0 The Information Age & Digital Computers

  2. Part 1 : Computers 1.0. Information age and Digital Computers 1.1. Digital Computers : Hardware organization 1.2. Digital Computers : Operating Systems 1.3. Computer Networks 1.4. Programming Languages and Programming 1.5. History of Computing Devices Programming Concepts

  3. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  4. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  5. Initiated 3000 bc in Egypt for practical purposes Evolved into science in Middle East and Greece Considerable influence on art and architecture Many attempts to model universe by purely geometric constructs Geometry

  6. Geometry and Arab Art

  7. Geometry and Civil Engineering

  8. Initiated 3000 bc in Egypt for practical purposes Evolved into science in Middle East and Greece Considerable influence on art and architecture Many attempts to model universe by purely geometric constructs Geometry

  9. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  10. Laws of mechanics, with notions of Force and Energy discovered by Galileo, Newton et al.... Results in replacement of muscular force by machines : The industrial revolution. Industrial revolution results in social turmoil: French revolution (1789) US civil war (1865) Considerable influence on sciences Conservation laws (Mass, Energy, Movement, ....) Understanding of electrical phenomena Energy

  11. Energy : the first industrial revolution

  12. Laws of mechanics, with notions of Force and Energy discovered by Galileo, Newton et al.... Results in replacement of muscular force by machines : The industrial revolution. Industrial revolution results in social turmoil: French revolution (1789) US civil war (1865) Considerable influence on sciences Conservation laws (Mass, Energy, Movement, ....) Understanding of electrical phenomena Energy

  13. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  14. From 1837 on, energy is used to carry something even more precious: information 1837 : Electric telegraph (Samuel Morse) 1876 : Telephone Information acquires essential role in science : Uncertainty principle introduced by Heisenberg and Quantum Mechanics Discovery of role of DNA in Biology Information technology > Industrial Revolution Repetitive intellectual tasks done by machines Spectacular increases in productivity Information

  15. Information :Human voice carried by electricity

  16. From 1837 on, energy is used to carry something even more precious: information 1837 : Electric telegraph (Samuel Morse) 1876 : Telephone Information acquires essential role in science : Uncertainty principle introduced by Heisenberg and Quantum Mechanics Discovery of role of DNA in Biology Information technology > Industrial Revolution Repetitive intellectual tasks done by machines Spectacular increases in productivity Information

  17. Information :DNA : the key to modern biology

  18. From 1837 on, energy is used to carry something even more precious: information 1837 : Electric telegraph (Samuel Morse) 1876 : Telephone Information acquires essential role in science : Uncertainty principle introduced by Heisenberg and Quantum Mechanics Discovery of role of DNA in Biology Information technology > Industrial Revolution Repetitive intellectual tasks done by machines Spectacular increases in productivity Information

  19. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  20. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

  21. 6:12:08 Digital Techniques(Information encoded as digits) Analog Digital

  22. Representation of numbers in electronic devices ? Binary numbers (base 2) are used. A binary digit (bit) can be represented by a switch: Value 0 : switch open Value 1 : switch closed A number with n bits can take 2 n different values 2 bits : 4 combinations 00 01 10 11 3 bits : 8 combinations 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 8 bits (= 1 byte) 256 combinations 16 bits: 65 536 combinations 24 bits: 16 777 216 combinations 32 bits: 4 294 967 296 combinations Digital Techniques

  23. Sound: 44100 samples per second for CD’s Images: Bit maps: regular raster of points. Geometric patterns. Texts: each character encoded by a number Numbers: integers and floating point numbers Digital Data RepresentationsInformation is encoded by numbers

  24. Music Records Analog Digital

  25. Music Records -096 +057 +164 +210 +219 +216 +165 -003 -117 -183 -138 -067 Digital (CD) (44100 measurements/s) Analog

  26. Records with a scratch -096 +057 +164 +210 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX -117 -183 -138 -067 +210 +145 +079 +014 -052 -117 Analog Digital (CD)

  27. Sound: 44100 samples per second for CD’s Images: Bit maps: regular raster of points. Geometric patterns . Texts: each character encoded by a number Numbers: integers and floating point numbers Digital Data RepresentationsInformation is encoded by numbers

  28. Bit Maps (.bmp files in DOS) Luminosity and color of each point of a regular raster is encoded Very versatile but requires a lot of memory. Geometric coding : Straight lines between two points circle with given center, radius, color and intensity Very efficient for computer generated images Geometric coding > bit maps : OK Bit maps > Geometric coding : Very Difficult: jpeg, mpeg, ... Graphical encoding

  29. A bit map Size = 10 MBytes

  30. An other bit map Size = 10 MBytes

  31. Bit Maps (.bmp files in DOS) Luminosity and color of each point of a regular raster is encoded Very versatile but requires a lot of memory. Geometric coding : Straight lines between two points circle with given center, radius, color and intensity Very efficient for computer generated images Geometric coding > bit maps : OK Bit maps > Geometric coding : Very Difficult, jpeg, mpeg, ... Graphical encoding

  32. A geometric construct Size = 13 KBytes

  33. Bit Maps (.bmp files in DOS) Luminosity and color of each point of a regular raster is encoded Very versatile but requires a lot of memory. Geometric coding : Straight lines between two points circle with given center, radius, color and intensity Very efficient for computer generated images Geometric coding > bit maps : OK Bit maps > Geometric coding : Very Difficult : jpeg, mpeg, Graphical encoding

  34. Sound: 44100 samples per second for CD’s Images: Bit maps: regular raster of points. Geometric patterns. Texts: each character encoded by a number Numbers: integers and floating point numbers Digital Data RepresentationsInformation is encoded by numbers

  35. 032 048 0 064 080 P 096 ` 112 p 128 Ç 144 É 160 á @ 033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q 129 ü 145 æ 161 í 034 “ 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r 130 é 146 Æ 162 ó 035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s 131 â 147 ô 163 ú 036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t 132 ä 148 ö 164 ñ 037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u 133 à 149 ò 165 Ñ 038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v 134 å 150 û 166 ª 038 ‘ 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w 135 ç 151 ù 167 º 040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x 136 ê 152 ÿ 168 ¿ 041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y 137 ë 153 Ö 169 _ 042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z 138 è 154 Ü 170 ¬ 043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 { 139 ï 155 ¢ 171 ½ 044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 | 140 î 156 £ 172 ¼ 045 - 061 = 077 093 ] 109 m 125 } 141 ì 157 ¥ 173 ¡ M 046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~ 142 Ä 158 P 174 « 047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o 127  143 Å 159 ƒ 175 » Extended ASCII Character Set (8 bit)

  36. Texts on PC's This is a text demo Aaé

  37. Sound: 44100 samples per second for CD’s Images: Bit maps: regular raster of points. Geometric patterns. Texts: each character encoded by a number Numbers: integers and floating point numbers Digital Data RepresentationsInformation is encoded by numbers

  38. Binary : BCD : ASCII : 0 <= x <= 0 <= x <= 0 <= x <= 4 294 967 296 100 000 000 10 000 Numbers ASCII Characters : 8 bit / digit. BCD Characters : 4 bit / digit. Binary numbers : 2 n values Example: In a 32 bit word:

  39. 3 parts: Sign, Mantissa, Exponent S E R = (-1) . M . base base = predefined constant (2 or 16) Floating Point Numbers • majority of computer systems : IEEE754. • Single precision (32 bit) “float” • Smallest value : 10-38 • Largest value : 10+38 • Relative error : < 3 10-8

  40. The Information Age Underlying paradigms 3000 bc - 1750 : Geometry 1750 - 1950 : Energy 1850 - now : Information Digital Computers : Programmable devices to process information Digital : information encoded by digits Programmable : Universal hardware Specific capabilities defined by Software Summary

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